my tamas


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Apr 1, 2012
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I just literally got this membership. So, cool. Yeah. And you know that I'm here for posting my tamas. Anyway, I have a few people(tamas) I want you to meet first and most importantly on here I am a kizunatchi. If, you don't know what that is look it up on google and select images. Or just look at my profile pictures. My two pets are doremitchi and sopratchi. They are exactly like little fuzzballs. But, my mini picture of me will be memetchi, she's not my favorite, she just has many emotion sprites. ;) anyway introducing matt a mattaritchi. Sakura a sakuramotchi. and larry a ahirukutchi.

They are supposed to evolve today :D Oh and pashmena my hitodetchi on my music star she wasn't feeling well. so she decided to stay home.

kizunatchi(me):eek:k everybody meet the people who'll be reading my log

matt: what... huh I was taking a nap AND NOW I'M HUNGRY

sakura: but, i don't wanna get up

kizunatchi: be quiet all you guys ever do is complain

larry: hey mom can we go to the beach

kizunatchi: no its only spring we can't possibly go yet ugh that's it we're ending this now maybe when they get older they can do another post grrrrrrrrrrr... :angry: :angry: :angry: -_- P. S. all my posts are gonna start to be on my reply list check it right now

* Topic moved to Tamagotchi Logs forum *

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so bored but anyway pashmena feels better so yeah i am so happy :D yay anyway here we go

kizunatchi: wow you guys aren't even evolved yet

sakura: i wanna i wanna i wanna

kizunatchi: i can't control that you evolve on your own terms

sakura: stupid me hurry up i wanna i wanna i wanna

pashmena: hey kizunatchi thanks for inviting me on today my name is pashmena the hitodetchi on tamagotchi music star

kizunatchi:thank goodness a normal and sweet tamagotchi :hitodetchi:

larry: so who am i getting married to

kizunatchi: you're not getting married

larry: I'm not then who from our familiy is getting married

kizunatchi: pashmena :hitodetchi: and matt

larry: what who are they getting married to

matt: yes i'm getting married

kizunatchi: to each other

larry and matt and pashmena(at the same time):what

sakura: why do you guys care so much about getting married

larry: why don't you

sakura: because first there's just plain, old stress then there's kids then well actually that's it but still

kizunatchi: see ya'll lata

sakura and matt and larry and pashmena(at the same time): WHAT

P.S. everything i write will be on the same page as a reply

my pashmena just evolved into a ringotchi :D that's it i know it's a really short post but yeah maybe i can post tomorrow yeah tomorrow maybe unless my familitchi tamagotchis evolve

oh my tamagotchis are on a roll because the other three just evolved too yay :D matt is a kororotchi sakura is a shelltchi and larry is a mamekatchi let's invite our new tamas here

sakura: i look so much like a pretty shell from the beach

matt: i look like a little acorn from the forest

larry: i look like i am about to evolve into mametchi yes i am going to look cool very cool and maybe pashmena will like me instead

pashmena: wow i look way cuter than i thought i would and i am getting married to matt soon hopefully today or tomorrow

matt: i can't wait for our wedding

kizunatchi: right now they are fiances wait did i spell that right

larry: i'm leaving

sakura: me too

kizunatchi: what wait come back oh well i guess it's the end of this one wait guys please come back

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so guess what pashmena my ringotchi evolved into a sebiretchi :D welcome back

pashmena: i got fat

kizunatchi: no it's good to gain weight at your age

pashmena: really?

kizunatchi: well actually i'm not sure

matt: she looks so unfamiliar

kizunatchi: that's because she evolved

matt: great she looks more like me now i love her even more i can't wait to get married tomorrow

pashmena: really well i was wondering if you would like me this way

matt: oh no matter which way you look i'll still love you

kizunatchi: ok before this gets too mushi let's log off oh wait i forgot to log about larry and sakura oh well maybe next time

yo you know how i forgot to post about sakura and larry well they're here now and to make it fair i've decided to let them only them come on today and now i owe them a thorough apology

kizunatchi: hey i'm sorry about yesterday's episode

sakura: but i wanna i wanna i wanna

larry: you know you could have just invited us on earlier

sakura: i wanna i wanna i wanna


larry: oh now we did it

okay so my tamagotchis evolved matt is a hatugatchi sakura is a lovezukintchi larry is a mukugetchi and that means today is the day where pashmena gets married to matt but first let's say goodbye to sakura and larry in fact i brought them here to say good byeuna

larry: i'm sorry i will be moving on with my life*sniff sniff*

sakura: i'm going to miss you all *waaaaaaaah sniff waaaaaaaah*

kizunatchi: see ya around in the memories option

sakura and larry: yeah *sniff*

kizunatchi: i'm sure you both will move on to wonderful beginnings

matt: and now its time for us to get married and have our children

kizunatchi: ok here we go time to get them married...............................................oh oops oh well if he can't get married now oh well oh i forgot about the sesame pudding code that let's you have kuromametchi if you have a hatugatchi oh for those who want to know it's 07400 43895 well signing off now goodbye

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anyway yesterday i tried getting married my larry to my pashmena cause they had a crush on each other now and pashmena said NO I MEAN SHE REALLY LIKED THE GUY but anyway i got my kuromametchi married to a watatchi oh man were they in love and then they evolved kuromametchi evolved into papakurotchi watatchi evolved into mememamatchi and they had two kids aw so cute i think one of them is going to be a mametchi how cute but it's one boy and one girl the girl's name is belle a belltchi the boy's name is robo sooooooooooooooooo cute they're on right now

matt: hey guys i'm back

kizunatchi: where are your kids and wife

matt: apparently i left them at home see ya'll later

kizunatchi: apparently he left them at home anyway i just discovered the secret to getting a makiko first, you have to get a watatchi them to play on a girl's dresser the code for that is 07400 43896 see ya'll later i'm sort of in a rush

sorry i spent so long away from my blog anyway guess what the strange thing is that now i have a ringotchi again on music star and now i have an ichigotchi on familitchi at the same time they seem to be on the same evolving rate unlike the last time man did my familitchi lag behind so yeah that's about it
