My v1 log!


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
My house ;)
I'm going to make a v1 log. I know I used to do it in the topic called 'My V3 log!' but then I decided to make a topic about my v1.

So get ready because my v1 is coming your way!

My v1 is a Masktchi. This is her current growth:

Babyitchi(girl) -----> Marutchi -----> Hinotamatchi -----> Masktchi

I always get Masktchis! But I'm determined to get her to second generation atleast!

Edit: You are allowed to post nice comments!! NOT questions!

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Kimi beeped and I fed her... probably good for her account of things. Also, she has just started a diary!

Dear diary,

As you all know, I am Kimi the Masktchi( :furawatchi: ). Today I turned into my adult form! Also, I met a Tamagotchi Mini who is a Noyorotchi. As you all know, minis don't have infra-red lights. So my owner set my case upward and I looked out at it through my window. The pixels are huge and minis can only be fed. What a drag! ;-) Oh well, maybe I will have a friend Noyorotchi someday...


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