My Tamagotchi V4 Log. :3


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Bethiee. :]

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2008
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United Kingdom
[SIZE=14pt]Welcome To My Tamagotchi V4 Log. :][/SIZE]

'Sup everyone? 8]

This is my new log & this is the one I will keep writing in. :3


Anyway, upon recently finding my V4 Tamagotchi, I decided to write a log about this version instead, because it is by far my favourite version. :]

So, after putting in the battery that was previously in my V4.5, I set the date, time, my birthday & my username, & then I waited impatiently for the egg to hatch. Whilst I was waiting, I thought about what I would call my Tama. I decided on Danny for a boy & Emily for a girl. :3

Soon after, it hatched. It was a boy!

So, I named him Danny. ;D

First, I fed Danny 4 meals to fill up his hungry hearts. Then, I played a game of jumping rope with him. We only got 20 jumps on the first go, so we played it again & we got 30 jumps! ;D

Well, that's all for now. :] I'll keep you guys updated!

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hello everyone!

I have some news. :3


After an hour of looking after Danny, he evolved! He is now a child, & has evolved into a Mizutamatchi! ;D There is a new game available now, called mimic, which we shall play later.

Danny recieved a fortune cookie in the mail, & this is what it was:

Money bag - 2

Heart - 2

Body - 2

He also recieved a letter, & it contained a heart, which made him really happy! Aww, I think he has a secret admirer. :3

Oh, & just now, an important piece of mail arrived. Danny opened it, & as soon as he did, he was taken away to pre-school! He met his new teacher, & recieved a backpack from her. Well, I am very proud of him for getting into pre-school. x]

Here are Danny's stats:

Stage: Child. Tama: Mizutamatchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 1/9

Pencil: 13

Star: 8

Flower: 10

Age: 0 Years

Weight: 11lbs

Name: Danny

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Point: 2400p

Username: Beth

That's all for now! I'm off to take Danny to TamaTown. :3

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hello Log-Readers. ;DD

Another update coming. :3


Taking Danny to TamaTown was really fun. :] First, we went to his pre-school, where I got to meet the teacher. She seemed nice. Danny played the dancing game with his classmates, & we got 400p for doing all the moves right! We then played the puzzle game, & we had to do one easy puzzle. We won 100p for doing it! ;D So, 500p already. Not bad. xP

We found a picture book lying around in the pre-school, so we picked it up. A little souvenir, eh? :3

Next, we left the pre-school & went to the town hall. Danny was excited, because apparently, important things happen there all the time. I told him it would only be boring things like conferences & stuff, & I was right. xDD However, Danny did find a brochure he was able to pick up in the townhall! x] Souvenir number 2. xP

We left the townhall, & then decided to pay a visit to the arcade, to get Danny some more gotchi points! A burglar came in the mail earlier, & stole 800p off Danny! :[ So, hopefully we would win a lot of gotchi points in the arcades!

First, we played the darts game. Danny managed to hit the bullseye! Twice! ;DD He received 300p as a reward. :3

Next, we moved onto the ring toss game, which looked really fun. Danny kept scoring on all the gold gotchi point bags! Well done Danny. :] After playing this game for a while, we moved onto the claw game, which seemed to be harder than the ring toss one. Danny managed to pick up the gold gotchi point bags a few times, though! ;DD

We then played the tama soccer game, which me and Danny found really fun. :3 Danny was very good at football, & the speed of his kicks increased every time! So, we won a lot of gotchi points on that game. x]

Danny then wanted to go to the theatre, & it was great! We saw both the movies fear & love. :3 They were awesome, Danny enjoyed them. x] At the end of the movie, we receieved posters from both of them. ;D I liked love the best, but Danny prefered fear. xP

We left the theatre, & Danny thought the post office looked quite interesting. xDD So, we went to the post office, & Danny found a box to pick up. x3 Then, we played the stamp game. It was so much fun. Danny had to hand out all these differently-priced stamps to other Tamas, & we got a 300p reward! ;DD

Danny then decided he was tired, so we left TamaTown. :] He enjoyed it so much. :3 We'll go back very soon. ;D

Here's what we picked up/earned:


Picture Book


Poster 1

Poster 2


As well as around 6000p! ;3

I logged out, then entered all the codes I needed to into my Tamagotchi. ;DD

Well, that's all for now! Wow, this one was a loooonggg post. ;P

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hellooo there. ;D

Some pretty good news coming! :3


A few minutes ago, Danny evolved into a teenager!

