My Tamagotchi Version 4.5 Log


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
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Note: When I post in my log, I shall write in lilac and my current Tamagotchi shall write in lime.


Also: Please do not post comments here, but please feel free to PM me your thoughts/suggestions. I'd love to hear from you. :(


Hello everyone, welcome to 'My Tamagotchi Version 4.5 Log'! When I say Tamagotchi Version 4.5, I also mean Tamagotchi Version 4 JinSei Plus+ as that is what we call them here in the UK. I just didn't want to confuse anyone. :D


Anyway, as for my log, I shall write daily about my adventures and stuff, so please keep reading so I can keep you updated. :) I purchased my Version 4.5 yesterday in ToyMaster and still haven't opened it. :p I will tonight... I hope. Or tomorrow, depends.


So, I shall post again either later or tomorrow, I promise.


Thanks everyone, I hope you begin reading when I start posting. ;)


By the way, here is a picture of my V4.5:


Here... #1


And here is the little pouch, accesories and lanyard for it:


Here... #2


I don't know weather you can see or not, but my Tamagotchi V4.5 sits in the back-pack of the pouch, cute, huh?!


There you are, enjoy.

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Yay! I am able to hatch my Tamagotchi now!


*Sets date, time, birthday and username*.


*Waits a minute*.


It's hatching! Yay! It's a...


GIRL! Aww, she's so cute! I'm gonna name her... Candy. Yeah, I like it. :D Candy hatched at 11:16am on 4/9/07. :D


Here are Candy's Stats: Stage~Baby


Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy ♥♥♥♥

Training 0

Humour 5

Beauty 8

Love 12

Age 0 years

Weight 7lbs


Gender Girl

Generation 1g

Point 600

Username BETH


Hehe, I played quite a few games of the CLIMB and I can never get past 25, the clouds move so quickly after that! She always falls, I'm so sorry, Candy.


Googoo, gahgah.


Oh, looks like thats all Candy can say... I wonder if her grammar will improve when she evolves into a child? Hmm... :D


Ooh, Candy done an 'oopsie'. Cleaned it up, all better. I needed to feed her a meal, sushi it was!


I'll post again very soon when something good happens. Keep reading. :)

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Yay! Candy just evolved! She looks so adorable, here are some pictures:


Here... #1


Here... #2


Aww, cute. Are they ok?


Hi everyone. :D Now that I'm a child, I can talk. Yay! I have just evolved, don't I look cool? Being a child is pretty awesome. Bye for now. :D


Aww, Candy just recieved mail, it was a fortune cookie. She got 2 money, 2 heart and 3 body. :)


More later. :D

Also, I took a video of Candy:



There you are, enjoy!


Wow! Candy just recieved a [!] mail. Oooh, important! She got accepted into Pre-School, yay! She loves it there, the teacher is so friendly!


More later. :D

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When Candy evolved, she was able to play a new game. We now have TUG-OF-WAR and we played it. Candy won against all Tamagotchis and won the final level! Yay Candy!


I just took Candy to Pre-School. She had loads of fun. Do you want to tell everyone what you did, Candy?


Sure! Well, when I arrived, I recieved a backpack, it's cute. :D Then, I met the teacher (she smells lovely, like rose, I think) and we danced together! I can't wait to go back! I didn't even make any mistakes whilst dancing, cool.


Good for you Candy. I tell you what, we can both visit TamaTown in a minute, so you can play some games, buy some items and visit Pre-School again. Only if you want to. :D


That sounds great, Beth. Thank you.


No problem. :D Ok, I'll post again when we come back. :) Keep reading.

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Well, we have arrived back from TamaTown and we had loads of fun! We only collected a few souvieres though. :D


Yeah, but it was still awesome. We managed to find 9 altogether! We explored everywhere, Pre-School, we watched 2 movies and also went to all the towns at the station! :D Can we go back later, please?


Sure, I don't see why not. But this time... Try not to flirt with the Kuchipatchi near the Station.


:) Ok...


LOL! Oh yeah, I also entered all the shop codes and passwords for all Tamagotchi Version 4.5s.


Right, more later! :D

Another mail? Cool, we're popular today. ;)


It's a fortune cookie. 3 money, 2 hearts and 1 body, not bad, not bad at all! :)

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Aww, well, Candy is asleep now. :( Good night my little baby! I really can't wait to play with her in the morning. The only problem is... I have school. I won't be able to take care of her properly. :eek: I discovered a method though, in this topic, do you know if it would work?


More tomorrow, log. :D

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Hello everyone! Today so far has been awesome with Candy! I shall tell you why...


Ok, so, like most on this site, I had to go to school today, and my school aren't allowed Tamagotchis. I used this cool method where you change the time to a time it is sleeping, and correct the time when you came home from school, and it worked! It was really cool because it didn't affect the growth/age or anything at all. I have written a topic about it in 'Help For New Tamagotchi Pet Owners' so you can look at it. :D I really recommend this method for those of you that are in the same situation as I am. ;)


Anyway, I corrected the time and guess what? Candy evolved into a teenager! Woohoo! I am over-the-moon, because she turned into something incredible cute and adorable! When you do the 'C button animation' she looks adorable! Aww! She looks like a Ura-Young ;) , although I am not sure. I'll check a chart soon and tell you after this post.


Another cool thing was that Candy left Pre-School and went to School! She chose the...


Excuse me, Beth? May I tell them a bit... Please?


Oh, right. Sure! Over to you.


Thanks. :D Like Beth was saying, I got accepted into school! I'm smart. :) I got the turtle teacher.


Yeah, I decided with all the Tamagotchis I have, I shall take turns with the different teachers, so it is fair and so I don't know what character I shall end up with. :)


Yeah! Good plan! :) So, I also evolved into something exceptionally cute! Beth said I look like a Ura-Young :D , although we are not sure. We shall find out later though, I can't wait! I needed to borrow Beth's mirror as I don't have one of my own yet, I look really pretty. :) And no, I'm not full of myself. ;) Anyway, ta, ta for now. :)


Hehe, she's happy. Well, I need to post Candy's stats:


Here are Candy's Stats: Stage~Teenager


Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy ♥♥♥♥

Training 4

Humour 52

Beauty 12

Love 4

Age 1 years

Weight 12bs


Gender Girl

Generation 1g

Point 2300

Username BETH


Aww, cute! I just spotted Candy taking a bath, she's so happy! I dried her off, and now she smells nice and is squeaky clean. :)


More later when something good happens. :)


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