My Tamagotchis


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May 27, 2010
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Today, I will be talking about my tamagotchis.

(Its a sunny day and my tamas are outside, when...)

Mark: I am so bored! There is nothing to do.

Amy: Stop complaining, big brother.

Mark: I don't have to listen to my baby sister.

Zeus: Both of you shut up! (there little brother yelled).

Both: Be quiet!

Alex: Hey, don't yell at him! He doesn't want to listen to you to fighting again. (Alex said defending Zeus). You guys owe Zeus an apology.

Both: Sorry Zeus.

Zeus: Its okay.

Amy: I didn't know us fighting hurt you. Why didn't you tell us?

Zeus:........ (silent).

Alex: He didn't tell you guys because both of you were fighting to often.

Mark: If we do something that bothers you, come and tell us. Okay?

Zeus: Ok.

Amy: Glad we took care of that. (she said with a grin on her face).

Alex: Why are you smiling? (he said supicously).

Amy: This! (Amy tackled Alex for fun).

Alex: Hey! (he said when she had him pinned on the ground).

Zeus: Amy, why did you do tackle Alex?

Amy: Something to do.

Alex: Why didn't you tackle Mark? (still pinned).

Amy: (she looked at Mark and then back at Alex) He would tell on me if I tackled him.

Alex: (groans) Will you please get off of me?

Amy: Okay. (she said while getting off of Alex).

Mark: Its getting late. We better get inside before it gets really dark.

Amy & Zeus: Okay. Bye Alex! ( they yelled from the porch, waving).

Alex: Bye! (he yelled back while running to his house).

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Here is what happen today...

Mark: I'm a Mousetchi!

Amy: Well, I'm a Tororotchi.

Zeus: Both of you are lucky. (he said from the shadows of the porch).

Both: Why?

Zeus: (walks out of the shadows). I'm a Ahirukutchi!

Amy: Its okay Zeus.

Mark: Yeah, you will change. Just wait and see.

Zeus: Okay.

Alex: Hey guys!

Amy: Hey! Wow what happened to you?

Alex: I changed into a Kuchitamatchi.

Mark: You okay of being a Kuchitamatchi?

Alex: Yeah. Why?

Mark: Zeus doesn't like what he changed into. We can't cheer up like we usually do.

Alex: (walks over to Zeus and sits next to him). Zeus, it doesn't matter what tamagotchi you are, just who you are inside. Okay?

Zeus: (smiles a little). Okay.

Amy: Hey, Zeus do you want to go play at the park?

Zeus: Yeah! If that is okay with Mark?

Mark: Go on.

Both: Awesome! (they took off running to the park).

Mark: Be back at 8:45! (he shouted).

Both: Okay! (they shouted back).

Alex: You have crazy siblings.

Mark: Tell me about it. You are so lucky!

Alex: Hey its not fun being an only child. That is why I come over here to be with you guys>

Mark: Ooohhh.

Alex: There is something that I need to tell you.

Mark: What?

Alex: I'm moving>

Mark: WHAT! Where are you moving to?

Alex: Paris.

Mark: (silent). When are moving?

Alex: I will be gone by morning. My parents didn't tell me until this morning.

Mark: We could take care of you.

Alex: You would that?

Mark: Yeah. You are family to me, Amy, and Zeus>

Alex: What would your mom say?

Me: That you welcome to stay with us if its okay with parents.

Alex: Thank you! I will go ask them now. (he ran off to his house two blocks away).

Later, at 8:45...

Amy: I am so tired. (collapses on the porch).

Zeus: I agree. (laying down next her).

Mark: Hey.

Amy & Zeus: Hey.

Mark: We might be getting a new brother.

Amy: What do you mean? (she asked sitting up).

Mark: (he told them everything Alex told). Alex might be our brother if his parents are okay with it.

Zeus: Cool. Why long has he been gone?

Mark: I don't know. I wasn't keeping track of time.

Amy: I think I see Alex>

Alex: Hey you guys!

All three of them: Hey!

Mark: What did they say?

Alex: (he looks at all three of them, with a smile on his face). They said yes!

All: Yeah!

In the front yard...

Mark: I'm a Korokotchi!

Alex: I'm a Kometchi!

Amy: I'm a Shelltchi!

Zeus: I'm a Mamekatchi!

Mark: Awesome Zeus!

Amy: We told you so.