I checked the V4 character chart, & discovered that he is now a Hinotamatchi!

He looks awesome. 8]

Anyway, because he is now a teenager, there are 3 more games he can play. They are called shape, dance & flag, so we shall play them later. :3

Here are Danny's stats:

Stage: Teenager. Tama: Hinotamatchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Pencil: 19

Star: 26

Flower: 32

Age: 1 Years

Weight: 15lbs

Name: Danny

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Point: 9450p

Username: Beth

That's all for now, I'll write soon! :]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hey people!

I know I didn't write long ago, but I have some news! ;DD


A piece of important mail just came!

So, Danny opened it, & he was whizzed off to his pre-school!

I saw him & his pre-school teacher crying, being all upset. x3 Then, Danny returned, & another piece of important mail came straight after. So, he opened it.

Then, he was taken to school! ;OO

He got to choose a teacher, so we both chose Mr. Turtle!

I sent Danny of to school, & when he arrived, Mr. Turtle came. He got out 3 presents, & put a pencil in one of them. He mixed them about, & then Danny had to choose which one had the pencil inside. The other 2 presents had poop in them (lovely...), but Danny chose the right one! ;DD He got some pencil points for it. :] Mr. Turtle was proud. xP

That's all for now. :] I'm very proud of Danny for getting into school! :3

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Bonjournooo! ;D

... Yeaahhh. 8]


So, anyways! Danny has been doing good. :] I've been sending him to school a few times since the last post, I think he likes it. The teacher seems nice, too. He's been teaching Danny loads of intelligence points. :3

Danny wanted to go to TamaTown again, so we went for a second time & had loads of fun. ;D Here's what we did:

Okay, so first, we visited Danny's pre-school, to say goodbye to his teacher again. She told Danny that he had grown so much from the last time she'd seen him! She also told us to visit her again soon, which I'm sure we'll be doing. Next, I wanted to go & see Mr. Turtle, Danny's school teacher. So, we went to visit the school. He was kinda busy teaching his pupils a maths lesson, so I didn't really get to speak to him. But Danny did manage to play quite a few games! First, we played tama wordsearch, & Danny found all the words in the wordsearch pretty fast! He got a 200p reward for finding them all. :3 Then, we played clean up, where Danny had to race against other Tamas to clean a section of the gym floor. Oh, & guess what? Danny won! ;DD This time, he only got a 100p reward, but he said it was an easy game anyway. x]

Next, we moved onto tama typing, which was a fun game. Danny managed to type in all the words, & spell them correctly, yay! He said it was one of his favourite games, & he won 300p! :3

After playing all the games in school, we headed over to the bank, because Danny thought it looked cool. x] We played the let's work at the bank game, where Danny had to give the Tama customers the correctly-coloured gotchi point bags. He won 300p for doing it all correctly!

We left the bank, & by this time, we had already won 1100p! We went to visit the arcade to play another one of Danny's favourite games, ring toss. He did really well, he managed to win a whopping 8800p, meaning we had reached the maximum amount of gotchi points you can! Yay. ;D

Then, we went to the theatre, & picked up a sandwich... Yeah. 8]

Lol, so, here's what we picked up/earned:

Sandwich (xDD)

As well as 9900p! ;DD

So, I entered the code for the sandwich. xP

That's all for now. I'm going to go now, & watch Danny enjoy his sandwich. xDD

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hiyah! :3

I know I didn't write my last post long ago, but oh wellz. ;D


Just sayin' that I decided to enter all the shop codes for the V4 into my Tamagotchi. ;D I got:



!! (Clone)

Honey (Love Potion)


Rare Cell Phone

So... Yay! ;D When Danny is old enough to play with all of them, I think he'll like them. :3

Oh, & I also entered the codes for the play house & slide, which I think Danny will really like! :]

That's all for now! xDD

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hello everyone. :3

Ooh, another entry today. xD


I decided I should post Danny's stats, so here they are:

Stage: Teenager. Tama: Hinotamatchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 8/9

Pencil: 106

Star: 51

Flower: 52

Age: 2 Years

Weight: 15lbs

Name: Danny

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Point: 27550p

Username: Beth

Yup, a few changes from the time I last posted his stats. His training has risen by 4, which is good. ;D I've also increased all of his points, but I've increased the intelligence points the most because Mr. Turtle is his teacher. :3 Oh, & if you haven't noticed already, look at the amount of gotchi points he's got! He's one rich Tama. :33

