My V3 log


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I just got another V3, and here is his log.

I ripped open the package, not knowing what adventures with this tama lay ahead. I stared at the tab a moment, then puled it. An egg appeared, and I imeddiatly set the time, date, and my birthday. I saw teh egg bounce on the screen, At first, I thought, "Ok, this is gonna be hard...." because, well, you know; taking care of baby tamas aren't the easiest things. A minute or so later, the egg swirved back and forth and finally broke. Out popped a cute baby boy! I at once felt a chill down my spine. I hadn't thought of a boy name. I thought and thought....and I ended up with the name Jam! Hre's how:


Jack? Nooo

Jelly? Uh...perhaps....

Jam? I don't like jam, but the name will do.

I named the little tama, and I finally noticed the droopy hearts. I fed him four times, and played two games; filling up his weight so he wasn't super skinny. As I'm typing, I'm having him on pause. I don't havbe the time to care for him at this present time as I'm writing and get the picture. I have not yet connected him with any of my other tamagotchis, as the time is kinda late and all my tamagotchis are sleeping. When Jam turns into a toddler I'm going to cheat a little, setting the time back a couple hours so he can stay up with me. I wonder what adult he'll become....I'm trying my hardest to get a good type.

Jam's Status;

Hunger: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 0

Age: 0

Weight: 11LB

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 210p

Sorry I haven't updated sooner. I went to bed last night, directly after Jam changed.

If your wondering, he changed into this toddler.

Tonight two of my tamagotchis will be coming with me too my cousins sleepover tonight. Actually, maybe only one...the rest will have to stay on pause. I don't want to delay Jam's changing times, so it's better off to leave him unpaused for most of the time. But, if he did come with me to her sleepover, he'd be on pause for most of the party. At least thats better then being on pause for two days!

I have to study for my Science Test soon (nooooooo) but as long as Jam is near, I think I'll manage the studying. For sone odd reason, Jam has brightened my life a litle since yesterday. I woke up knowing he was there, and that I had somebody to care for. I call my tamagotchis my "tamagotchi family" because that's what they are. It's something only tamagotchi caretakers would understand.

Here is Jam's status:

Hunger: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 1

Age: 0

Weight: 18LB

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Points: 535p

Well, I only have five minutes left on the computer so I might as well make teh best of it. I'll try and post later, thoguh I'm gonna be very busy. See ya!

Yep, it's offcial; Jam is coming to my cousins b-day party with me. But it's gonna be hard to play with him. I wish I brought my tamagotchi to her party last year, when they were popular and everybody brung one. I bet I'll be the only one who brings a tama this year. <.<

I just got out of the shower, so I put all my tamagotchis on pause. If I'm going to try and get a good charcter for Jam, he'll have to be paused when I can't take care of him. He's off pause right now. His best friend is Zap, my other tamagotchi who's an adult.


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