My Tamagotchi Log


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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2005
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At the time I am a caretaker for two Tamagotchi Pets: A V.3 and a P1. The V.3 is a Mametchi named GALI and her baby girl who I'll name MACKU. :eek:


The P1 is a Tamatchi. Even though you can't officially name a P1, I call him Han Solo (Solo for short). ;)


Tonight at 12:00 Midnight, GALI will return to Tamagotchi Planet. :lol:


-Tamaguy#1 :unsure:

Today MACKU woke up alone. :huh: I watched GALI leave by changing the time last night. It was a bit sad.


MACKU is now a Kuchitamatchi in her child/rebelious stage. She should evolve into her teen stage tomorrow morning.


Solo is still a Tamatchi. I don't know what kind of adult he will become. I think most likely a Mametchi or Ginjirotchi. I haven't let him empty two hearts yet, and I don't think I've missed a Discipline. :huh:


Here are MACKU's Stats:


HUNGRY hearts: 4


HAPPY hearts: 4




AGE: 0 yrs.


WEIGHT: 15 lbs.




GEN.: 10G


Gotchi Points: 5993p



Here are Han Solo's Stats:


Age: 4 yrs.


Weight: 22 oz.


Discipline: 50% full


Hungry hearts: 4


Happy hearts: 4




-Tamaguy#1 :ph34r:

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Today MACKU evolved into her teen stage of life. :pochitchi: She is a Young Mimitchi! Young Mimitchi is one of the two healthiest teens available on V.3...I think. :ichigotchi:


Han Solo is still a Tamatchi. He should evolve into his final adult stage of life sometime tomorrow afternoon. I will type it down as soon as he does. :)


-Tamaguy#1 :chohimetchi:

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MACKU is still a Young Mimitchi; I hope she becomes an adult Mimitchi once she evolves! :ph34r: She is fully TRAINED now. Even though she'll still call for discipline a few more times, she has the maximum number of training bars. :ph34r:


Han Solo evolved today into his adult stage! He's a Mametchi > <_< If I take PERFECT care of him, he'll live to be 22yrs. old! It gets pretty hard to care for a P1 once it gets to the age of 16+ though, so he may not live quite that long. :ph34r:


-Tamaguy#1 :ph34r:

MACKU woke me up yesterday evolving into an adult! LOL! :( She is now a Mimitchi.


Han Solo is still a Mametchi. He hasn't I haven't let him drop even two hearts empty at the same time yet. I'm taking pretty good care of him!


-Tamaguy#1 :(

I didn't have time to enter this post in my Log yesterday. :angry:


MACKU got married with my sister's Tamagotchi, BOB! :eek: MACKU gave birth to two boy Tamababies! :eek: I'm going to name the baby, CYBER.


Solo the Mametchi's Health Meter now reads, " :angry: 10 yr". He's getting old now. The reason I put a Smiley Face in front of his age is because there really is a little head if you look to the left! :furawatchi:


-Tamaguy#1 :p

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Whoa. It's been a few days since I've made a post in my log. Sorry. ;) Our computer wouldn't let me come to TamaTalk yesterday! :)


Anyway, yesterday, CYBER was alone. I took pretty good care of him while he was a baby Teletchi. He then evolved into a Mohitamatchi for his child/rebelious stage of life. Today, he evolved again into his teen stage of life as a Young Mametchi.


These are the only teens I seem to get on V.3: Young Mametchi, Young Mimitchi, and sometimes I get a Hinatchi. I guess I always get these guys 'cause I take pretty good care of them! :D


-Tamaguy#1 :eek:

Today we went fishing. I had to PAUSE my Tamagotchis because I didn't want to risk losing them in the water. :D They are still the same characters...


-Tamaguy#1 :eek:

Yesterday evening, CYBER evolved! She is now a Leaftchi. I still don't get why BanDai changed from Furawatchi to Leaftchi... :eek:


Han Solo is 16 now so he needs care about every ten minutes! :angry: It will get even harder than that, but I think I can handle it...


-Tamaguy#1 :)

CYBER was married to a Paparatchi today! He is now the father of a girl Tamababy. :p


Han is now 18 and REALLY needs care about every 5-10 minutes! :p


-Tamaguy#1 :D

I took the batteries out of my P1 Tamagotchi (Han Solo) and brought back my V.2! ;) My V.2 is a girl Pochitchi named ANNIE.


I like to switch between Tamas now and again; it let's me experience all that every version of Tamagotchi Pet I own has to offer. ^_^


I used TamaTalk's "Tamagotchi Name Generator" to find a name for CYBER's Tamababy. I am going to name her PIPIT.


-Tamaguy#1 :furawatchi:

CYBER left for Tamagotchi Planet last night at midnight. B) Now my V.3 Tamagotchi Pet is PIPIT the Mohitamatchi (kinda like a Marutchi with a crest on top of it's head)! :ph34r: She should evolve into her teen stage of life sometime tomorrow morning.


ANNIE is 5 years old so the Matchmaker should visit her in a couple of days. :furawatchi:


-Tamaguy#1 ;)


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