My V2 and V4 log!


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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2006
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Long Island,New York
June 22, 2007

Hello and welcome to my log!

I have 1 V2 Tamagotchi and 2 V4 Tamagotchi.

My V2 is a US and Canada V2. The design is Yellow with Butterflies. His name is Mame, which is short for Mametchi.

My first V4 is a US and Canada V4. The design is Lavender Flowers. His name is CEC!!,which is short for Chuck E Cheese.

My second V4 is an Australia and Asia V4. The design is Pink with Kuchipatchi. (I got it from for my birthday,because I live in New York,one of the states in they United States, and they don't have the Australia V4 and other international tamagotchi here.) His name is PTT, which is short for Chuck E Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre.

Today was the last day of school. I had to go for 1 hour,and I left at 10:15 AM. Anyway, back to Tamagotchi News!

Before I went to Friendly's for lunch today, I heard the evolving sound. Who was it? Chuck E Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre or Chuck E Cheese? Chuck E Cheese the Mohimatchi turned into a Hinomatchi. CEC got regular mail. He got a heart in the mail and he was happy!He got a fortune cookie that said:

Games: 3 stars (You are great at games!)

Connection: 2 stars (You are good friends!)

Heath: 2 stars ( You are good at caring for you Tamagotchi!)

PTT got a Fortune Cookie that said:

Games: 1 star (You are not so good at the games!)

Connection: 2 stars (You are good friends!)

Heath: 2 stars ( You are good at caring for you Tamagotchi!)

Here are the stats:


Character: Nikatchi (the shark)

Hungry: <_< 2 hearts full

Happy: :gozarutchi: 1 heart full

Training: :ichigotchi: 2 bars full

1 years old

62 pounds

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1


Character: Mizumatchi (the raindrop)

Hungry: :mimitchi: 5 hearts full

Happy: :mimitchi: 5 heart full

Skill Points

Mame/pencil: 41

Meme/sparkle: 66


Training: :puroperatchi: 5 bars full

0 years old

20 pounds

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1


Character: Hinomatchi (the fireball with a Kuchipatchi mouth)

Hungry: :mimitchi: 5 hearts full

Happy: :mimitchi: 5 heart full

Skill Points

Mame/pencil: 82 (Horray!)

Meme/sparkle: 166 (Horray!)

Kuchi/flower:78 (Horray!)

Training: :mametchi: 9 bars full

1 years old

19 pounds

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

CEC!! got 1100 gotchi points from the king in the mail!

I'll BRB,I have to go on Tamagotchi Town with Hinomatchi. I will tell you about the day on when I come back!

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Horray! It's my 333rd post!

I had a lot of fun on Tamagotchi Town!

So I reset Mame,my V2 Tamagotchi and Lily,my V3 Tamagotchi,and I did not give the poor babies a name! Poor babies! I was going to name my V2 Fluff and MY V3 Puff!

Good news! I found my Tamagotchi named Stitch. He is named after Stitch from the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch!

I will tell you more after dinner!

Fluff turned into a................Marutchi! And Puff turned into a............Tamatchi!

Today I put white out on the Tamagotchi Connection logo and drew a picture of Mametchi and Mimitchi with the words TMGC.

Today I watched PBS Kids with my Tamagotchis!

Tommorow I will watch PBS Kids with my Tamagotchi.

Fluff turned into a................Marutchi! And Puff turned into a............Tamatchi!Today I put white out on the Tamagotchi Connection logo and drew a picture of Mametchi and Mimitchi with the words TMGC.

Today I watched PBS Kids with my Tamagotchis!

Tommorow I will watch PBS Kids with my Tamagotchi.
I haven't posted lately,but my sister,Toonygirl, has an alphabet Tamagotchi. Her name is A. Her V4 ,Mizi,went back to her home planet. I don't know what adult character it was, but Toonygirl reset it.

A evolved into a................Putchi! She is the toddler who thinks that there's always someone looking at her. She looks like a panda bear with no arms.

But I know that CEC will either be a Androtchi, ( also known as Robotchi), a Togetchi or a Tarakotchi! :D I had never had a Tarakotchi on my V4! The first adult on my V4 was a Pyonkotchi! She was cute! My Pyonkotchi is now Stitch the Mohimatchi!

