My Tama V4 log!


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Feb 19, 2007
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^_^ HIYA!!

HI im new to tamatalk so you probably havent heard of me yet!! This is the part where i tell you all what design of V4 i have... well mine has a light blue background and white clouds on it. I am on generation 1 at the moment because it died. It is a boy and it is called Adam! I'm going to go on Tama Town now!

BI x

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Now i am going to do a health check for my tamagotchi!!

Hunger - 4 hearts

Happiness - 4 hearts

Training - 2

Intelligents Pts - 1

Name - Adam!

Age - 0

Weight - 99 LB

Points - 2100p

Well you will never guess what just happened... ADAM! evolved into a teenager. It was about 5 minutes ago and now he is a... Young Androtchi!! He looks so sweet and i am really glad that he evolved into that!!

BI x

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:mellow: TIME FOR SCHOOL!!

Yesterday Adam! turned into a .... YOUNG ANDROTCHI as i said already! I am going to take him to school loads now to get more intelligence points so that he can get a good job when he is an adult. Ill post when something interesting happen!

BI x

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Yesterday I got a tamagotchi pouch from Argos. It's Memetchi with Mametchi charms. They obviously got mixed up when they were sorting them out!!! I am going on now to get some more money!

I will post when something interesting go's on!!



It is really weird because when mine was a baby my tama got the same character as my sister and teenager and adult. My tama is a adult and it is a ......... DEBATCHI. The same as my sister.



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