My Tamagotchi Log


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Nov 13, 2006
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[SIZE=8pt]Hi, everyone! I have a V3 Tamagotchi. Her name is Ebony, and she is currently a Obotchi. She has three points of training, is 20 pounds, and is two years old. She is a female, and the first generation. She loves[/SIZE] juice, too.

I'm currently trying to "potty train" her by clicking the bathroom icon whenever I see her about to do her business. Now, I'm not sure if this really works. It might not, but I'm testing. Plus, it would be nice if she could do her business done in the toilet instead of on the floor. That would be good.

Also, I have a whole plan worked out for her. Well, it's actually a life plan. She is going to grow up on full hearts and a happy environment, then get married to my other V1 Tamagotchi, Hammy. Who is a year older than her, but I think it'll work out. They'll have tama kids, and I guess I'll try to make their lives fun.

Hmm, what else? Oh! I'm also trying to get all of her Training points up. Not very exciting...

Well, that's about it for tonight.

Have a great time browsing this awesome site!

[SIZE=8pt]Okay. So when I went to buy something from the little shop, I saw that there were two plants in stock. Having heard that I should always buy it when possible, I snached my chance and bought both. I used one, and there was a neat little jingle and the plant grew. My Tamagotchi looked suprised - then happy - when she saw that I had gotten 300 points. When I got out the second plant, the same thing happened, except this time I got 500 points. So now I'm pretty happy. Here is the current status of Ebony:[/SIZE]

She is two years old, twenty-two pounds, and her needs are all fulfilled. Her training is at four points.

And to tell you the truth, I use the shop restocking cheat. You know, the one where you set the colck to 2:59 and wait one minute? I find it very useful, and reccomend it highly. You can get many new items from it.

Oh! Plus, I have just one question. How do you get the doll or whatever it is that your tamagotchi will sleep with? I really want my Tama to sleep with a doll, so...

PM me with your answer, please!

Well, this is all for now!

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[SIZE=8pt]Okay. I have several happenings I'd like to talk about. This morning, I bought the chest from the shop. I also bought another plant. Well, when I used the chest, my tamagotchi grew up, then turned back to her regular self. Unfortunatley, all of her heart points had gone down. Next, I tried the plant, and a small black ball popped out and made a scary face at poor Ebony. [/SIZE]

I also bought a Lion Doll, and had Ebony play with it. Well, she loved it and slept with it, which is the cutest thing! And thanks to Sfmallon for the great tips for the lion!

Here is what Sfmallon told me over PM:

Hi Kazooeh, you can buy the doll (which is a lion) and the action figure (robot) at the store whenever they show up.  You can also buy them at Tamatown.  Go to the Mall, then you will find them in the Lucky Tama Toys store.

Once you buy them it's in your Items list.  If you give it to you Tama to play with during the day he or she will sleep with the toy when it goes to sleep at night.  One trick though, girl tamas like the doll and boy tamas like the action figure.  If you give them the wrong one they will be unhappy and won't take it to sleep with them.

Hmm. What else to talk about? Well, here is the current status of Ebony:

All of her heart points are full, she has seven training points, is three years, and weighs 21 pounds. I have 3,147 points too. She is still in her teens, and -if I don't pause her- will grow up tomorrow! Yay!

My sister also pointed out that his hair looks like Elvis's hair! I also remember reading that in another Tamagotchi Log, but I can't remember which one. Sorry! But I do agree that it looks like Elvis hair.


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