My tama's dead or alive


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Apr 9, 2006
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2:42pm::Well, I was raising 2 v2s but my purple camo one ran out of batteries and its gonna be a while before i get more. I have 4 v2s and 2 v1's. All of them are out of bateries except my pink one with yellow and purple flowers on it. Who is currently housing my tamagotchi Aiden. (named after my favorite and the sexiest band).

Aiden is currently a Young Mametchi and is 1 yr old. I missed a discipline call yesterday so right now she only has 3 bars of training. I think i might have missed another one when I took a nap earlier... hope I didnt though because I really want a GOOD tamagotchi. I have a bad habit of being very neglectful and forgetful. I want to make it atleasat to the 6th generation :D I am dying to have a ginjirotchi... I used to get them all the time with the gen1(god that was like 6 yrs or more ago) tamagotchi and i hated them...but now I realize that I miss the little buggers :mametchi:

Im going to have to pause Aiden when I go off to school so it will proabably be awhile until he evolves again. :mimitchi: I cant wait thogh. IM guessing it will take like two or three days. Peace out for now :wacko:


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