my tama log


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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Austin. Austin, Texas. Where it never rains. Ever.
hello every one! i just got my music star today! hey, the egg just hatched! It's a boy! its name is going to be trevor! Welcome trevor! I am your mommy!

hello, mama! i'm hungry!

ok, come sit, i will give you your lunch.

hooray! is it bacon?

no, its baby food and baby milk.

aww, darnit.why?I WANT BACON!

well thats too bad because you are a baby tama so you will eat baby tama food.

mama, i'm done! Zzzzzzzzzzzz...

ok, then go and play. Trevor? oh, your asleep, aah, and you look different!trevor, wake up, you've changed!

oh, really, yayayayayayayayayay!!!1!!! what am i?

lets are a... a kuribotchi!


there's mail, would you like to answer the door trevor?

oh, yesyesyes!



to see what the mail is, come tomorrow and see.

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hello! sorry i havent been here to tell you about trevor. he is an adult now and...Wait mom, I want to tell them!

ok, trevor, tell them if you want!

i am a kuchipatchi now! Yayay!

don't get too excited!

mOmmmm! as i was saying before i was so rudley interruped, kuchipatchis are OK, so-so care characters, but it is fun to be one. my band is called softtaco, and my band members as teens were Colleen,who was a ichigotchi, andDavid,who was a nonopotchi. i was a hino tamatchi. then, after i became kuchipatchi, i went to see them with the good news and they became a sebiretchi,and a togetchi. we got pro-debut on the first try!

now, sweetheart, that was a good story but your running late for practice!

oh no!!!!!!!! come on mom lets go! plus i want to introduce them to collen and david!!!!! :)

ok, im coming, lets go!

hi, guys!

Hello Trevor!

Hi! i'm colleen!And im david!And together we are ... the SOFTTACO!



They're practicing, as you can see.

mom, we're done. can we go home now? I WANT BACON!!!!!!!!

cya later trevor!


come on baby, lets go home.

bye guys! another practice tomorrow!

here is dinner.

yayay!FRENCH FRIES!!!!! *stuffs whole thing of fries into mouth*

*knocking at door*

Trevor, plz answer the door!

ok mom. it's guitaritchi with 50000000 gp for me! YAYAYAYAY!!!!!!1

mom?!?!?!?!?!? i've gotta go to a concert!

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Hello world! MY KUCHIPATCHI GOT MARRIED! i was eating lunch and it beeped so i answered the door and it was his band manager with a violetchi. i said yes and now they have a baby girl! i call the violetchi rosy and she will speak in purple. :furawatchi:

now here is trevor and his family!

hi! i just got married!!!!!

like they don't know that!

goo goo ga ga thjhczl...

lunch time peoples!

we're not peoples, we're tamas!

like they don't know that!


i have to go now and... woah! baby accident!

rosy, clean it up.

no, you clean it up.

oh, for pitys sake I'LL clean it up!

cool! come on rosy, i want to introduce you to my band members. oh, yeah and bring the baby!


who's that?


and whats with the baby? :D

i got married!dhlfhgdlsssgggggl!
