My Tamagotchi Picture Log.


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
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After a long time away, Ive decided to come back and create a fresh log, complete with pictures! ^-^

Currently, I am running A Version 2, and A Glow In The Dark Version 4. The log may alternate between the two Tamagotchi's also.

My Version 2 Tamagotchi is named Shawn, she is a girl.

My Version 4 Tamagotchi is named Randi, who is also a girl.

Shawn is still a Baby, and Randi is an adult, who is 8 years old. I'm waiting impatiently for the matchmaker to come! =)

Woohoo! Good morning world and all who inhabit it. xD

Currently, as of 7:10am, both Shawn and Randi are on pause, because I can't keep up with them at school. They're both in my purse right now... I wish I could play with them at school. :3 But it would be just slightly weird for a 15 year old to bring Tamagotchi's to high school. But, it's whatever, y'know, no one is too old to play with Tamagotchi's. Heck, there's 20 year olds on here. I'm not old xD

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture for this one. Will next time though.

Bai. xD

Hai ever'body. xD

Shawn and Randi have been on pause pretty much all day, because I had no time to yank them out for a second before class started... Shawn will end up evolving really slowly.

And about Randi, being so old, shouldn't the Matchmaker have come yet? She's 9... Is it because she's on pause on and off, which is screwing up the time that the matchmaker is supposed to be there? If anyone knows or has an idea, please PM me about it.

And I als-- =O! Shawn evolved! What a nice interruption... :3 Wow... how ironic, considering I was just talking about how slow she's going to evolve... xD She is now a Ufotchi. =D

Oh, and Randi got some maracas, and I took her picture playing with those. =D

Whoops! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long... The stomach flu caught up with me, and even though I feel better, the horrid acid reflux hasn't left unfortunately. I've practically been living off of Rolaids.... =/

Anyway. A lot has happened. Remember what I asked about the matchmaker? It must have been true, because she evolved into an Otokitchi over the past few days. As for Shawn, she unfortunately evolved into a Maskutchi.... >.< Probably because of my poor care of them... caused by my poor care of myself.

But they're doing... rather well... I guess you could say. I do have some updated pictures for you also.

Have a look:



