Yesterday, my friends came over for an early birthday party. I was going to get something and I left my Tamagotchi on the counter. My friends and I were about to go outside when I heard a beeping sound. All four of us look at my Tama and we saw the Matchmaker!!!!! She NEVER came when my Tama was 6!!!!!!! My friend, Shelby, pressed the A button (I think) and the matchmaker closed the book and my Tama Ninja married!!!!! And the best thing happened! I GOT MY FIRST GIRL!!!!! When she came out, we were all "Awwwww!" ing about her. I said, "YES!!!! My first girl!" Kate said, "Your first girl?" She gave a confused look. I said, "I never had a girl. I always got boys." They bulged their eyes out at me. After that, we played in the pool and went on with the party. My little Jody will leave me tonight. I got to get up so early tommorrow to go to Connecitcut. I wonder if Tamas change time withen the time zone? Hmm. Better find out soon! By the way. I'm feelling I'm talking to myself, so please rate. I know I did horrible.