My Tamagotchi Diary


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Active member
Sep 16, 2004
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I'm well aware that I am really far behind, since I just purchased my first Version 2 yesterday! I was going to get a V3, but both Wal-Marts I went to were out of them. *sigh* So I got a V2 instead, to replace my old (defective) V1. It's the pink one, with flowers on it. Really cute design. For my V3 I want the clear yellow, or maybe the green with flowers... or maybe I'll get both, lol. Anyway, I bought it yesterday but didn't open it until I had finished my research paper last night, then today I finally started it.

The egg hatched and it was a boy. Rats, I'd been hoping for a girl, since it's pink! Oh well, that will come sooner or later, I'm sure! I named him Kit. He did the usual, of constant demanding of food and fun. Several hours later he grew up and became a Hotodetchi, the little star-shaped toddler guy. Cute!! I'll admit though, I'm very curious as to how he was affected growing up. You know, with the older ones, there is a little biography-type-thing that explains their personalities, but I haven't found that for the V2s.

Anyway, it's 11 pm my time and he ought to be asleep, and he was earlier, but I cheated and changed the time so that I could play with him some more. That's the only thing I really dislike about these guys, is that their sleep hours are a bit different from ours! Of course, that's true for a real pet, so I don't have any reason to complain. :D

His stats:

Age: 0 years

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Training: 1 bar

Weight: 13 pounds

Points: 245

I know my points aren't very good, but I suck at these games! Haha I miss the old "guess the higher number" on the really old Tamagotchis!

Well, Kit hasn't gotten too much farther along, because he spent a lot of yesterday paused (I was at the dentist :lol: ) and today I paused him while I was in class. I woke up this morning at about 8:30 and he was asleep, but the lights were on. I thought that was strange since I turned the lights off when I put him to bed last night, but it turned out that he grew up sometime during the night, so I guess the lights automatically came on. Too bad he didn't wake me up!

Anyway, he went from a :furawatchi: (and might I add, that icon is adorable!) to a UFOtchi! He's pretty cute... however, according to the growth charts, the UFOtchi is an adult. I never saw him as a teenager! I don't know what happened there, maybe it happened while I was asleep??? When I put him to bed he was the Hitodetchi, and when I woke up he was a UFOtchi! Oh well!

His stats:

Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Age: 1 year

Training: 4 bars

Weight: 20 pounds

Points: about 300

I know I need to get him more points; I'll have to work on it! I'm awful at the games though.


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