My V2 Log


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Belchertown, Massachusetts, USA
Here I sit with my yellow/pink with butterflies Tamagotchi Connection V2 in my room. I have a :huh: named Haley. She pretty much isn't needing anything right now. So I'm gonna see what's in the shop. Sunglasses, cupcake, parfait, plant. I bought the plant because I could get Gotchi Points! It turns out to grow into a mad, evil face! No way. I also found out I got the cape somehow. So I'll use it. He's [SIZE=21pt]Super Pochitchi[/SIZE] now! The cape can be used as often as possible. And now I'm deciding to play Slots and bet 5 points. Triangle, X, Circle. Yay, I got 50 points.

Here's basically how Haley grew:

HALEY--Shiropuchitchi (girl) > Marutchi > UFOtchi > Pochitchi

My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I hope I get a Nintendo DS and the TamaTown game!! :D Let's check his stats: Full hungry hearts, 3 happy hearts full, 4/9 training, 5 yrs, 72 lbs, girl, 1st generation, 295 Gotchi Points. Seeing as the stats say 1 happy heart is empty, I'll give her a snack before all the hearts are empty. A candied apple it is.

Any comments or suggestions reagrding this 1st yet short log are welcome. I will post another log on Sunday, then one on Christmas eve, then one on Christmas, etc.

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Here I sit with my yellow/pink with butterflies Tamagotchi Connection V2 in my room. I have a :gozarutchi: named Haley. She pretty much isn't needing anything right now. So I'm gonna see what's in the shop. Sunglasses, cupcake, parfait, plant. I bought the plant because I could get Gotchi Points! It turns out to grow into a mad, evil face! No way. I also found out I got the cape somehow. So I'll use it. He's [SIZE=21pt]Super Pochitchi[/SIZE] now! The cape can be used as often as possible. And now I'm deciding to play Slots and bet 5 points. Triangle, X, Circle. Yay, I got 50 points.
Here's basically how Haley grew:

HALEY--Shiropuchitchi (girl) > Marutchi > UFOtchi > Pochitchi

My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I hope I get a Nintendo DS and the TamaTown game!! :ph34r: Let's check his stats: Full hungry hearts, 3 happy hearts full, 4/9 training, 5 yrs, 72 lbs, girl, 1st generation, 295 Gotchi Points. Seeing as the stats say 1 happy heart is empty, I'll give her a snack before all the hearts are empty. A candied apple it is.

Any comments or suggestions reagrding this 1st yet short log are welcome. I will post another log on Sunday, then again on X-Mas eve, then one on Christmas, then New Year's Eve, etc.
Sequel log:


Oh boy, only a week away from Christmas!! While listening to Zombie by the Cranberries, I am pondering about the fact if Santa Claus exists or not. Oops, I guess I should be talking about Tamagotchis, eh?

Here I am with the same Tama, I have only that one working, another V2 and another V1, both with dead batteries. So I decide to play slots and bet 5 points. Circle, X, X. 40 points earned, so I now have 630 points. What's in the shop I might ask? Ball, teacup, beef bowl, and a lollipop. Nothing I'm too interested in. How about using the cape? OK. [SIZE=21pt]Super Pochitchi, Super Pochitchi![/SIZE] Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum dum! Dum dum dum dum.

Hmm, let's check stats. Full hearts, 4/9 training, 6 yrs, 57 lbs., girl, gen 1, 630 GP.

Sequel log:

Oh boy, only a week away from Christmas!! While listening to Zombie by the Cranberries, I am pondering about the fact if Santa Claus exists or not.  Oops, I guess I should be talking about Tamagotchis, eh?

Here I am with the same Tama, I have only that one working, another V2 and another V1, both with dead batteries. So I decide to play slots and bet 5 points. Circle, X, X. 40 points earned, so I now have 630 points. What's in the shop I might ask? Ball, teacup, beef bowl, and a lollipop. Nothing I'm too interested in. How about using the cape? OK. [SIZE=21pt]Super Pochitchi, Super Pochitchi![/SIZE] Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum dum! Dum dum dum dum.

Hmm, let's check stats. Full hearts, 4/9 training, 6 yrs, 57 lbs., girl, gen 1, 630 GP.
INstead of posting on every weekend day, I'm deciding to post every day I can. This will be tomorrow, Christmas weekend, all next week, New Year's weekend, etc.

So here's what I've got!

*sniffle* *sniffle* Haley left on Dec. 19th, 2005. GOODBYE HALEY! Right now to replace her I have a boy ;) named Joey. *feeds Joey a meal* Right now it has 1200 GP.

Santa Clause DOES EXIST!! My friend sent a letter to Santa and got a letter back with a return address:

Santa Clause

1 Candy Cane Lane

North Pole

Wow, short log.

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