My Tamagotchis Diary


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2009
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New Zealand

Hello. I bought a diary (you!) from the Back To School shop at Mame City! My name is Angel. I am a Young Memetchi, I am a generation 2. My mom is a Violetchi called Lilly. Anyway, today my teacher (flower teacher) taught us about history. At break my best friend Fred the Young Mametchi came to sit with me! We talked about our classes. Two of my other best friends came to sit with me! Danny the Young Kuchipatchi and Sally the Ringotchi. We started chatting when the bell rang. I walked back with Sally, (who was in the same class as me) we pasted the other students. We sat down on the ground as Ms Flower read us a story called Polly the Memetchi. Polly had all kinds of adventures in the book. I adore her even though shes not real. Suddenly the bell rang. It was time to go home...


Its Saturday today so I don't go to school! I'm going down to Kuchipatchi Forest to have a dip in the hot pools... I'm back! It was very relaxing just sitting there in the bubbling water. But now I'm back in TamaTown. I don't have much to do today. So I'm going to stop writing now...

Check back soon to see Day 3 and Day 4!

Send me a message if you like my Tamagotchis log!

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Good morning diary, its Sunday today. Just another day... or is it?! I am going to Kuchipatchi forest today! I hear that the Kuchipatchi Mall just opened up! I'll be back soon... The mall was great! I went in a shop called "Kuchi Fashion" that I really liked! I bought a red jacket there! After that I went to "Lolly Central" and bought a few chocolate bars. After that I went to "Sparkle and Wave" and bought a pair of red gloves. "Sparkle and Wave" was a little bit weird, they sold gloves ONLY! After that I went to "Kuchipatchi Wigs" and bought a "Memetchi Hair Curler" and then I went to a really weird shop. I didn't quite catch the name of it though, it sold everything you could think of that has to do with Mametchis or Violetchis, I did see some Mimitchi stuff too. After I went to a Ice Cream cart. A friendly Debatchi gave me a free Strawberry Ice Cream! How nice of him! That mall was giant! There was probably over 100 shops! I knew I couldn't buy something from all the shops so after eating the ice cream I left. On the way back I got on the wrong train and ended up in Mame City. I was already there so I decided to go to the Hardware shop just to look at some interesting Hardware. After that I went back to TamaTown. I went back home and lied down on my bed.


Nothing to write about today. All I did was go to school and come back. I'm sure I'll find something to write about on Tuesday (tomorrow)

This is not a real diary entry OK? I'm just writing down my information:

NAME: Angel





WEIGHT: Very high, I'm trying to lose some!

AGE: 1

SKILL POINTS: SMART: 24 (soon to be higher) ART: 48 (soon to be higher) KINDNESS/SOCIAL: 18 (soon to be higher)

GOAL: Trying to become Memetchi

:( :D :) B) B)


OK, this is what happened at school today:

I walked to school with Sally. "Hey Angel," she said. "Yeah?" I said. "Have you been to the Kuchipatchi Forest mall?" she asked. "Gotchi yeah! Its the best place ever! There's over 100 shops!" I replied. "Did you know its the biggest mall in the hole of Gotchi Planet?" she asked. "It is? Wow!" I said. We carried on chatting till we came to the school gates. We opened them and then walked up the path. "Don't you just love the School's garden?" asked Sally. "Yeah, I guess so. I think it's really smart," I said. We walked to our class and sat down. "Now class," Ms Flower said, "Its time to read the last chapter of Polly the Memetchi." She read the last chapter. We loved the ending. Polly had saved the Gotchi Kings daughter and had received a very special medal! Then the bell rang. It was time for break. Me and Sally offered to water the School garden and the Ms Flower said yes. We watered the school vegetable patch and then the roses. By the time break was over they were watering the last Rose. They ran back to class and sat down. "Now class," said Ms Flower, "what is the closest planet to earth?" After the afternoon astronomy lesson was over the bell rang, time to go home!


Today is Teachers Only Day! I get a day off! I invited Sally over and we played with my Dolls! I showed my completed collection of V4 and V5 character dolls to her! I showed my nearly completed music star one. I showed her my two favorite music star character dolls! Kikitchi and Chamametchi. After that we went to the arcade and played some games! After that Sallys dad Peter the Mametchi came to pick her up. Well, thats the end of today!


