My Tama v4 Log!


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Jan 14, 2007
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:wacko: ITS A BABY GIRL!

Hello everyone welcome to my second v4 log. I have a tamagotchi v4 (which i have had for ages) and it has a dark blue see through background with green, yellow and white stars on. I am on generation 1 and i have a baby girl called STAR! who has just hatched. She was so sweet when she hatched from her egg, she popped her head out the top and smiled at me. It was so sweet. Because she has only just hatched she wont evolve into a child for about an hour now so im gonna go on tama town in a minute. But first i need to get the 5 shop cheat codes and the playhouse + slide. Ill probably reply when i get back from tamatown and when STAR! evolves.

Good Bye


:wacko: TAMATOWN!

Hello. Me and STAR! just got back from tamatown and it was very fun. We didnt stay on there for long because STAR! is only a baby, so we didnt want to keep tire her out! Anyway we got the 3 souvenirs, which were the... PASSPORT, BROCHURE and the POSTER2. STAR! still hasnt evolved yet, which i am not surprised about because she is not even 1 hour old yet! She will probably evolve in about half an hour (30 minutes). I have got the 5 shop codes and teh playhouse and slide passwords, but i havent managed to type them in yet because STAR! is asleep. So when she wakes up i will do that. Well im gonna go and play jumping rope now.

Good Bye


:furawatchi: STAR! EVOLVED!

Hello. About an hour ago STAR! evolved into a child. She was first a babytchi, but now she is a really cute... MOHITAMATCHI! I was hoping that she would evolve into a HARUTCHI, but she is fine how she is. By the way because i am going to start doing talking parts in my logs. When you see writing blue and bold that shows that STAR! is talking. Anyway before i go STAR! wants to talk...

"Hello everyone, i hope you like me and Tamamad14's log. I think it is cool. I love the child character i am now it is so cool. I gotta go now because it is nearly my bed time! Good Night"

Yeah i will reply soon for STAR!'s status.

Good Bye


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:furawatchi: STAR!'s STATUS!

Hello. This post is going to be all about STAR!'s status and how she is getting on as a tama child! OK first here is how she is getting on for health...

HUNGER - ****

HAPPY - ****





AGE - 0yrs

WEIGHT - 49lb


GENDER - girl


POINTS - 50p

Well that is her status for today. Well anyway yesterday i was back to school from Half Term so i couldnt look after STAR! yesterday and today. So when i got home today she has 1 skull and about 4 poos. But i cleaned her up and feed her. Before i go to tamatown in a minute STAR! wants to talk...

"Hello everyone, today i have been all on my own. But i am OK now because Tamamad14 is looking after me. I am really excited because i am going to tamatown in a minute. I will tell you all about it afterwards. By the was Tamamad14 forgot to tell you... tomorrow she is going to take me to school to see if i like it. I think i will. Bye x"

Yeah we will definately post when we get back and tell you all about our adventures there.

Good Bye


:furawatchi: TAMATOWN!

Hello. Me and STAR! just got back from tamatown and it was very fun. First we went to the Pre-school and played the dance game a couple of times. Then we went to the arcade and played loads of games. It was very fun. I think STAR! wants to say something now...

"Hello everyone. I had great fun at tamatown! I met my class mates and Pre-school and saw my teacher again. I am quite tired now because i was playing tama soccer loads. Im gonna go now because i want to play mimic. Bye x"

Yes i do want to play mimic so i will post later when STAR! evolves into a teenager!

Good Bye



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