My Tama Log


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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Okay I have 3 tamagotchis Annie, Angel, and Alex. Annie and Angel are v4. Alex is a v3.

I'll start with status:

name Alex

Hungry full

happy full

training 8/9

age 4

weight 42

Gen. 1

gender Boy

points 1911

user PQM

Charechter ?

name Annie

hunger full

happy full

training 9/9

life points

pencil 75

diamond 87

flower 52

age 3

weight 50

gender girl

Gen. 1

points 2940

username PQM

character Memetchi

name Angel

hunger full

happy full

training full

life points

pencil 98

diamond 23

flower 18

age 3

weight 33

gender girl

Gen. 1

points 15780

charecter Ponitchi

More later

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Weelll Annie got a job she counts how many kids are on the bus. Its pretty fun.I orderd a v2 FINNALLY[SIZE=14pt] YAY[/SIZE]. It should get here next week

Hey guys well Angel is the only one up and she is doing fairly well. There was a chest at her shop I bought it. Im going to use it now

WOAH Angel turned into a very mad old lady.

Oh and here is her fortune:

Points 3

Heart 2

man 2

Hey im just tellin yall that I wont be on for a couple hours I need Ideas for my log so I am gonna go find some.

P.S. I need name Ideas for my v2 they have to start with A because its Gen. 1 and a is the 1st letter in the alphabet.Get it? you will so PM with A names if I choose yours Ill give you 100% credit in my log so PLEASE PM me.

Every body is up now. Annie got mail it is a......................SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh-Oh somedody dislikes Annie.

I decided if my v2 is a girl her name will be Ali thanks to Version-four

I still need a boy name come on and PM me


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