Today I walked to school with Danny, we were talking when we heard Sally from behind us. "Wait up guys," she said while panting. "I just printed off this page from the school website! Read it!" It was allot of reading, but a simple way to say it was that art class would be held in the school hall on Sundays from 2:00PM to 3:15PM. "That will be a great way way for me to gain artistic skill points!" said Angel. "I also read on the site that they are completely FREE!" said Sally. "Where are sign ups?" I asked. "At the mall," answered Sally. "Witch mall?" I asked. "The one in Kuchipatchi Forest," she answered. "When will sign ups end?" I asked. "On Thursday! That's tomorrow!" answered Sally. "I'll sign up after school," I said. "I'll come with you!" said Sally. After school me and Sally went to Kuchipatchi forest and signed up.

That's the end of the day!

COMING SOON: Young Memetchi evolves into ?????????

Hi, its me. I'm not going to post a real diary entry OK? I'm just going to tell you about my two brothers and one sister:

BROTHER (oldest) is a Kuchipatchi

SISTER (Next Oldest) is a Hotteatchi

BROTHER (Youngest of the three) Mametchi

They are V5 tamagotchis! My owner has had two pure familys on them! Violet Family and Mame Family. I don't see them very often. Mametchi is VERY VERY VERY nice to me! I see him the most.


Name: Violetchi

Kindness Skill: 707

Smart Skill: 221

Art Skill: 100

Work: Airport

Married to: Kuchipatchi

Gender: Girl

Teen Stage: Igiotchi (not sure if I spelled it right!)

Age: 8

Weight: 58

Name: Lilly

My dad Kuchipatchi was brought by the matchmaker. I'll post some info on him later, his name is:


His Kindness skills is: 150


Flower skill: 150

Pencil Skill: 50

Art Skill: 50

Weight: 59

My brother: (the baby that my dad took) Jake the Young Kuchipatchi

That's it!


It's Thursday today. This is what happened at school:

Me and Fred walked to school together. "...and guess what happened then?" I asked. "What?" asked Fred. "It all came crashing down and made such a huge mess!" We carried on our conversation. "What did you do?" asked Fred. We were talking about the time I knocked down a bookshelf at the library by leaning against it too hard! Youg Mimitchi skipped by us happily singing:

"Smart, Social, Artistic, put them together, what do you get? Skill points!"

I laughed quietly. We reached school finally. We split up and walked towards our teachers. "Good Morning class," said Ms Flower, "I bought the second book of the series Polly the Memetchi! This is one where she goes to Earth!" We read five chapters and then the bell rang for break. I caught up with Sally to play "Grow" with her. To play "Grow" you had to have a watering can, and a five pots of flowers. You had to make them all stand up straight by watering them. But they won't stay up for too long! So you have to be quick! Sally won! We played two more rounds then joined in a soccer game. After that we raced to the gym to play Catch with the balls inside. The School gym was a big ball with four legs. You could get inside and play! We got a ball and threw it at each other to see if the other tamgotchi could catch it. After that we had a skipping competition to see who could skip the fastest and longest. After that the bell rang. We ran to class for our afternoon astronomy lesson. After that it was time to go home...


Nothing much to write about now. It rained all night and it is expected to snow! Snow, no school! I told Sally that if it snowed she could come for a sleepover tonight. It did! I guess I do have something to write about. At night we slept in the TV room. We started to talk about evolving. "I want to become a Memetchi," I said. "I want to be Maidtchi," said Sally. My Mom came in just then to offer us some cookies. We said yes and then watched some TV. WE watched a movie while eating popcorn and then went to sleep. I woke up Sally really late at night that my Mom might have just fallen asleep! "Do you want to watch TV?" I asked. Sally nodded. I turned it on, we watched for about three hours then went back to seep. Well, that's the end of today. Well, not yet. I'll tell you about the weather. It's pouring down with snow outside. I don't think there will be school till next weak! It's very cold, me and Sally have changed into our woolly pajamas. It's nearly 11:00PM, I am having sleeping problems. I'm lucky I have a TV. I turned it on. Sally didn't mind, she woke up and watched with me. Well I turned it of and went to sleep. Good night...

