My Tamagotchi log!


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)

Welcome to my log and I will be talking about my V4 and my Uratama! Good luck reading! It may be very long!

If you wish to comment please PM me.

BTW, if you know what kind of batteries the P1 1996 Tama takes, tell me!

I am currently running a V4 and a Uratama!

My V4 is the sunflower design, while my Uratama is a city or town design, don't know which. I got my V4 in.... February or March, played with it, stopped after a 2nd generation tam died, and another one died, I named a new one Bob, left left him paused at baby stage for about 2 or 3 months, and finally started playing it again sometime earlier this week.

My mom offered to put batteries in a tama, and I gave her the Uratama.

I have to do this quick.


Name: Bob

Type: Obotchi, universal teen

Generation: 1

Gender: boy

Uratama STATS

Name: Mesuchi♥[musicnote] (I think)

Type: Tsunokotchi, Kuchizoku toddler

Generation: 1

Gender: girl

So, I'll update again later!

WHAT A SURPRISE! Bob turned into a Minotchi. I DID have Mr. Canvas and, like, 153 Intelligence points when he evolved. AND HE IS A SCIENTIST! Whee! Yahoo! Whoot! Whoop! Whoooooooooooottttttttt again! YAY!

Sorry, I just felt like doing that.

Now, Mesuchi is a Ura Young Yattatchi. She's not that high in skill points, though.


Both of my Tamagotchis are fat. I have to exercise them.

But Bob is doing fine. The Matchmaker will come to him probably on Thursday.

Mesuchi is okay. She'll evolve soon.

Oh gotta go bye!

I got batteries in my V1, V2, V3, and Entama. So now the log includes those 4, too.


Name: Babi

Type: Marutchi

Age: 0yrs

Gender: girl

Generation: 1gen

Training: 3 bars [|||------]

Weight: 44lbs (pounds)


Name: Kito

Type: Marutchi

Age: 0yrs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1gen

Training: 1 bar [|--------]

Weight: 40lbs (pounds)

Points: 21p


Name: Tom

Type: Tamatchi

Age: 0yrs

Gender: boy

Generation: 1gen

Training: 1 bar [|--------]

Weight: 45lbs

Points: 390p


Bob just had the Matchmaker! He mated with a Mimitchi, and now he has a baby girl!


Name: Mesu (Meh-suu)

Type: Mamekotchi (a toddler, anyway, girl Mame family)

Age: 1yr (from her nap)

Gender: girl (but of course! I told you that ALREADY!!!)

Generation: 1gen

Weight: 34lbs (pounds)

Intelligence points: 8?!

Style points: 1

Kindness points: 0

Points (or Gotchi money, whatever you want to call it. The sign is a G, anyway. A money G!!!!!!!): 440G/P/Gotchi money/aaaarrrrgggghhhh whatever! Well anyway 440.

Mesuchi is now a UraYattatchi. She doesn't have a job yet. Ahh! She's SICK! *cures her* Well there done bye. I gotta go now! :D :(


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