Anyway, recently I've been trying to increase his kindness & fashion points a little bit more. I know they're not that important, (because he's gonna have a career based on his intelligence points), but I still want to get them a little bit higher. I've tried searching for the foods I know will increase kindness & fashion points, but they aren't really a lot of help, so I've been trying to play the games dance & flag a little more. To be honest, I'm not very good at them. xDD Well, practice makes perfect, I guess. x]

Oh, & I saw the cutest thing earlier on. Danny was having a bath! Aww. :3 He ish clean now. xP

Nothing else interesting happening right now, so bye-bye for now! :]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hola. :]

I have some news to tell. ;D


Okay, so, I took Danny to school today.

Yeah, I know. Wasn't one of my best ideas.

I wasn't able to care for him all day, so when I got home, all his hearts had emptied, & there were 2 poops on the screen! :[ I'm so sorry Danny. D:

Maybe I should just put him on pause when I go to school. :/

Anyway, some good news is that Danny evolved into an adult! Yay! I checked the character chart, & found out he is now a Tosakatchi. :3 He looks pretty cool, when I do the 'C button animation' it's really cute. ;D

So, here are Danny's stats:

Stage: Adult. Tama: Tosakatchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 8/9

Pencil: 109

Star: 67

Flower: 64

Age: 3 Years

Weight: 20lbs

Name: Danny

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Point: 29480p

Username: Beth

Oh, & some more good news is that Danny won both the dance & the flag game for the first time ever today! Yaaayyy! ;DDD Just goes to prove that practice does make perfect. Although... It didn't really increase the fashion or kindness points. :/ Phooey. D: Oh wellz.

That's all the news for now. :33

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.

Hi everyone! ;DD

First, I just want to say sorry for not writing in here for a while. :[

I've been really busy with school & homework & what not, so I've had no time. D:

But now that it's Friday, I can write a new entry!

& I have a lot of news. :]


So, in my last entry I took Danny to school, & it didn't turn out good.

Well, I don't really like pausing my Tama, so what I did was I set the time to 11:00pm, so Danny would sleep through the day when I was at school. Then, when I got home, I set the time back to the right time, & Danny was fine

So yeah, that was a good idea. Anyway, some real news is that Danny now has a job! Uh-huh. :33 He works for a bank. When I send him to work he gets to play a game where he has to collect all the gotchi-point bags, but avoid the poop. He says it's really fun. He got his first pay, around 2000p, which isn't bad!

Oh, & another piece of news is that the matchmaker came today! ;DD She bought a Hanatchi for Danny to mate with, & they had a baby boy! :33 Aww, another boy for me too look after. :] I still need to think of a name for him.

One more piece of news is that me & Danny are getting better at playing the flag and dance games! x] We managed to raise Danny's fashion & kindness points a little bit, so that's good. :]

We also got our first visit from the King! Yup, he gave Danny 200p. :33

By the way, here are Danny's neeeewww stats!

Stage: Adult (& Baby). Tama: Tosakatchi (& Tsubutchi).

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 8/9

Pencil: 147

Star: 73

Flower: 73

Age: 6 Years

Weight: 21lbs

Name: Danny

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Point: 33460p

Username: Beth

Nothing else really interesting has happened up to now. I'll write soon.

I promise. x]]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Danny.


~ Baby!

Bonjournoooo, fellow TamaTalkers!

Another update coming up. :3


Last night, a while after Danny & Baby went to bed, I saw Danny leave. :[

It was really sad, I'm gonna miss him so much. D:

But, at least me & Baby can still go & visit him in TamaTown! ;DDD

Anyway, you've probably realised that I keep calling Danny's baby 'Baby'. xD

But that's not what I'm calling him. xDD

I don't know what to call him, I can't think of any boy's names right now. :/

Erm... Okay, boy's names...


Jake! ;DDD

So, I put in the name Jake, & started caring for him straight-away. :3

I needed to fill up his hungry hearts, so I fed him 4 meals. I then played a game of jumping rope to fill up his happy hearts, & he got 30 jumps! On his first go! ;DD

I played another game of jumping rope with him a few minutes later, & he got 30 jumps again. :3

But at the end, he had a headache. :[ So I gave him 2 doses of medicene, & he was okay again. ;D

By the way, I thought I should post Jake's stats. 8]

Stage: Adult (& Baby). Tama: Tosakatchi (& Tsubutchi).

