My Tamagotchi Story...


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Well-known member
May 20, 2009
Reaction score

Okay, so I just reset my tamagotchi Music Star. The egg is hatching, I got a boy! He is a Petitchi (m)! I will name the boy Eddie. (Strange I know, but I just want something short! Plus, it is out of a good show!) Eddie's favourite toy is his robot, and he sings! He is into Asian Music! :kuribotchi: I just played Sound Block! Eddie and I are not very good! His hearts are all full. He gets to come out in our family boat today! I hope he gets to grow up to be a Mametchi or a Kuromametchi! :ichigotchi:

Okay, so I will post when I get back and he evolves! *Crosses fingers* I hope for a Kuribotchi! :D

Please don't post in my log, this is just for me!

Eddie turned into a .... Kuchitamatchi! :D He is now into Rock 'n' Roll music! :D

I restarted Eddie because I wanted a girl! Okay, the new egg is hatching... Yay! I got a girl! I am going to name the girl... Cali. Cali plays the trombone and her favourite toy is her doll house. I just played Sound Block wit her, and now all of her happy hearts are full. She is into Rock 'n' Roll music.


Me: Hello Cali!

Cali: Goo-a-goo!

Me: Aww... I can tell that you are going to grow up to be a gorgeous... Mimitchi :mimitchi:

Cali: Gaa!

Me: Haha, eww - what is that smell? :mimitchi:

Cali: Ba-ba!


I will update when she evloves!

