My V-Pet Log


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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
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Today my mom bought me a Digital Yellow v4 to add to my collection. My mom is waiting for the v4.5 to come out so she can buy me at least 2 of them. I will post back when I get all of the tamas together. This is just for v.3. I have 6 v3's and 11 v4's.

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Okay; I'm back! That took me a while.Just so you guys know, feel free to post or PM me with any comments or questions.

Tama No. 1

Dark blue with Yellow Stars v3:

My Cousin is Baby-sitting. :(

Tama No. 2

Black with Japanese Writing v3:

Lost. Will find when I move in a week :p .

Tama No.3

Blue with Butterflies v3:

Name: Jamie

Hungry: ****

Hungry: *

Training: (|||||||| )

Age: 3 yrs.

Weight: 21 lbs.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 1070 pts.

I just played Bump to fix the weight problem after the snacks. First got 80 pts. Second got 5 pts. Third got 5 pts. Fourth got 80 pts. It's alright. She is a Young Mametchi and teen. That's about all for her. Wait she wants to talk.For further reference when a tama talks (Haha Get it?) It will be in red. When I talk it will be in Purple.

"Hi! My name is Jaime and I am a Young Mametchi.

Are You Glad You're a teenager?

Yeah! It is WAY more fun than being a toddler or a baby.

Those time were hard; you needed constant attention, always was crying, kept going to the bathroom, and beeped every 5 minutes.

I'm sorry.

It's okay. All babies are like that!

Well bye! TTTYL (Tama-Talk To You Later)

Isn't she adorable? I'll post back with Ryan's Stats next.

Pink with Cherrries:

Name: Ryan

Hungry: **

Happy: ***

Training: (|||| )

Age: 2 yrs.

Weight: 22 lbs.

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2nd

Points: 2446 pts.

I just fed him but am gonna wait to fix his weight. He wants to talk to you:

"Hi I am Ryan. I am a Young Mimitchi teen. I am in love with Jaime who is a Young Mametchi. When we are both Adults; we are going to get married and have Gotchi-Babies! Bye for now"

Red with Yellow and Blue Stars v3

Name: Cassy

Happy: **

Happy: ***

Training: (||| )

Age: 0 yr.

Weight: 17 lbs.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4th

Points: 7753 pts.

She is an adorable Tamatchi toddler who should evolve today. He just got done bouncing and rolling around. Her best friend is named Beth who is also a Tamatchi toddler. I just fed her and took heer to the bathroom. I will help her lose weight later after I finish posting the rest of the stats.

She says: "Bye-Bye!!!!!"

Okay..... My last set of stats for today on my v3 log.

Yellow with Pink Polka Dots v3

Name: Beth


Happpy *

trainning: (|| )

Age: 0 yrs.

Weight: 12 lbs.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2nd

Points:257 pts.

Spoiled a bit?
Hmmmmmmmm....... I guess you could say that. Thank you for being rude and posting rude comments in my log.

Well anway for my tamas:

Blue with Butterflies:

Today Jaime evolved in to a..........


I looked down at it at 4:30 P.M. and I heard the evolving noise and I saw the adorable little girl!

Pink with Cherries:

Yesterday, Ryan died :( :) . I restarted him and had a Shiroteletchi and it evolved into a Mohitamatchi. Her name is Fran.

Red with Yellow Explosions and Blue Stars:

Yesterday, Cassy evolved into a Hashizoutchi. Yay! :D :D

Yellow with Pink Polka Dots:

Beth evolved early this morning into an adorable Hinotamatchi. I caught her singing right before she went to sleep.

Well it is time for me to go to bed, so I will continue this log and start one for my V4's tomorrow.

Bye, Bye!

-- Tamagirl9406 --

Today my little Jaime turned 4. Nothing much happened with. oh, I have been playing Bump with her to help her lose 12 pounds. I just bought her a bow and she looks adorable with it on.

As you guys know, Ryan died yesterday and now I have Fran. She is still a Mohitamatchi as I have had her on pause for a while. I bought her a T.V. this morning but I'm going to give it to Jaime since she is an adult. I am now saving up to buyher a ticket.

Well Cassie is still a Hashizoutchi. I just bought her an umbrella and can't wait for her to be an adult so she can use it!

This morning I slept until noon and my little Beth had died -_- . I restarted her and now I have a Tamatchi. She just changed when I started this post! :mellow:

I am going to find out what ther favorite foods are. I will post back once I find what they are.

Jaime's likes Melon but dislikes Sausage

Both Fran and Beth like Pineapple but dislike Fries

Cassy likes Donut but dislikes Energy Drink

I will post back when something important happens.

Nothing has happened with Jaime today.

OMG! Fran is missing all happy/hungry hearts and has a headache.

Cassy just bought a chest and used and got a boombox :wacko: !!!!!!!

The same thing that happened to Fran happened to Beth. At least I got that stuff taken care of.

OMFG!!!!!!! Fran just evolved into a ....................




.............a Patapatchi! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMFG!!!!!!! Fran just evolved into a ....................




.............a Patapatchi! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Cassy evolved today into a










................................................a Patapatchi!!!!!! No!!!!!! Not again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :( .

Since I last updated, I witnessed a couple of evolutions.

Cassy evolved into a Warusotchi.

Beth evolved into a Piororiroritchi. That was an extremely hard word to spell. I will post back when someone else evolves.

Right when I clicked add reply, Cassy started watching T.V.

So CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Changed my mind. This will be for all v-pets.

Yesterday, Jaime turned 7, got the matchmaker, and had a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I will name him Daiki.

Her stats are:

Name: Jamie

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: (|||||||||)

Age: 7 yrs.

Weight: 38 lbs.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 2025 pts.

I just went to the shop and bought her some sunglasses. I changed the time to see if she would leave and she is leaving. Good bye, Jaime. I'm gonna miss you.

Today Fran changed into a Megatchi.

Her stats are:

Name: Fran

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Trainig: (|||||||||)

Age: 3 yrs.

Weight: 33 lbs.

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Points: 40 pts.

I just bought her a boombox and an umbrella. Thats why I have so little money.

I have to go in a few minutes to get ready to go to the beach and watch fireworks on the water. I know I'm gonna have fun and I hope other American Tama-Talkers have fun too.

P.S. I will post for my other tamas tomorrow including my new Black Sparks v4 and my Oragami Cranes v4.


I have so many (not to some people but to me) V-Pets now:

Blue with Stars v3

Black with Japan v3

Pink with Cherries v3

Red with Stars v3

Blue with Butterflies v3

Yellow with Dots v3

Pink Stripes v4

Glow-in-the-Dark v4

Blue with Sunflowers v4

Blue Waves v4

Orange Circles v4

Translucent White v4

Pink with Hearts v4

Black Sparks v4

Oragami Cranes v4

Punked Out v4

Digital Yellow v4

Psycodelic Colors v4

Green Plumeria Flowers v4

Shattered Ice v4

Miuchiz Bratz Cloe

Littlest Pet Shop Monkey

Giga Pets Bunny

Well I named the baby Daiki. He was a Teletchi-Tamatchi-Hashitamatchi-Gozarutchi.

I will post back later.


Since my last post I got:

Yellow Dots v4.5

Red with Butterflies v4.5

Cheetah Prints v4.5

Purple Lava Lamp v4.5

Cheetah Prints v4.5

Black Flames v4.5

Green Waves v4.5

Today I decided to give one of my Leopard designs to a friend. I also got my first UraYoung Violetchi today. I think it looks like a Young Pyonkotchi. What about you?


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