DAY 10

It's pouring down with snow still! Sally's mom had watched the weather, she called us to say that Sally had to stay for the week because it would rain and snow all week! Cool! Me and Sally tried to go outside, but when we got out we couldn't see! It was as if the actual air was white! We stared out the window chatting. The snow was so thick it was like seeing a chess board that what white and grey! We watched some TV, then read a book from the series "Polly the Memetchi" who I feel is the best made up character in the world! We were reading one where she goes to earth and gets trapped in a Tamagotchi witch a HUMAN BEING TAKES CARE OF YOU! Amazing! We put our bookmarks in and then played "Polly the Memetchi" the video game! We got up to level 14, in every level at the start you have to play a mini-game, the mini-game they were playing was called "DODGE" in it you move Polly and her sister around to dodge the falling bombs. Polly's sister is called Ginny, she's a Makkiko. They got up to the top level! Level 100! You have to cut some wires and then go to space to help aliens! The day is over :D

Here are some pictures of Memetchi I drew:

:furawatchi: :ph34r: :( B) :lol:

DAY 11

Sally is still here, the snow has melted and Sally's dad is walking up our drive. I don't have school today because it's Sunday. Reportchi was wrong about the weather! It's still to cold to go outside. I bought gave Sally my red jacket for her long walk home. I hope she remembers to give it back! Sally just walked out of the door. Those were some good snow days. It's warming up a bit, my mom said I could go out and play in the remaining snow. Jake is coming over to play! He's the best brother I have had! We are playing in the remaining snow, we built a tiny snowman and named it Robot Robot, we just came up with it because it was random, we have started to call him RR. It's a little hard to say so we also call him Bot. We knocked him over and went inside. One thing we both had in common was that we LOVED Polly the Memetchi books and video games! We both adore her, her books were wrote by Jane the Mimitchi. We also played Polly the Memetchi lost at Earth the video game, that one just came out! Polly the Memetchi books are about 150 pages each. There is a total of 12 books in the series. There are actually 15 but the other 3 books haven't been wrote yet. I am reading the 9th one called Polly the Memetchi, Double the Trouble at Tama Planet. It's the only one where her adventure stays in TamaTown the hole time. I am up to chapter 4, chapter 4 is called "Mametchi Doubles" and is suppose to be the most longest chapter in the book. After reading we played Mametchis the video game! In Mametchis you have to help Mametchi and Chantotchi save Tama Planet! I play as Chantotchi and Jake plays as Mametchi. If I was a V5 I would like to be a Chantotchi. Did you know she is on the V6 music star? She is! But she is not seen as the girl version of Mametchi, but she IS the girl version on V5, on nearly all other V's, Mimitchi is the girl version, but I think Mimitchi doesn't even look like Mametchi. I think Chantotchi is the girl version of Mametchi. Anyway, after playing we read some more. Then it was time for Jake to go home...

DAY 12

Today I went to school as usual. Nothing happened at all.

Today I turned 2! Here is my info:

NAME: Angel

WEIGHT: 60 (WAY to high! I am on a diet!)


GP: 39 (soon to be WAY higher)

BEST MAIL: My best mail was when I got a plane ticket from the gotchi king!




Skill Points:

SMART/PENCIL: 48 (It will stay there! If it doesn't I'll become a Makkiko instead of a Memetchi!)

SOCIAL/FLOWER: 18 (soon to be a little bit higher)

SPARKLE/ARTISTIC: 74 (soon to become 150+)

Back to Info:

AGE: 2 years (two days)

MUM/MOM: Lilly the Violetchi

DAD: Joe the Kuchipatchi

GOAL: To become Memetchi

OTHER GOAL: Get Married to a Tamagotchi in the Mame group and have male baby so I can get Mametchi or Zuyuktchi or Gozaratchi (Not sure if i spelled the last one right)

HUNGER: ♥♥♥♥

HAPPY: ♥♥♥♥

Breaking News: Fred evolved into a Mametchi!

DAY 13

I will be evolving soon! Today at school it is "Work Out Day" witch means we will have a hole day of playing in the gym! There are four areas in the gym, in Area A you go there to have a little play, by skipping and stuff, or just sitting down, in Area B there is Inside Running Races. Area C is emty, when you go there you can go outside and play! At Area C there is double dutch! We don't do this for the HOLE day, just for three hours. At the gym we were divided into 4 teams, we worked our way around the areas.

Later that afternoon...

