My v.3


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Nov 16, 2005
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:angry: March 20, 2006

Some of you are probably familiar with Mocha as the lost tama or as someone(I will not mention username,because that is wrong and mean!) has emailed telling me that it is so obvious that I did not actually lose my tama, but he (yes, he) is much more than that, he is but a little digital soul, stuck in a 2D world.


When Mocha was born, I was not as happy with him as I have now grown to be. He (I am tempted to say she, and u will see y now!) was born on my desk, I had left the room for some stupid reason or another, and while I was gone, he hatched...

ONLY ONE PROBLEM! I missed the part where it said if my newborn was a boy or a girl, and I (lazy as I was and just wanting TO SEE THE NEWBORN HATCHLING!) just left the name of my old tama, MOCHA the II, in the egg and got on with it. Turns out that my little girl was a boy, though as wrong as it sounds, I keep seeming to forget that. So, now I've had to throw away his makeup, and it really is hard!


March 21,2006


Little Mocha! Oh, oh wait, she's not that little anymore, yep, Mocha is now a full-grown teen, yep, I am the mother of a full grown teenager! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! She's so cute, well not really. She played HEADING and won 12 points, OMG! I've been saying, Her, haven't I? Well, u know as well as I do that I mean him, I was about to write that she doesn't look like a girl anymore! STUPID< STUPID ME! Go NEW TEENAGE MOCHA!

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Ok, now this I am writing for yesterday AND today, because I wrote it at night way too late to go on the internet yesterday.

April 11, 2006 9:49pm

Mocha recieved one time out today. He was also caught bathing himself when I wasn't looking.These were his stats before going to bed:

Hungry: 4/4





generation 1g

points: an embaressing 19pt

And lastly, training bars: 5/?


I love Mocha, still a teen from that long pause, though.I lost him for about a month, or a few weeks but he was soon refound.


April 11, 2006 7:42 am


Mocha still asleep.


10: 42 am


Mocha's status, at home! No tamas allowed in school, is an unfair rule, or bylaw, or law, or boundery.



Still on pause, poor Mocha.



Mocha recieved on praise today, 'bout an hour ago.

MOCHA GOT MARRIED! I was connecting with my friend and suddenty I saw my screen(or my friends, forget which even though it was like 10-20 mn. ago)go black, or blank and fireworks appeared, a baby came next to Andre(the wife, weird names, I know!) and one came to me. :ph34r: ^_^ :ph34r: :ph34r: :D :D :D :D :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:


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