My Tamagotchi Journal


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Jul 15, 2005
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On my in computer In Canada!!!
Monday, July 18 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Marutchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Version: 1

First, I don't remember when I got my Tamagotchi. It was on a Sunday. Me, my step-dad, and my mom were at WalMart. Of course, we were shopping for my birthday present, Because they didn't have time to buy a few days before my birthday. Then we saw it on a shelf for 17.00 dollars. Then we bought it. The original egg I first had, Was a boy named Mason. But he's a great-great-great-great-great-great Tamagotchi grandfather. The one I had before Derek was Raven. She was a Robotchi. But she wouldn't find a matchmaker so I pressed the Reset button and got Derek. His name was going to be Dennis, but the letters were too long so I couldn't change it. Luckily, I was familliar with the name Derek. Since we went to the Stampede last night, I forgot to put it on Pause last night, then we stayed up until 11:00 PM and I checked Derek. He had four piles of poo and he was sick....and of course SLEEPING. So I asked my step-dad what should I do, and he told I should change his sleeping time, fix him up and change his sleeping time back to normal. So i'm like, WOW. Why didn't I think of that??? So I did it, then it worked. But we had to go somewhere this morning, so I made sure I put him on Pause. I did, luckily. Then I took him off pause, and I cleaned my room. Then I went on the computer. Derek is watching me type, as he's bouncing along the screen. I hope he evolves soon.

Same Day^^^^

Derek is such a sports type. I've been training him to be a good athelete since he was hatched out of his egg. Poor guy got hungry, so I fed him. It's funny everytime he poo's he loses a hungry heart. Hmmm....Hopefully he has a good sleep tonight, He was on pause alot, and in sports training, so he needs the extra sleep. Derek likes playing the Jump Game, but prefers the Dance Game sometimes. He's not even a year old and he's 24 pounds. I should keep training him. I'll post tomorrow, If I get a chance. :mellow:

Tuesday, July 19 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Hinotamatchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Derek evolved into Hinotamatchi! He's so cute. Right now he's sleeping and I want to wake him up! Ok...I'm going to visit my grandparents in Edmonton next Sunday, and I think they have a computer that actually works, so I'll be posting. I know they gave me my birthday presents, but I can not wait until Christmas. So, when i'm going there I'm going to ask for another Tamagotchi. That might sound a little greedy, but I just want another one! Derek is now 1 year old. I'm also staying with my grandparents for week. (Did I already say that?) Yeah, so I'll tell you about that. Post in my journal. I'm going on a GreyHound bus for three hours. I'm bringing Derek with me. The bus is leaving on Sunday at 9:00 am. Okay, back to Derek. I've started to think of names for when the Matchmaker comes. If it's a girl, I'm naming it: Emily, Star, Kate, Molly, Nara, Nyla. If it's a boy, I'm naming it: Rich, Cole, Don, Tom, Burke, Charly. I'll post some more stuff later if anything else interesting happens. :D ;)


Wednesday July 20 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Hinotamatchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Derek is still sleeping. He dosen't get up for another..hmm...2 hours? Close to that. Well, It's almost 9, so he gets up in 1 hour and a half. There, I got it. Has anybody heard of Klondike Days? It's in Edmonton. I'm going there with my brother. (He's 21) My grandparents bought us day passes to go on all the rides all day. It's going to be so much fun! Thats all for now. I might post later.

Thursday July 21 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Hinotamatchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

I just figured out that mostly every time I come on here, Derek is still sleeping. Only..hmm...3 more days until I go to Edmonton! Woot!! :kuribotchi: :wacko: Derek is now 3 years old, and he has 6 training bars. My mom and grandma agreed I bring a suitcase AND a backpack. I guess I'll need it. (As they say). My friend Susanna who moved out of my school called me yesterday. I was on the phone with her for 2 hours. Wwe were both on our computers too. It was so awesome. Until my step-dad told me to get off the phone, lol. Bye! I might post later.

I dunno. I thought maybe a change was good. Anyways.

Friday July 22 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Masktchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Last night, Derek turned into a Masktchi. I showed my mom and she's like "Eww" and i'm like "Awesome!". He dosen't wake up for an hour and 35 minutes. Great. I wanna play with the little guy. Oh well. For those who have been reading, TWO MORE DAYS UNTIL I GO TO EDMONTON!!! I'm keeping you updated on that. I also figured out i'm going to Klondike Days with my brother AND his girlfriend, Jessica. (Jessie, whatever sounds good, lol. I'll call her Jessie). Anyways, Jessie is really fun to be with. Like this one time, It was hot outside and no one wanted to take me to the park, So Jessie offered to do it. It was awesome. I don't know if my grandparents are coming with us or not. Hopefully there's a good movie on the Greyhound bus. If not, Oh well. I'm bringing a few things to do anyways. Derek is 4 years old and has seven training bars! Yay!