Zeus: (mumbles).

Alex: What was that?

Zeus: Thank you Mark & Amy.

Mark & Amy: Your welcome Zeus.

Alex: (goes out on the grass and lays down).

Mark: Hey Alex!

Alex: Yeah!

Mark: When did your parents leave yesterday?

Alex: They left at midnight.

Amy: Wow! That early?

Alex: Yep.

Zeus: I'm glad you are with us Alex.

Alex: I'm glad to Zeus. Now I can help you whenever those two start arguing again.

Mark & Amy: Hey!

Alex & Zeus: (laughs their hearts content).

Alex & Amy: (joins them in their laughter).

Mark: Lets hope that never happens again.

Amy: Yeah.

Zeus: At least try not to argue.

Mark: We will try our best right Amy?

Amy: Right!

Alex: Lets all relax now and have some fun!

All: Yeah!

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Inside the house...

Alex: (screams).

Mark: (runs into the living room). Whats wrong Alex?

Alex: I'm a Tenpatchi!

Amy: What is going on in there?

Mark: Alex changed into a Tenpatchi.

Zeus: Thats terrible!

Mark: Tell me about it!

Zeus: Sorry your a Tenpatchi.

Amy: Well just hold on until you become 6 and get married.

Alex: Or die.

Mark: Do not say that Alex!

Zeus: (gets up walks to his bedroom and goes inside).

Amy: That's odd.

Alex: Why is that odd?

Mark: Its odd because Zeus usually has a reason on why he is going to his room.

Amy: (walks up to his door). Zeus are you okay? (silence).

Mark: Amy are you sure he is in there?

Amy: I saw him go into his room.

Alex: Its true.

Mark: (sighs). Open his door.

Amy: What!?

Mark: (gets up and walks towards Zeus's door with Alex following him). Please move Amy.

Amy: Okay. (she moves so Mark is standing in front of the door).

Mark: (knocks and there was no answer).

There was a knock on the front door.

Alex: I go and get.

The front door opens and there was muttering and the front door closed.

Amy: Who was that?

Alex: It was Heather.

Mark: What did she want?

Alex: To tell you guys that Zeus is walking towrds the park.

Amy: How does she know that?

Alex: She saw him. His hands in his pocket, head down, and he had a sweater on.

Mark: We need to go get him.

(To be continued).

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In the house...

Amy: Wait!

Mark: What!? We need to go find Zeus now!

Amy: I found a note.

Alex: What does it say?

Amy: Going to the park. Don't come looking for me. I'll be fine. - Zeus

Mark: We still need to find him just in case.

Amy: (sighs). Your right.

Alex: Lets go.

Amy: Mark, you changed into a Uhyotchi!

Mark: You changed into a Watatchi!

Alex: If both of you changed that means...

All: Zeus changed to!

Mark: Okay we need to split up. Find anybody you know and ask them if they have seen Zeus. We will meet back here when we are done.

Alex & Amy: Okay

The three of them run of in different directions. 10 minutes later...

Mark: I've got nothing.

Amy: Me too.

Alex: Acal saw Zeus change into a Hatugatchi.

Mark: (groans). There is a ot of Hatugatchis' out right now.

Amy: I got an idea.

Alex: What?

Amy: Its a stupid idea.

Mark: Tell us anyways.

Amy: Ask them for their names.

Alex: That might work.

Mark: Meet you guys at the fountain in the park. (runs off).

Alex: Okay. (runs off).

Amy: Okay. (running off also).

In front of the fountain...

Alex: The Hatugatchis' I asked were not Zeus.

Amy: Same here.

They look up and see Mark in the distance with his arm draping over somebody's shoulder.

Mark: Hey.

Alex & Amy: Hey.

Amy: Who is that?

Mark: Zeus. Don't ask any questions.

Alex: Okay.

Amy: Where did you find Zeus?

Mark: Tell you guys later.

Both: Okay.

Zeus: (silent).

Mark: Lets go home.

Alex & Amy: Okay.

(To be continued).

Before I begin, I have very sad news. Alex died and he never got married so now I have another boy named Max. In Max's room...

Amy: Is that you Mark?

Mark: Yeah. Why?

Max: Your a Gozarutchi.

Mark: Drat!

Max: Amy is a Kunoitchi.

Amy: Dang it! That means Zeus is a Gozarutchi. Now where did you find Zeus?

