My Tamgotchi Log :)


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Jun 25, 2009
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Ok, this is my first tamagotchi log sooooooo, let me just start by telling you my tamagotchis. I currently have a v1, v2, v3, and a v4.

V1: My Tamagotchi in my v1 is a boy itchigotchi named Cosmo. He started out as a babytchi, to a marutchi and here he is now. He is 3 years old and he sholuld be an adult tomorrow! I can't wait!!! Here is Cosmo's stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Training: 6/9

Weight: 26 lb.

Gen: 1

V2: My v2 is a girl named Leila. She also is 3. She is a young mametchi. She was a petitchi, to a marutchi and now a young mametchi. She's gonna be an adult tommorow! Yay! Here's her stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Training: 7/9

Weight: 25 lb.

Gen: 1


V3: My v3 is a girl named Rosie. She, too is 3! She was a Shiroteletchi, to a tamatchi and now an Obotchi. Guess who's gonna be an adult tomorrow! Rosie, that's who! Here are her stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Training: 7/9

Weight: 27 lb.

Gen: 1


V4: Ok, there has been quite a few things that have happend to my v4, Libby, while i was writing this log. She is 3 too. Since v4s evolve into adults when they are 3 she just turned into a Yattatchi!!! OMG, I never had one and was never expecting one!!! She was a Shirotsubutchi, to a mohitamatchi, to a young dorotchi, and now a YATTATCHI!!!!!!!!! Here are her stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Weight: 30 lb.

Training: 9/9

Gen: 1

I will post again when some changes happen! ;)

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Ok, nothing much has happened yet, exept for the fact that my other tamas will be adults. Right now Libby is brushing her teeth, and the other 3 are just sitting around. :mellow:

I have been trying to take extra care of my tamas because I am having my summer vacation now!!! So, I kinda expect a really special character. Like Libby. Yattatchi is a very good character. B) It would make my day if Cosmo is a Mametchi, if Leila is a MaruMimitchi (which probably won't happen based on her current character), and if Rosie was a Paparatchi. Yes, I know, everyone probably thinks Paparatchi is a nerd but I think she is too cute. Everyone is three years old going on four. I will post back when they evolve today!! Oh, and please feel free to PM me, I promise I will respond.

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

YAY!!!!!!!! Guess What??? Cosmo evolved into a.........................KUCHIPATCHI!!! :( Same with Rosie! :lol: Leila didn't evolve yet. I'm so happy!!! I would be totally fluked if Leila was a Kuchipatchi. Everything's good so far. Nothing much happened. Come on Leila, evolve!!! I can't wai- oh m goodness! Leila evolved into a.............................GUNJIROTCHI! I am so happy with all my tamas. They are sooo cool! I am not going to let any of them marry because there is only one boy.

I'll post back again later!!!

Hey guys, sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was busy. Anyways, all of my tamas are doing good. Libby got a job as a firefighter!! She's pretty good at it, though. I have been on Tamatown all morning, so I got a few cool items. All of my tamas are a little overweight, so I'm gonna exercise them.

Post back later!!!!!!!! :D :) :) :)

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Ok, nothing has really happened for today yet, so I don't know what I'm gonna do. I hope one of them get married today. If they do, I'll post back later!!!!

OMG! All of my tamas got married yesterday! Cosmo has a girl, and I'm naming her Gwen. Leila had a boy and I'm naming him Randy. Rosie had a boy and his name is Tony. And last, Libby had a boy and I'm namng him David. That's all for now!!! :p ;)

Soooooooooo much has happened since yesterday. First, all of my tamas left their babies. Here's what's going on now:

V1: My version 1's name is Gwen. She was a babytchi, to a Kinakomotchi. Here are her stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Training: 1/9

Weight: 11 lb.

Gen.: 2nd

Age: 0 yrs.

V2: My v2's name is Randy, and he was a petitchi and now a Kuribotchi. Here are his stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Training: 1/9

Weight: 1lb.

Gen.: 2nd

Age: 0 yrs.

V3: Myv3's name is Tony. He was a teletchi, to a kuchitamatchi. Here are his stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Training: 1/9

Weight: 12 lb.

Age: 0 yrs.

V4: My v4 is David. He was a tsubutchi to a mizutamatchi. Here are his stats:


Hungry: / / / /

Happy: / / / /

Training: 1/9

Gen.: 2nd

Age: 0 yrs.

I'll post back later when something happens!! :) :) :)

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