My Tamagotchi V4 Log


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Dec 15, 2011
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I'm Tama-Fan122011 and this is my first ever Tamagotchi Log. I will update you as soon as anything exciting happens.

Log 1: Thursday 15th December 2011 - 17:45

Tamagotchi Name: Grace

Tamagotchi Weight: 19lb

Tamagotchi Character: Shirotsubutchi


Status: About 5 minutes ago, I reset my Tamagotchi V4. When I had sorted out the calender at the beginning, it became a girl. I named her Grace. I really like that name.

I am hoping Grace will evolve soon and will update you as soon as possible to tell you what she turned into. I am hoping she will become an Itchigotchi as they are cute! :ichigotchi:


Goodbye for now :puroperatchi:



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I'm Tama-Fan122011 and this is my 2nd Tamagotchi log:

Log 2: Friday 16th December 2011 - 18:15

Tamagotchi Name: Grace

Tamagotchi Weight: 65lb

Tamagotchi Character: Mizutamatchi

Status: The reason Grace's weight has gone up is because while I was at school, my mum was looking after her. She was feeding her burgers and ice cream (junk food), whereas I was feeding her bread and oranges (healthy food). I was a bit disappointed when Grace turned into a Mizutamatchi because, as you know, I was praying for an Itchigotchi. I have only just realised that when I was looking at the Character Chart, I was looking at the teens, not the toddlers. So now I can carry on hoping for the Itchigotchi! :ichigotchi:

I will update you as soon as Grace evolves to a Teenager (hopefully an Itchigotchi :p !)

Goodbye for now! :puroperatchi:


I'm Tama-Fan122011 and this is my 3rd Tamagotchi Log:

Log 3: Saturday 17th December 2011 - 17:50

Tamagotchi Name: Grace

Tamagotchi Weight: 94lb

Tamagotchi Character: Young Memetchi

Status: Grace's weight has gotten higher and higher. I have decided that when I am not busy on TamaTalk, I am going to play loads of games with Grace. I have only played about 2 games with her and then, hopefully, her weight will decrease. As you can see, Grace evolved into a Young Memetchi. :rolleyes: I am sorta OK with that because they are cute. Not as cute as the Itchigotchi's though!!

Goodbye for now! :puroperatchi:


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