CEC has many Meme points. In second place is Mame points,and in third place it is Kuchi points!


I don't have the TMGC Mametchi/Mimitchi Picture on my V4 anymore. I removed it.

Wahoo! What a busy day! I am going to watch PBS Kids Tommorow with my Tamagotchi!

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But this is a log!

Today I went to Toys R Us in Times Square and saw all of the Tamagotchi coustume characters! I also took a picture with all of them! The free gift was Tamagotchi skin stickers! I got a lot of them! These are Tego Tamagotchi Skin! They have a code on the back,so you could enter it on the Tamagotchi page on Tego!

Not only did I get those, I also found................


Sorry for the spam!

I got a baby girl. Her name is Tama,short for Tamagotchi!

She is now a Kuchimatchi!My sister Toonygirl,has a Pink Lava Lamp V4.5! She got a baby boy. She named it Ura. Ura is also a Kuchimatchi!

PTT is now a Gourmetchi!

Kuchimatchi looks funny when he falls in Climb!

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At 7:39 PM, Tamagotchi,my V4.5, made a poop! I cleaned up her poop!

My V4.5's hearts are full. She has 2 bars full on her training bar!

She has:

41 Mame points

26 Meme points

32 Kuchi points


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Today,Tamagotchi,my V4.5 Tamagotchi evolved into Young UraYattatchi!

My sister,Toonygirl's Tamagotchi V4.5 named Ura,evolved into a Daiyatchi!

Daiyatchi's description:

Daiyatchi is very proud of his

sparkling body. He diligently

polishes himself everyday

without allowing a speck of

dust on him. Though he has a

hard shell, he is all soft inside.

Young UraYattatchi's Description:

This younger Tama adores

Ura Yattatchi; whenever they

hold hands, she'll refuse to

wash them!

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Guess what? Today Chuck E Cheese evolved into a.........






I love Togetchi!

He's cute!

Sorry for the spam!

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Three months ago, my Young Ura Yattachi envolved into a..........

URA YATTACHI! He is so cute! He jumps when he does his close up!

Sorry for the spam.

Then she had a baby with Chuck E Cheese.

They both had baby boys.

I resetted CEC.

It's now a girl named Princess Presto (Pesto on my tama).

At 12:05 PM,Tamagotchi (my urayattachi)'s baby did a poo!

I cleaned it up and then Tamagotchi was happy and so was her baby.

Tamagotchi's stats are now:




Happy: 5


5 years old

98 pounds

Gotchi Points:5,557

My sister's V4.5,Ura,evolved into one of her favorite characters:


He traveled to to France and New York!

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I reseted my Yellow Mood V4.5 tamagotchi,and my sister reseted her Pink Lava Lamp tamagotchi V4.5 a few days ago.

Mine was a boy like my UraYattatchi's baby named MLP (short for My Little Pony),and my sister's tamagotchi was a girl named Weed.

They evolved into Tamatchis! And mine went to preschool!

Today a lot of things happened!

I entered the Tamagotchi contest online.

At 1:00 PM,we both go fourtune cookies!

My mail read:

Gotchi Points: 3 stars

Connection: 2 stars

Health: 2 stars

My sister's mail read

Points: 2 stars

Connection: 2 stars

At 1:09 PM, my sister got a letter from Nanny! Nanny welcomed her into Preschool.

At 1:15 PM,My Little Pony did a poop! I cleaned it up!

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Yesterday,My Little Pony (my V4.5) turned into a Daiyatchi!

Daiyatchi's description:

Daiyatchi is very proud of his

sparkling body. He diligently

polishes himself everyday

without allowing a speck of

dust on him. Though he has a

hard shell, he is all soft inside.

He has the most Mame points. He will either be a Celebtchi or a UraMametchi (Horray!)

Celebtchi's Description:

Celebtchi is always wearing a

mask. He thinks of herself as

a fashion leader of the Ura

Tamagotchi world.

UraMametchi's Description:

Ura Mametchi is a very funny

character who loves to make

people laugh. But, sometimes

he tries too hard and misses.

My sister's Tamagotchi,Weed,is still a Tamatchi!

I am so excited for Thanksgiving! I can't wait to see the turkey animation! (Probally not because mine is a teen!)

I resetted my V2 and it is now a girl named PBS.