Mark: On the Northwest part of the park.

Max: What was he doing there?

Mark: Thinking.

Amy: About what?

Mark: Remember when we went to school and we passed all the tests at an early age.

Amy: Yeah?

Mark: Well apparently in ran into one of the kids that was in his class.

Amy: Who did Zeus run into?

Mark: He ran into Matthew the Kikitchi.

Amy: WHAT!?

Max: Keep your voice down Amy! Zeus will hear you.

Amy: Sorry. What happened?

Mark: Matthew called him a lot of bad names and some of the words Matthew used were cuss words. He told Zeus if he told anybody about that he would track Zeus down and beat him up.

Amy: That's why he left without a word into bedroom?

Mark: Yeah and slip through his bedroom window.

Amy: Poor Zeus.

Max: Can I go see him?

Mark: As long as you don't bring this subject up while you are in his room. Okay?

Max: Okay. (gets off of his bed, walks towards the bedroom door, and opens it. He walks down the hall to Zeus's door, knocks on the door, and they hear...)

Zeus: You can come in. (Max walks in and closes the door).

Amy: Lets try to watch Zeus's back for awhile.

Mark: Yeah.

Sorry I haven't been posting in the last two days. Three days ago, Zeus got married to a Watatchi named Hera. Zeus changed into a Kasiratchi and Hera changed into a Mememamatchi. they have a daughter, a son, and another daughter. Their names are Luna, Chris, and Sakura. Luna is a Ichigotchi, Chris is a Bakutchi, and Sakura is a Chamametchi. Max is 3 right now and is Daiyotchi and if I take really good care of him, I could get a Celebtchi! I have a new tamagotchi named Ace. He is a V6. I got him from musicstar99 because she is quitting tamagotchis' thanks to Dangoobotchi-lover! Ace is a Kuribotchi and I will take good care of him. I will be getting musicstar99's V5 once she finds it. The reason why she is quitting is because she gave Dangoobotchi-lover her V3 without thinking it through first and was regretting giving the V3 to him. She asked if she could have it have it back because it means a lot to her and he said, "It's my V3." Nobody could give her ideas on ways to give it back, so she is quitting tamagotchis. If she sees a tamagotchi it reminds her of her V3. Thanks a lot Dangoobotchi-lover! I hope your happy you made my sister quit!

Sorry, I haven't been posting in a while. Luna got married to a guy named Seamus. Luna is the same as her mom, Hera, and Seamus is a Papapatchi. They have three kids, but I don't have names for them. I have a son, a daughter, and another son. PM me you have any names i could give them. Max is a Celebtchi and he got married to a wonderful girl named, Martha. Max is taking care of their baby and I think its a boy. If it is a boy, I will call him Ash, and if it is a girl, I will call her, Misty.

Sorry I have not been posting since June. Max's baby was a boy named Ash and he died at the age of 2. I restarted my Famalitchi. I have a daughter named Mia and she is a Belltchi, a son named Hunter and he is a Mattaritchi, and a daughter named Michelle and she is a Sakuramotchi. I also got a new tamagotchi and it is a V5.5. I have a son named Spencer and he is a Kuchipatchi, a daughter named Destiny and she is a Hotteatchi, and a son named Kevin and he is a Kuromametchi. For my V4.5 I have a girl named May she is 3 and I have no clue on what kind of tamagotchi she is. My tamagotchis want to talk now.

(It is nighttime and all my tamagotchis are playing outside.)

Spencer: I'm having so much fun!

Destiny & Kevin: Me too!

May: We all are having fun!

Mia, Hunter & Michelle: Yeah!

May: (yawns) I'm going to bed. Night everyone!

All: Night

Mia: (yawns) Me, Hunter & Michelle are going to bed.

Spencer: We are going to bed also.

Destiny: Night readers!

That last post thing is musicstar99's doing.

My V5.5 haven't changed at all today they are still a Kuchipatchi, Hotteatchi, and Kuromametchi My V5 have changed a little while ago into a Chamametchi, a Mamekatchi, and a Shelltchi. I figured out what my V4.5 is and she is a Tsukkomitchi. Sorry, I will do a better post tomorrow.

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Today my Kuromametchi got married to a Hotteatchi and a baby boy. The dad and mom changed into a Papakurotchi and a Cyrstaltchi. Their son turned into a Mattaritchi. My V5 and V4.5 are still the same.


