My V1 & V2 & V3 Tama Log!


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user 33045

Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hi to all that are going to read my tamagotchi log!


My V1 tama is 7 years old with no baby yet, its weight is 99g and is a female. Her name is Polly and on 2nd generation. Her training is 6 out of 9! She is a Gozarutchi.


My V2 tama is 5 years old with no baby yet either, its weight is 99LB and is a female. Her name is Lilly and on 3rd generation. Her training is 6 out of 9! She is a Masketchi. She has 177points.


My V3 tama is 7 years old with a female baby, its weight is 90LB and is female. Her name is Hayle and on 1st generation. Her training is 6 out of 9! She is a Kurokotchi. She has 307points and her username is Bella.


Okie so what if I'm a bad tamagotchi mum. :D :kusatchi:

Ahhh well they are all girls and with the new babies that I will have, I'm going to pause them and look after them the best!


I will also reply when I get on the computer, which I won't be doing much. :(

Okies cyas all next time I reply with an update.

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Okies, today nothing happened besides it being the last day of school so now I can look after my tamas THE BEST!!! YAY!!! I'm hoping for that Mametchi that I've only had once!

Well right now Hayle and Lilly are watching T.V (Hayle is still with her baby which I will name ***** I'm not going to tell you yet)! Well their all full and happy. I think mummy is going to leave baby tonight and the matchmaker will come for my other two tonight or tomorrow! Im happy! :chohimetchi:

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Hi all!

My V1 and V2 JUST GOT BABIES from the matchmaker! YAY!!!

My V1 got a girl so that makes 2 baby girls and 3 adult girls.

And guess what my V2 got!!!

































So that makes:


Adult: Girl

Baby: Girl


Adult: Girl

Baby: Boy


Adult: Girl

Baby: Boy

YAAAY!!! I'm so happy.

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Ok everyone, this may seem a little stupid of me to do but... I reseted all of my tamagotchis. But I wanted a fresh new start for them all. Ok i've set the date and time, now I have to wait for them to hatch and I'll look really well after them and try to make them a Mametchi! PM me please and tell me if I did the right thing.

OMG their all girls! Why am I so unlucky???


V1 stats:

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: None yet

Years old: 0

Grams: 6

Name: Pinky

Style: Girl

Gene: 1


V2 stats:

Hungry: ****

Happy: *

Training: None yet

Years old: 0

LB: 6

Name: Ellie

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 50


V3 stats:

Hungry: ***


Training: None yet

Years old: 0

LB: 6

Name: Nacho

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 70

Username: Bella

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They are sleeping now after about a few minutes of caring and exercising and eating and pooping...

Last night my tamas grew up into:

V1: Marutchi

V2: Marutchi

V3: Tamatchi


Yea and tonight they are supposed to be growing up into teens, I can't wait!

My tamagotchis grew up at 7:20 am this morning (I didn't put them on silent) and they were right next to my ears and I woke up straight away and this is what they grew up into:


V1: Ichigotchi

V2: UFOtchi

V3: Patopapatchi


So please PM me and tell me what you think they might grow up into.

I hope you say they might grow up into Mametchis! Oh well.. :huh:

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This is their currant stats:


Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training {||||| }

Age 4yr

Weight 20g (Proper weight)

Name Pinky

Style Girl

Generation 1

Type Ichigotchi


Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training {||||| }

Age 1yr

Weight 21LB (1LB overweight)

Name Ellie

Gender Girl

Generation 1

Points 451

Type UFOtchi


Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training {|||||| }

Age 1yr

Weight 20LB (Proper weight)

Name Nacho

Gender Girl

Generation 1

Points 880

Username Bella

Type Patopapatchi

Their all good so far.

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My V1 and V2 just needed attention so thats one more training points to those two.

When my V1 tama had a bath I decided to have a shower! :D

Now *right now* my V2 and V3 are having their bath. So funny. :D

They are do cute when they do that. :huh: Well two days till they grow up!!!

I've decided trying to look after 3 tama very well is too hard for me.

Go here and vote which one I should keep on using. Please. :huh:

Today when I was connecting my V1 and V2 they were all happy about giving each other presents and playing games against each other, and I figured out that they are best friends. When I connected my V1 with my V3 and my V2 with my V3, my V3 was mean to them and gave them poop and sickness as pressents. :mellow: so sad.

About 3 minutes ago I was in my sisters room then I heard my V1 beep then my V2 beep then my V3 beep :mellow: in order. It's so funny when they do that! Well anyways they had to all be punished! NOW THEY ALL HAVE FULL TRAINING!!!

So here's their stats:


Type: Ichigotchi

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: FULL! {|||||||||}

Age: 5 years old

Weight: 20g

Name: Pinky

Style: Girl

Generation: 1


Type: UFOtchi

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: FULL! {|||||||||}

Age: 2 years old

Weight: 20lb


Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 268


Type: Patopapatchi

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: FULL! {|||||||||}

Age: 2 years old

Weight: 20lb

Name: Nacho

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Points: 1951

Username: Bella

Looks like they'll be good characters! Hopefully growing up tomorrow! :huh:

Hey all I have funny news,

Today we turned my sisters V2 tama on, and guess what! We forgot to fix the time up!

Just a minute ago my sister came into my room with her V2 that we started today and downloaded, well anyway she asked me "What is it doing?" and I looked and there was an easter bunny pushing an easter egg across the screen, it was cute but I fixed the time up. I guess thats what we forgot; the time!

Well today I was hopeing that my tamagotchis would grow up, but they didn't! I found out that they actually grow up at 5-7 years old on V1's (cause they age every day) and 3-5 on V2's and V3's! Well they should grow up around 7:40am tomorrow cause thats the same time they grew up into teens a couples of days ago. Is this right * they grow up at the exactly same time into adult as they did into teens but a few days later? *

My tamagotchis evolved!!!

YAAAY! Ok so they evolved at 9am and this is the order they evolved in and what into...

V3: Mametchi (so cute cause it's re-drawn!)

V2: Furawatchi (Ok I really wanted them all to be Mametchis but this is just to cute to refuse)

V1: Mametchi (the second time i've had this on my V1!

My tamas are the BEST!!!

My V3 Mametchi is so cute when she has a bath and brushes her teeth.

But it's even cuter when she comes up close to the screen. This also goes with my V1 Mametchi and V2 furawatchi.