This morning,she evolved into a Hitodetchi!

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Yesterday,My Little Pony,my V4.5 evolved into......

Celebtchi! (also known as UraMaskchi)! I love him! He is cute when he does his close up!

Celebtchi's Description:

Celebtchi is always wearing a

mask. He thinks of herself as

a fashion leader of the Ura

Tamagotchi world.

And,if you watch his close-up carefully,he is wearing a collar! LOL!

Celebtchi is a girl! How funny! Her collar is a necklace! LOL!

I got a Transparent Swirl V4.5 Tamagotchi for Christmas Eve. I named it Furby. It is a girl. She is now a ^_^ Hitodetchi!

I also got the PC Pack with the V4.5 earth Tamagotchi for Chirstmas. It is a boy named Beer,named after one of my favorite songs,The Beer Song! He is now a Babytchi. I also got a Yellow Stripes Tamagotchi Mini for Chirstmas. He is now a :) Kuchipatchi! I love Kuchipatchi! He is on the back of the card where it says "Collect all the Tamagotchi Mini designs!" and Kuchipatchi is on the screen of each one! My Kuchipatchi looks like he's p***ed!

(Sorry for the curse word!)

At 8:01 PM,Kuchipatchi,my Mini Tamagotchi,did a poop and I cleaned it up!

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On January 5,2008,My Little Pony had a baby with my debugged V3,a Memetchi! Memetchi had baby girls!

My sister is babysitting her! Her baby's name is Meme!

I am now babysiting my sister's V4.5 she got for Chrsitmas eve. It is a boy babytchi named Pony.

Beer evolved into the Turkey from UraTama!

Furby is still a Hidetchi.

On January 6,Hasbro,my V4 evolved into the Tamatchi with a mowhawk from Osu and Mesu! He is going to evolve into one of my favorite adult characters!

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On January 5,2008,My Little Pony had a baby with my debugged V3,a Memetchi! Memetchi had baby girls!My sister is babysitting her! Her baby's name is Meme!

I am now babysiting my sister's V4.5 she got for Chrsitmas eve. It is a boy babytchi named Pony.

Beer evolved into the Turkey from UraTama!

Furby is still a Hidetchi.

On January 6,Hasbro,my V4 evolved into the Tamatchi with a mowhawk from Osu and Mesu! He is going to evolve into one of my favorite adult characters!
Pony evolved into a.........Kurbotchi! And Furby eveolved into a.......Young UraMarotchi!

Guess what?

Beer evolved into a....Celebtchi! And Furby evolved into a......Horoyotchi!

I love Horoyotchi and Celebitchi!

Horoyotchi holds a drink,LOL!

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I have a...Mametchi on my Tamagotchi Mini after my Masktchi went back home! This is her baby: :rolleyes: Mametchi.

I finally got one of my favorite characters,Mametchi,said above,on my Tamagotchi Mini! Horray! :rolleyes: :) ;)

Bad news! My Tamagotchi,Hasbro,died!

And Furby's baby on my Tamagotchi V4.5,Quack also died as what her parent was,Horotchi!

But I have a boy Quack on my V4.5 now.

And he has a weird glitch! He still has his parent!

Good news! I will talk about my Famlitchi/V5s on my log,my Red Ruby one and my Love My Family one!

It will start next Monday,with my Red Ruby V5!

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Today I got a Tamagotchi V5! It is the Cotton Candy design!

I have 2 boys and 1 girl.

My family name: The Love Family


Cutie Belle (Girl,Belltchi,first family member)

Mametchi (Boy,Mousetchi,Main Character of my family,in middle of screen)

Pretty Belle (Boy,Mattaritchi,third family member)

I am going on V5 Tamagotchi Town! I will see you later and talk about my trip to the V5 Tamagotchi Town!

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My V5 Famlitchi evolved during the commerical for Vitamin Water with the ponies in it that showed during the Super Bowl!

They are three of my favorite Tamagotchi characters:

Mametchi (main character of my family,boy) is now a Mamekatchi!

Pretty Belle (third family member,boy) is now a Bakotchi!

And my first family member,Cutie Belle,who is a girl,evolved into a.........................................

[SIZE=27pt]CHAMAMETCHI! The star of the new Tamagotchi Movie![/SIZE]

Sorry for the spam.


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