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 0/9

Pencil: 7

Star: 0

Flower: 11

Age: 0 Years

Weight: 5lbs

Name: Danny

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2g

Point: 39000p

Username: Beth

Yayness. ;3

That's all for now! I'll post laterz when something interesting happens.

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Jake.

Hello everyone!

So sorry I haven't written in a while. :[

I've been really busy, but I have a lot of news. :3


In the time that I was away, Jake became an adult! ;O Here:

Child - Puchitchi

Teenager - Gourmetchi

Adult - Togetchi

So, yeah! All his evolutions were pretty awesome, & now he's an adult. A Togetchi, talk about cuteness! I love the 'C' animation. :33

After Jake evolved into a child, he got a letter sending him to pre-school! ;DD He met his teacher, & they seemed to get along. ;P Which is good. He told me he enjoyed pre-school.

& when Jake evolved into a teenager, he soon got a letter saying he had to leave pre-school. He was really upset, & so was his teacher. But, he got a letter afterwards telling him he got into school! ;DD We picked the teacher Mrs. Flower for him, he really seems to like her. He tells me she teaches him a lot. When Jake goes to school, he needs to find the star, which is in one of the three boxes that Mrs. Flower mixed up. So far, he's got them all! Except the first time where he got a bit confused. x]

So as you know, just a few minutes ago, Jake evolved into an adult! He looks soooo awesome as a Togetchi. 8] I've never had one of them before. He special. ;P Anyway, here are Jake's new stats:

Stage: Adult. Tama: Togetchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Pencil: 22

Star: 36

Flower: 21

Age: 3 Years

Weight: 31lbs

Name: Jake

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2g

Point: 43650p

Username: Beth

That's all for now everyone! Cyaaaz.

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Jake.

Bonjour mes lecteurs. :]

J'ai quelques nouvelles!

(Hello my readers. :] I have some news!)


Christmas is near! 'Cuz Jake spoke to the Talking Christmas Tree today! Yeah, I saw them when I got back from school, they seemed to be having a nice little chat. :] Jake said it was totally awesome meeting him! Hopefully he'll be back again, I'm sure he will be. :]

Anyway, some good news is that Jake played the game dance today, & finally beat all the rounds! YAY! We've been practicing & practicing & practicing, & he finally got it! I'm really proud of him. :3 Oh, & also, Jake received some important mail today. You know what that means. :33

I took Jake to school for one last time, then opened the letter. He got sent back to school, where he said goodbye to Mrs. Flower. :[ It was really sad, but soon after, another piece of important mail came. Jake was taken away to choose what job he wants!

He chose every job, but none of them would let him have it! :[ I figured it must be because his points aren't high enough, so I'm gonna work harder to raise them more.

Anyway, here are his stats:

Stage: Adult. Tama: Togetchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Pencil: 32

Star: 63

Flower: 25

Age: 4 Years

Weight: 30lbs

Name: Jake

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2g

Point: 46900p

Username: Beth

That's all for now. ;3

Au revoir! x]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Jake.

La, la, la, la, la. ♫ :D

Hiyaz everyonee. x3


Okay, so I was pretty disappointed that I hadn't raised Jake's skills enough for the job offer yesterday. But, most of last night I was playing lots of games to raise them. Another job offer came, & Jake managed to get a job this time! :DD

He works in a clothes shop, & the game is totally fun. :3 What Jake needs to do is find a certain number of a set kind of clothing in a set amount of time, if that made sense. :p

When he went to work today, he received his first pay! He got 1180 gotchi points, which is pretty good for his first day of work! x]

So, yeah. Now Jake is a proper adult. :]

Here's an update of Jake's stats:

Stage: Adult. Tama: Togetchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Pencil: 32

Star: 71

Flower: 32

Age: 4 Years

Weight: 30lbs

Name: Jake

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2g

Point: 48560p

Username: Beth

That's all the news I have for now. x]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Jake.

Hello everyone!

There's an update coming. 8]


Okay, so today, the matchmaker came! She bought a Memetchi for Jake to mate with, & they had a baby girl! Yay! A girl, finally. :D I'm thinking of naming her Emily, I really like that name. So yeah, that's the big update. :]

Oh, me & Jake have been playing a lot of games today. :] It's been fun, we're really getting better at the dance & flag games which we could never get the hang of before!