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Saturday July 23 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Masktchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Derek dosen't wake up for another half an hour. Thats shorter than usual when I get on this website, lol. I'm wondering if he's going to evolve anymore, or if the matchmaker is going to come. He must have a nice sleep. I mean, he goes to sleep at 10:15 and then wakes up at 10:00 in the morning. Well, I have been counting down the days until I go on the Greyhound. And here it is. Well, tomorrow. I'm just so excited. Like this one time, my grandma stayed up until 11:00 at night, so I was sitting in bed waiting for her. I only stayed up until 10:30 and then i'm like "Heck with her" and I went to sleep. I was so tired. I think I woke up at 8:30 AM or something like that the next day. My mom and step-dad helped me back my suitcase and backpack. The good thing is, Since Mom works at Mcdonalds, she might bring me home a blueberry muffin to eat, And I won a free Mars bar from an old wrapper of a Mars bar, so I don't think i'll be THAT hungry when I get there. Unfortuneatly, I won't be able to post anything in the morning or later in the day, so you'll have to wait until Monday or Tuesday. I'm not quite sure yet.

Sunday, July 24 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Masktchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Well, I got here in Edmonton about..maybe 5 or 6 hours ago. My grandma and me went to Safeway a little while ago. Oh, and the trip was great! They had 2 movies, Cheaper By The Dozen and some other one. I only watched Cheaper By The Dozen, it was pretty interesting. Yep, I'm going to Klondike Days tomorrow. WOOT! Oh, and thanks tamagotchi_guru! Well, I'm having beef stew for dinner. I can't wait to talk to my parents! I did earlier, a few minutes after I got into my grandparents's house,But I want to again sometime! I've decided to keep Derek on pause all week. (Yes, I know i'm horrible, but I don't want him to be beeping me all the time and I can't take care of him). Thanks for reading everyone, I really apprecaite it!!

Cool journal[font=Arial, this may sound dumb but how do you get your own tama log? I've wanted to know that for like ages! Hope Derek's good. me that, only signed in as Beccca coz I couldn't think of anything else!

I see you've already made one...

Monday, July 25 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Masktchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Derek is doing great, well, with the fact that I'm keeping him on pause. Today is the day for Klondike Days! OMG me, James, Jessie are going to have like, so much fun! And since me and james (and I think jessie) have day passes to go on rides as many time as we want, I'm going to on swings a million times! Go me! Also- I might or might not post later. Thanks for reading everyone! :puroperatchi:

Tuesday, July 26 2005

Current Tamagotchi: Masktchi

Tamagotchi Name: Derek

Klondike days was great! First, we went on some rides, then James ate stuff, Jessie has Cotton Candy (eww) . Then after some of their rides, we were going to go on the rollercoaster I wanted to go on. But with my luck, It started raining and they shut the ride down and we didn't even get to go on it and we were waiting in line 10 minutes or more. Then we went inside and watched this circus, arcrobat thing. Tons of people were coming in cause it was pouring outside! Then when it got boring, Jessie suggested we see if the rain had gone yet. I was hoping that it would be sunny cause once you got out of the circus thing, you couldn't come back in. We turned around the corner, and the sky had cleared up totally! So James and Jessie went on a ride that Jessie loves. It was called "The Gravitron". After that, James and me went in line for the rollercoaster, and Jessie stood in line for a ride that whip-lashes you. Then me and James actually got on the rollercoaster. The first drop made my stomach go "Oh my gosh!" and it felt like I was falling down. Then we got off and waited for Jessie to get off her ride. But James said she saw her get off. We looked around for her for an hour. Then James called my grandparents, and they said Jessie called before James and they told James and Jessie to meet at "The Meeting Place". We waited a few minutes, then James asked a worker if she's seen a girl with red hair and a black purse with monkey's on it. When he finished explaining her purse, Jessie showed up. Then it started drizziling again. Before we left, we went on the "Tilt-A-Whirl" with two younger boys. We were cramped in there. But I think we got the spiniest one there! It was awesome. My feet were hurting so much. When we got home I sat down. My grandpa asked me if I wanted Kraft Dinner, so i'm "Sure". Cause you gotta love KD! But it wasn't even 'dinner' it was almost 10:00! Then I got into my Pj's, and brushed my teeth and flopped on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up at 6:30. I tried to go asleep again but this stupid fly kept going in my ear and buzzing. Then I tried sleeping on the couch, but nope, I still coudn't sleep. Thanks for reading! :) B) :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :D

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