My Tamagotchi Log <3


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York; United States
Hello everyone. As if you couldn't tell by the title, this is a log for my version 3 Tamagotchi. Currently, it's the only one that has a battery in it. The design is mint green with purple, pink, and orange tropical flowers. You know which one I'm talking about, right? Yellow buttons, dark green screen border... Yes, no, maybe? Well, it looks like this:

Anyway, I'm on the 25th generation with this Tamagotchi. I have a Kuchipatchi boy named Ritzu. Yes, I know, the name is silly. I can't remember why I picked it. Lol, just randomly I guess. He's 5 years old and weighs 52 pounds. Ritzu's just bouncing around the screen right now. He's quite the cute if I do say so myself. You should see him when he puts on clothes. Talk about adorable! His bow tie, his bow, his shirt, his sunglasses, etc. Everything looks so cute on him!

Nothing much is really going on with him at the moment. He's just hanging out, as I said before. I think the matchmaker is going to come tomorrow. I can't wait. I hope he has a boy. This way, I can try to get a Wooltchi. One of my favorite characters that I was never able to achieve on my V3 yet. Well, even if it is a girl I'd still like a Wooltchi. They're just soooo adorable!