Also, I've been wondering why Jake's training points haven't seemed to increase that much if we compare him to Danny. He hasn't really called out for attention that often, & I'm curious as to why that is. Oh well, I wonder if Jake's baby will be more disciplined. x]S

So, I think this is a good time to post Jake & Baby's stats:

Stage: Adult (& Baby). Tama: Togetchi (& Tsubutchi).

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Pencil: 58

Star: 117

Flower: 59

Age: 7 Years

Weight: 30lbs

Name: Jake

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2g

Point: 58420p

Username: Beth

That's it for today everyone, I hope you are all enjoying my log so far. :] If you want to comment on it, please send me a PM, I'd love to hear from you guys! x]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Jake.


~ Baby!

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't written in a while. :[

It's been a busy week for me, but I've managed to find a bit of time right now. :]


So, during the time that I made the last post, Jake sadly left. :[ He left me with his baby girl, & I have decided on the name Emily, like I said in my previous post. :]

During the week, I took the battery out of my V4 & put it in my V5 for a bit, but just now I put the battery back in my V4. :] It went back to me caring for Jake & the baby, so at least I have an extra night with Jake before he goes. :33

As I said in my last post, I'll name the baby Emily. I think Jake will leave tonight, so I'll start caring for the baby tomorrow. :]] Unless I have another 24 hours with Jake, therefore tomorrow night will be when he leaves & I won't start caring for the baby until Sunday. Not sure. :/ But anyway, I'll find out soon. xP

Jake just received some mail. I went to go check it, & the fortune cookie icon was flashing. I clicked on it, & here was his fortune cookie:

Money bag: 1

Heart: 2

Body: 2

Eh, not bad I guess.

Here are Jake & Baby's stats, they haven't really changed from the last post, but I'll post them anyway:

Stage: Adult (& Baby). Tama: Togetchi (& Tsubutchi).

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5/9

Pencil: 63

Star: 125

Flower: 74

Age: 8 Years

Weight: 31lbs

Name: Jake

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2g

Point: 59720p

Username: Beth

Well, I'll post later when something interesting happens, bye-bye!

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Jake.


~ Baby!

Hi! :DDD

Ready for another update? ;P


If you read my last post, you'd know that I was a little confused as to if I would start caring for Baby today or tomorrow. Well, I woke up today to find my Tamagotchi at the naming screen for Baby! Yay! :D I'm really happy that I can start caring for her today, although I know I am really gonna miss Jake. :[ At least he's with his Dad, Danny, now. Well, I'll take Baby to visit him in TamaTown. Baby can visit her Granddad, Danny, too! xDD

So anyway, I'm gonna stop calling Baby 'Baby' now. xDD I'm gonna name her.

-Inputs Name-

I decided to go with the name Emily, it's really pretty. :]

I started caring for her right away. I fed her 4 meals to fill her hungry hearts, & then I played a game of jumping rope to fill her happy hearts. Sadly, we only got up to 13 jumps on the first go, because my buttons messed up. xDD We tried again, & we got 30 jumps! :DD Emily got 400p as a reward. :3 We then played again after a few minutes, & we got 30 jumps again! Emily is very good at this game. x]

When we stopped playing, Emily had a headache. :[ So, I gave her one dose of medicine & she was all better. :]

Here are Emily's stats:

Stage: Baby. Tama: Shirosubutchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 0/9

Pencil: 12

Star: 0

Flower: 0

Age: 0 Years

Weight: 5lbs

Name: Emily

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3g

Point: 62520p

Username: Beth

That's all for now, I'll post later! :]

Oh, & I hope you are enjoying my log! I love to hear from you guys, so feel free to send me a PM. If you like it, or if you think there is something I can do to improve? :]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Emily.

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'Sup?! 8]

I have some news.


During the time I made the last post, quite a lot has happened!

First of all, Emily evolved! :DD She is now a Puchitchi! She looks so cute, this evolution is what Jake was when he evolved! Aah, Emily takes after her Daddy. x]]

& also, I praised & timed-out Emily twice, so she now has 2 training points already! I want to try & get Emily's training higher than Jake's, because I thought Jake's was a little low. :[

Oh! & Emily got accepted into pre-school! She received an important mail a while after she evolved. She met Mrs. Flower, & she tells me she's really nice, which is good. :] Emily likes the dancing game she plays when she goes to pre-school, it's really cute to watch aswell. I'm a little curious though, as to why all my Tama's are only able to do the first set of moves, but always fall flat on their faces on the second set? Hm... :/

Anyway, Emily is happily bobbing around the screen now, so I guess this is a good time to post her stats:

Stage: Baby. Tama: Shirosubutchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 2/9

Pencil: 17


Flower: 8

Age: 0 Years

Weight: 12lbs

Name: Emily

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3g

Point: 64120p

Username: Beth

Well, I'm off to take Emily to TamaTown, hopefully we'll be able to see Danny & Jake there! I'll make a post about it when we come back.