Mimi- Chamametchi

Gender: F

Zeus- Mamekatchi

Gender: M

Alice- Shelltchi

Gender: F

Generation: 1


May- Tsukkomitchi

Gender: F

Generation: 1


Goku- Mattaritchi

Gender: M

Generation: 2

Mimi: Finally you get to the log!

Me: Sorry.

Alice: I like how you posted about your names, what kind of tamagotchis we are, and your generation.

Me: Thank you.

Alice: Your welcome.

May: (sigh).

Goku: What's wrong with you?

May: Bored.

Mimi: Have any of you seen Zeus?

Me: Nope.

Goku: Uh huh.

Alice: He said he was to a park for a little bit and would be back soon.

Mimi: Which park?

Alice: (shrugs) He didn't say.

Mimi: Okay.

Goku: What was that all about?

Me: Dogs needed to go outside.

Goku: Ooohhh.

Me: :p

Mimi: ?

Me: It is a smiley face.

Mimi: Okay.

Alice: Hi Zeus!

Zeus: Hi Alice.

Mimi: Where were you?

Zeus: At the park. Didn't Alice tell you?

Mimi: She did. Which park?


Me: Mimi don't be so harsh. He was probably at John D. Morgan Park.

Zeus: (nods).

Mimi: He needs to-

Me: I don't care what he needs to do from now on and brb.

Goku: Wait! I need whatever that sign stands for.

Me: Alright. There.

Goku: Thanks.

Me: Your welcome. Brb.

Alice: What does brb stand for?

Me: Be right back.

Alice: Okay.

May: Mimi Zeus is growing up And you need to stop having to know where he is all the time. He can take care of himself.

Mimi: Alright. Sorry Zeus. I shouldn't have been harsh on you.

Zeus: Its okay.

Alice: Yay forgiveness!

Mimi: :angry:

Zeus: :eek:

May: :D

Me: :)

Goku: :)

Alice: Bye readers!

Zeus: Bye!

Goku: Bye!

Mimi & Alice: Bye!


May- Tsukkomitchi

Age: 6

Gender: F

Generation: 1


Mimi- Chamametchi

Gender: F

Zeus- Mamekatchi

Gender: M

Alice- Shelltchi

Gender: F

Generation: 1


Goku- Mattaritchi

Gender: M

Generation: 2


Chris- Ahirukutchi

Gender: M

Generation: 1

May: Sorry we didn't log yesterday. Angelmeg96 had us paused because she had a friend over.

Mimi: She unpaused us at like 1.

Zeus: Doesn't matter. We have a new buddy!

Goku: His name is Chris.

Chris: Hi!

Alice: He is so adorable!

May: Angelmeg96 went to Toys"R"Us today.

Alice: New family member!

Chris: I'm not related to you though.

Zeus: She doesn't care.

Goku: I'm not related to her and she treats me like a brother.

Chris: Oh. Okay then.

Mimi: Bed time Chris.

Chris: Okay. (goes to sleep.)

Alice: Night readers!

All: Night!


May- Tsukkomitchi

Gender: F

Age: 6


Generation: 1


Mimi- Watatchi

Gender: F

Zeus- Uhyotchi

Gender: M

Alice- Lovezukintchi

Gender: F

Generation: 1


Goku- Mamekatchi

Gender: M

Generation: 2


Chris- Kikitchi

Gender: M

Age: 2

May: You guys guess what?

Chris: What?

May: I got married today!

Mimi: Who did you marry?

May: Josh. musicstar99's tamagotchi.

Alice: Congratulations! Is that your baby?

May: Yep.

Zeus: He's so adorable!

Baby: (cooes.)

Goku: That is so adorable!

May: Mimi. Have you guys decided who is getting married out of the three of you?

Mimi: Ummm...

Alice & Zeus: Mimi.

Mimi: Are you sure?

Both: Yep.

Mimi: Okay. I'm getting married.

May: Okay.

Chris: Do you have a name for your baby yet?

May: No.

Alice: How about Kain?

May: That's perfect! You'll be called Kain.

Kain: Yay!

May: ;)

Mimi: :(

Zeus: :(

Alice: :(

Goku: :(

Chris: :(

Kain: Night readers!