I am EXTREMELY excited, only 20 SECONDS till...HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started singing in my head:

Tama Break, it da best, B R E A K!!!!!!!!!! My last break before the horrifying yet exciting event of evolving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suddenly said, "What happens if I turn into another adult?!" I was really embarrassed when I figured I had actually said it OUT LOUD.I was relieved to hear the bell ring over my voice! everyone started to run out of the school grounds as if they had been released from prison! I actually enjoy school but I figure I'll just walk back home with Sally instead of running to the football fields to practice or running to the mall to shop. I could see a million tamagotchi's from school that were in the Mame Group crowding around a train to take them to Mame City Science Lab. I asked Sally if she wanted to go to the football field's watch the school team play, she shook her head. She said, "Sorry but no, want to go to the arcade instead?" I nodded...

End of day

Coming Soon: (probably in a few hours) I evolve into ??????????

:hitodetchi: :gozarutchi: :mimitchi: :mametchi: :hitodetchi: :nazotchi:

DAY 14

I will be evolving soon! I might evolve into a universal adult, because my sparkle/art skills aren't up to 150+ :huh: Oh we, I just hope I don't evolve into :rolleyes: I just don't like that character Masktchi <_< Don't ask me why. I am aiming to become Memetchi. I hope a matchmaker brings me a Mametchi! Anyway, today is the first day of the Tamagotchi Holidays/Vacation! Mom/Mum said that she will take me to Mame City for two days! Not including today. We will stay at a five star apartment called "The Mametchi" witch has a pool! And a spa! We will board the train in one hour....


I am writing on the train, it is very exciting. Ciaotchi is coming down the train with snacks. I am sitting with two of my friends from school that are from the V6 Music star, they are Sam the Kikitchi and Sunny the Chamametchi. Sunny and Sam are my pen pals from music city, they are going to Mame City for the Holidays/Vacation. I JUST EVOLVED ON THE TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM NOW A MEMETCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunny just evolved into a Chantotchi! (I know she's on the V6) and Sam just evolved into a Mametchi! Fred has already evolved, and it is VERY obvious that Sally has evolved into Maidtchi. Danny evolved into a Gozaratchi. Anyway.

Thats the end of this diary entry!

Hi, this i not a REAL diary entry OK?


Name: Angel

Last name: Mame

Group: Meme

Species: Memetchi

Likes: Cup Cakes, Games, Tickets, Tamatown, Learning, Soccer

Dislikes: Dolls, The color PINK, bad curl days

Friends say: "Not girly, not boyish, just a girl. She hates the color pink"

Goal: To NOT become Makkiko

Best Friend: Sally

Rival: Makkiko

Training: Full

Teen Stage: Young Memetchi

Age: 3

Pencil/Smart Skills: 52

Sparkle/Artistic Skills: 89

Flower/Social/Kindness Skills: 38

Weight: 82LB (I am on a Diet)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

GP: 3550

Favorite Tamagotchi TV Show: Pure Family

Mum/Mom: Lilly Mame the Violetchi

DAY 17

I got back from holiday/vacation, it wasn't that great so I didn't write in here for two days. But...

Since I evolved into Memetchi, this happened:

1. I got a job at the flower and rose shop

2. I turned three

3. My brother Kuchipatchi (from the V5) got married to a Yoneapatchi and turned into a "Pure" Kuchipa family.

4. Jake my brother (the Gozaratchi) got married to a Mimitchi and had a bay boy that they will call Harry

5. My nephews (the V5 Kuchipatchi and Chibipatchi) are now a complete pure family. Kuchipatchi will be able to use the dating show at 4:00PM today. He wants to marry a tamagotchi in the Meme Group because in their family they have had the Violet Family, the Mame Family, and now the Kuchipa Family. They are in order.

Allot of stuff has happened!

:rolleyes: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:
:rolleyes: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

I GOT MARRIED TO A ROBOTCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be leaving tomorrow :( but I guess it's just my time. It is a beautiful baby girl who I will call Music! I hope she becomes a Maidtchi! I have a gift for my baby. It's MILK! I read that that is a baby's favorite food! I got sick at about 12:00 PM with my baby. We had to go to hospital. On the way back I decided to get some money out of the bank, I have over 500,000GP in there. I guess I'll give it to my wonderful baby when I leave. I'll give her this diary too! Ah, my Mum/Mom will become a grandparent.

Happy days, this is my last entry, for now, I am leaving

;) ;) ;)