Bye-bye for now! :]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Emily.

Hey guys!

We had a great time in TamaTown!


When we arrived, Emily was given a passport. So, we picked up the item, & explored TamaTown! :D

& yup, you can guess where we went first! We went to go visit Jake in his house, Emily was really missing him. When we turned up, we couldn't see Jake. It seemed like he was hiding behind the couch. :[ Well, maybe after a little while he'll come out? He also gave Emily 300p, which was really nice of him. :]

We left Jake's house, then went onto see Danny. Although Emily never really knew him, she still wanted to go & see him, & so did I. When we arrived, Danny was hiding too! :[ Why aren't they showing? D: Anyway, Danny commented on how much Emily had grown, & asked if she was enjoying her time on Earth. x] He gave her 500p! Very nice. ;P

We left Danny's house, because Emily wanted to go to the TamaTown pre-school. When we got there, I said hello to Mrs. Flower. She does seem really nice, just like Emily told me. Emily found a picture book, so we picked that up. :D We also decided to play dancing game, where Emily had to repeat back the moves in the order that Mrs. Flower. Emily won 200p, which is pretty good! We missed some of the moves, we kinda weren't paying attention. xDD Next, we moved onto puzzle game, where Emily had to do a puzzle. After she did it, she got 100p as a reward. :DD

Afterwards, we left the pre-school & went to the mall. Emily said she felt like shopping, & she's loaded with gotchi points so I thought 'why not?'. x] First, we went into the Tama Beat store, & Emily wanted to buy the drum! So, we picked it up. She said that's all she wanted from the Tama Beat store, so we left & went into Lucky Tama Toys. She bought the RC Helicopter, it looks awesome. We left Lucky Tama Toys & went into Forever Tamagotchi. Emily said this was her favourite store, she loves shopping for clothes! Emily bought a skirt & a shirt. She really likes them. She really likes all the things he's bought!

We then decided to leave TamaTown for today. :]

We had loads of fun!

These are all the things we got whilst in TamaTown:


Picture Book


RC Helicopter



& we also got 1100p! :DD

That's all for now. :]

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Emily.

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Hello everyone! :D

Oh, & thank you to Shiba for commenting on my log! :]


Well, today, Emily evolved into a teenager! She is now a Ringotchi, & she looks so cute. I've have Ringotchi's a lot in the past, but I really like them. The 'C Button Animation' is toooo cute. :33

Oh! & also today, Emily recieved some important mail, where she was taken away to pre-school to say goodbye to Mrs. Flower! It was really sad, Emily got really upset. :[ But, as soon as she returned from pre-school, another piece of important mail came. Emily got taken away to choose her school teacher! & because Danny had Mr. Turtle, & Jake had Ms. Sunflower, I chose Mr. Canvas as Emily's teacher. He seems nice, he's been teaching her a lot. He hides a kindness icon in 1 of 3 boxes, & poop in the other 2, then he mixes them around & Emily has to follow them & choose which one has the kindness point in it! She's really good, she hasn't gotten one wrong yet!

I've been playing a lot of games with Emily recently. I've been trying to get her points pretty high, because I don't want what happened to Jake (when he was rejected from the first round of choosing a job) to happen to Emily too! x] Hopefully it won't if I keep playing lotsa games. :D We've been getting better at the game dance (I find that game so hard!) & we find flag really easy now. Same with shape. We don't really like mimic though, & jumping rope is okay. xDD

Also, Emily cried out for attention a lot today, so that's good. Her training points are getting fairly high now. Yay. :DDD

Here are Emily's stats:

Stage: Teenager. Tama: Ringotchi.

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 6/9

Pencil: 47


Flower: 49

Age: 1 Years

Weight: 21lbs

Name: Emily

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3g

Point: 71765p

Username: Beth

Well, that's all the news I have for you today guys, I'll post tomorrow! :DD

~ Bethiee. :]


~ Emily.
