My Tamagotchi Blog (And possibly other pets)


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hey! This is kickthekan123 ;) I have the following virtual pets (which are not all Tamagotchis):

1. Tamagotchi Connection V4.5

2. Tamagotchi Music Star

3. LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) Virtual Pet (2007?) Bird

4. LPS Virtual Pet Iguana (I don't like the iguana as much as I like the bird)

5. A generic virtual pet from the book fair I thought was cool (but I lost it :( )

Right now there is no battery in the v4.5 so I have the battery in the Music Star. It's a girl Sebiretchi named Eclipse in a band called 'Solar' with Daniel the Androtchi and Dino the Tosakatchi.

I only have one friend with a Tamagotchi Version 3 or 2, and the battery is dead. She also has the FamiTama V5 (again, without a battery! :angry: ). I want to be able to connect with someone so I'm seeing if I can persuade her to buy the new Music Star so we can connect. Here's Eclipse's growth:

Babitchi > Tamatchi > Ringotchi > Sebiretchi

She's a Bad Care Tama. At least she's not a Horrible Care Tama, right? On the next generation, if I take care of the Tama badly and she's a girl, she'll be a Maidtchi, which wold be adorable!

It is a Glam Rock Music Star with one black, kind of transparent paw-print sticker on the back. ;) Ooh! Eclipse just arrived to see if Solar can become an actual band! They quickly scurry off and play their Jazz music, trying to seem professional... Ugh. The judge on the left gave them an 'X' and the others gave Solar 'O' and 'O'. Their teacher scolded them and they went home sadly. Everything in orchid is about my Music Star, anything lime green is Eclipse's diary entry and whatever is in pink is about my LPS Bird. Peace out!

Dear Diary,

Eclipse here! After all of those concerts today, I was sure Solar would get three 'O's. But we got two 'O's and one 'X'! Dino and Daniel fought about whose fault it was that we didn't make it and I went home. I'm so sad.


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Ugh. I'm getting sick with a fever, my eyes are watering, I hae a sore throat and cough and everything is irritating right now! I'm really sorry if this entry is shorter than the others and I'm much too lazy to update my Blogagotchi. Sorry. Eclipse has not changed a bit. She should be getting married Sunday because she's four right now.

Omg, diary!

I'm gonna get married in [SIZE=15pt]TWO DAYS![/SIZE] Didja hear that? TWO DAYS! Yeah!!!



I reset my Music Star for a group hatching. Under "Group Hatchings" there's a topic called "The Official August Hatching" and I'm in it! :lol: I now have a baby boy named Drake. We just got back from Music City and his stats are:

Tone: 50

Rhythm: 80

Original: 57

Toy: Train

Instrument: Drum Set

I bought a mic (microphone) at Music City so I might change his instrument later. He just woke up from a nap and I am aiming to get a Mametchi but Drake would have to be a Perfect Care. I don't like Shimashimatchi though (he's the Great Care Tam)--he looks like a round bumblebee. I'd rather get a Kuchipatchi which is an Ok Care. Drake is still a Petitchi baby. I haven't fed him a snack once so I hope I get Kuribotchi, a Good Care Tama. So check out The Official August Hatching for cool info!

Kickthekan123 & Drake

I forgot to update earlier when Drake evolved into a Kuchitamatchi... It's a Bad Care Tam. Oh well, Drake is still cute as ever! Look at his Stats--they have SOARED since I played a lotta games with him!

Tone: 118

Rhythm: 182

Original: 81

So this is my last post for this blog today.


Kickthekan123 & Drake

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I'm sorry but I quit the August Hatch and took Drake's battery out because it was getting boring. I put the battery in my v4 and I'm waiting for it to hatch. It's a boy! His name will be... what will his name be? Aha! WILL! His name shall be Will. Huzzah!

Til Will Evolves,

Kickthekan123 & Will

Heya! Will is now a... *checks TamaTalk FAQ character chart* ... Mohitamatchi!! Lol. I'm going to aim to get Kuchipatchi. If I have enough of the flower points I'll get Kuchipatchi. I hope I get Ura Kuchipatchi as a teen. Will should evolve this afternoon. The Kuchi Family boy teens are Oniontchi and Ura Kuchipatchi. But then again, I don't even know if Mohitamatchi will for sure be a Kuchi Tama. His skill points are 3/15/10 and if they're low enough, he'll be a Universal teen and the only male Universal teen I like is Gozarutchi. The Pyonkutchi things and Debatchi are weird. I'm going to play some Mimic and Jumping Rope with him. Peace!

Kickthekan123 & Will

:D Will's a Universal teen. That's bad. He should evolve later today or tomorrow--so til' then, I'm out.

Kay, I admit it. Will did not "die"--I killed 'im. He was ugly and ewwish. Sheesh... so I held down 'A' and 'C' and then here I am, waiting for an egg to hatch. :-( So eh-goe to my new log. Please--it's pure AWESOMENESS. Peace out!
