My Tamagotchi v4 log


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May 2, 2007
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Hey welcome to my tamagotchi v4 log i love tamagotchiea any version is cool i liked version 1 but who cares i have a version 4 and im babysitting two others so i have 3 n thee b002iful S2. :eek:


Saturday May 05 2007


Today is liams last day with me he is leaving tonight and i will carry on rasing our family of tamagotchies. liam got 2 new friends today he has never connected before in his life so today (as his last day) was a great suprise!! :eek:


Liam woke up at the usual time 9.00am wasnt hungry because yesterday at school some one took him n fed him till 99lb :)

anyways liam wernt to happy about that and he didnt want any breakfast til way gone lunch time! so his eating roster was mucked up!!

oh at 10.00am i went to pick up two tamagotchies from my cousins there going away so i get to gotchi sit yay!! i have 3 tamas i treat the other two like my own!! meh they are liams cousins!! so there FAMILY :unsure:

liam and the baby got sick today but there better!! oh and i got another new job today how weird!! the teenage tamas are asleep now they went at 9.00pm and its 9.13pm. liam and the baby wil be up till 10.00pm aww i cleened up babys poo!! lol ok well im going to go now look at other peoples logs!! hope you all love tamas coz there b002iful S2. and dont forget t...there great companians wewrever you are!! they may be small but there hearts are big!! i treat mine like oyalty and you should to!!!

S2 Luvink tamas Mwah xoxoxox me if u luv tamas as much as moi S2.

OK sorry i hav'nt replied in a while i have been busy with 3 version 4's and i want to get batteries for my version 3 and get my v1 fixed :p

kk liam left!!! a cuple of nites ago it was sad but oh well i can call him on my tamagotchi rare cell fone!!

NEW TAMA ( my tama v4)

name: Dilli

Age: 3 years

Training: ~ ~ ~ ~


Social: 13

Flower: 22

( Hav'nt played many games lately!)

Points: 25960 ( robber comes and steals heeps tho =[ )

Stage Adult

:lol: he is a gozarutchi << that character!!

post moe tmrr or later today

xoxox :D sian xoxox

Hey every one today i took all of the 3 tamas to school it was hard but i managed :ichigotchi: ur never gona geuss what last nite i accidentely bought a 20000 dolal tiked ahhhhhh!! :) brb just gona get you my tama so i can give you all the stats!! :)

back :angry:

Name: Dilli ( dont look like a dilli no more)

Age: 4 yrs 5 tonite

Hungry 1/4

happy 1/4

training: ~~~~ ( not that many :) )

:angry: gtg be on soon xoxox sian xoxoxoxox :furawatchi:

:mametchi: im Really sad...

on the way home from school i went to check on dilli and he was dead!! ^_^

any way my new character is called pluto ( i know strange name but yeh) :D

my cousins v4 is doing ok got a baby boy on the screen coz the matchmaker came last nite n my other cousins one should have the match maker coming reli soon xoxoxo write later luv sian zzz :ichigotchi:


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