My Tamagotchi Log Version 4


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
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well yesterday my tamagotchi had a baby boy it looks like poop!! Well it's cute i am planning to name it Nick! he's already very active and thats a good thing for my skill points everytime i buy a drink for my adult tama he slirps it down!! his favourite food is: cherries,hamburgers,juice,and soda!! oh well i wil get back on ya when anything happens! I think by tommorow the adult will leave and i get to start another generation!!

July,14,2007 my tamagotchi's parent left as you can see on my signater..a new tama has been born at first it was very sad but now it's seems happier then ever an't that great!! He's very picky unfortunatly first he loved food now i guess not :huh: oh well but he is a very cool tamagotchi thats all i can say!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as you know from my last post i was gonna name him nick and i did it's suits his character!! Puchitichi!! soo cute! well i gotta clean up it's poop see ya!! i will get back on ya tommorow if i can!

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hey guys my tamagotchi is doing my tamagotchi evolved while we were at the park today! it evolved into a obotchi the tamagotchi that looks like elvis LOL :D ! take a look at my signater! to bad when i get my V.4.5 i am gonna only make a log about my v4.5 or should i still keep this one?? well maybe i will keep both i don't kno when that time comes i will make that choice! well i found out what my tamagotchis favourite food is.......JUICE!! well it's not a food more like a drink and he was soo happy when i gave it to him awww! but i am really gonna feel bad when i get my v.4.5 i don't wanna abanden it. i am probably gonna get this week i will make them good friends yup yup yup :furawatchi: but still i don't think i am gonna give my v.4 all the attention :) dang! i can admit that i will probably give more attention to my v.4.5 :) well gonna go i willkeep an update!! :)


hey guys back with my my tamagotchi didn't get mail this morning i wonder why??? :furawatchi: oh well......i got like at 1:00pm usally when my tama wakes up i get mail....who knows!! I can't wait till i get my Version4.5....either this sunday or staurday i don't care how long it takes i am gettin it!! well today my tamagotchi seems bored and doesn't wanna play with me i wonder why?? it has all it's happy's and hungers?? guess what i finally learned how to proply dicipline my tamagotchi with almost 4 years of experiance with tamagotchis. when your tamagotchi call you for know reason you are supposed to give it time out and then praise it, it's training will go up!! as you can see in my signater my training is almost done....when i get my v4.5 i have to go to tamatown everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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July,17,2007 hey guys back here with my tamagotchi!! well today when i was a soccer practise ( yes i am a girl ) i left my tamagotchi home i thought i could trust it...and it turned into an adult yeaaaa! they grow up soo fast! well it's new baby will have a new friend with its TAMAGOTCHI VERSION4.5!! congrats tama! it's character is a pynotchi< or something it looks like pickatchu it's soooo cute! i can't wait to get a job offer! oh look and my signater today it's training is full very good too bad i have no one to connect with. when tamas were really in i had alot of freinds thank god those friiends are saved i have...let me check 29 gotchi friends! not bad but i want new friends evryones batterie died exept for mine and mine is the oldest! oh well it's just me and tamagotchi me myself and tama! he doesn't seem that lonely or does he.....i don't!! anyways my tamagotchi version4.5 is gonna be here on saturday or sunday don't worry tama i am coming!! i will still keep update i guess with this tama but not as much as i am gonna keep up with V4.5! SORRY TO THE PEOPLE THAT CAN'T GET A VERSION4.5! AND I AM NOT BRAGGING!! sorry if it seems like it! oh my tama beeped come back later!!! SEE YA!

P.S. i hate this tama last time before my ex-friend killed my tama i always had this one> :) < EW!! sorry to people who like it

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