May- Tsukkomitchi

Gender: F

Age: 7


Generation: 1


Mimi- Watatchi

Gender: F

Zeus- Uhyotchi

Gender: M

Alice- Lovezukintchi

Gender: F

Generation: 1


Goku- Mamekatchi

Gender: M

Generation: 2


Chris- Kikitchi

Gender: M

Age: 3

Generation: 1

Goku: I'm so bored!

Alice: Me to.

Zeus: I'm more focused on how we have four more days with angelmeg96.

Alice: Oh yeah. She starts school in four more days, then musicstar99 takes care of us.

Mimi: Then the next day we get paused.

Chris: I don't mind.

May: It won't matter for me. I'll be gone by then.

Kain: Mama, you'll leave me? :)

Me: Kain it will be all right on the V3, V4, and V4.5 they stay with their baby for a few days then leave. Besides, you'll have me, Goku, Chris, and Mimi's kids.

Kain: Ok. :(

May: Cheer up sweety. I have two or three days with you okay?

Kain: Okay. (cheers up.)

Chris: You'll have fun with us.

Kain: (cooes.)

Alice: So cute!

Kain: Night readers!

Sorry I havn't been posting anything in a long time. I have to search for my tamas, so either tomorrow or the next I'll search for them and post on how they are doing.

Hey guys I got my tamagotchis with the help from musicstar99.


Kain- Matsuritchi

Gender- M

Generation- 2


Battery is dead.


Ron- Mousetchi

Gender- M

Generation- 3


Misty- Memetchi

Gender- F

Generation- 2


Adam- Kuribotchi

Gender- M

Generation- 1

I'll let them post on what they have to say later.


Kain- Matsuritchi

Gender: M

Generation: 2

Job: Baker


Battery still dead


Ron- Mametchi

Gender: M

Generation: 3


Misty- Memetchi

Gender: F

Generation: 2


Adam- Young Mametchi

Gender: M

Generation: 1

Ok, sorry i forgot to post what they wanted to say. My Memetchi got married to a Simasimatchi and they had a little boy yesterday. My V5 is going to be dead for awhile until a can get some batteries to change it. My V4.5 is now a baker and is almost ready to get married!

Kain: Sweet! We are starting the log again!

Misty: It's been forever since we posted. Blame the internet connection. It kept crashing when angelmeg96 tried to get on.

Misty's son: (cooes.)

Misty: Kain, this is my son! We was born yesterday.

Kain: Aw! He is so cute!

Adam: What's his name?

Misty: I don't know.

Ron: How about Felix?

Misty: Perfect!

Felix: Yay!

Kain: Last time we did the log I was baby.

Misty & Ron: Same here.

Adam: When are going you going to leave Misty?

Misty: Either tomorrow or the next day.

Felix: Mama, you're leaving? :(

Misty: Yes, sweetie. Your father and I are going to be leaving.

Felix: :(

Misty: Adam!

Adam: What?

Misty: You had to bring that up and make Felix upset.

Adam: Sorry.

Kain: Hey, Felix. You will have me, Ron, and Adam. You won't be alone.

Felix: (cheers up a little.) Ok.

Kain: We better go before Misty starts chasing Adam.

Adam: What?

Ron: Bye readers!


Anna- Kuribotchi

Gender: F

Generation: 3


Battery still dead


Ron- Mametchi

Gender: M

Generation: 3


Felix- Kilalatchi

Gender: M

Generation: 3

TMGC+ C Hexagon

Karen- Chamametchi

Gender: F

Generation: 2

Ok, sorry about the not posting lately. Kain got married to a Maidtchi and had a little girl named Anna. Ron has been paused, so he can't marry yet. Felix could became a Kikitchi just like his grandfather. Adam got married to a tamagotchi that I don't even know and had a little girl named Karen.

Felix: Awesome! We are doing the log!

Anna: Cool! My first log!

Karen: Same for me!

(long pause for like an hour or so.)

Ron: Bye readers!


Anna- Kuribotchi

Gender: F

Generation: 3




Alison- Sakuramotchi

Gender: F

Hunter- Mousetchi

Gender: M

Michelle- Belltchi

Gender: F

Generation: 4


Felix- Kikitchi

Gender: M

Generation: 3

TMGC+ C Hexagon

Karen- Furawatchi

Gender: F

Generation: 2

Ok. Today, Ron got married to a tamagotchi that I don't know and had three kids, as you can see above. Felix looks like is grandfather, Chris. I'll do a better post tomorrow.
