~.~My Tama Log~.~


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Active member
Aug 31, 2008
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* Of course this is all made up I don't think my tamagotchi's really talk to me. This is just for fun and don't judge.

Allthough I do say this is made up, the tamagotchi names, charecters and otherwise are all real, just the conversations between me and them are fictional, thanks.

Also, please don't post but I do except PM's asking questions about my log or even hate mail.*

Okay so this is going to be a little like a tama-diary with the one exception of my tamagotchi's being in on it.

Ill post conversations, and how our day went.

Right so, I got a brand new tamagotchi a couple days ago.

Its a v5.5 Celebrity.

Its purple with hearts and stuff on it.

Well here we go, Im going to set it up.

Ill post back later when my tama's have hatched.

It will give me some time to think up good names.

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Kay so, I've set up my tama and now Im waiting for them to hatch :rolleyes:

Their always soo cute when their babies.

I wonder how many girls I'll have..

Or how many bo-


One just hatched!

And another!

And another!

Aww, their adorable!

Hmm, well what should their family name be..

I know!

I'll call them the 'Tama Family'

I have 2 sons and 1 daughter.


I think Im going to call them...

Futabatchi - JubeJube

Mimifuwatchi - Mimi

Omututchi - Taz

There we go :D

Okay so JubeJube Mimi and Taz are all fed and happy.

So one more hour and their all going to be kids!

Don't tell them this but..

As a special surprise for them when they turn into kids, Im going to bring them all to EARTH EXPO!

Anyways, They need some attention, since their only babies, I'll write back soon.


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Okay, Im back with my little ones!

Heres the update:

They grew into kids a couple of hours ago and are healthy and happy!

JubeJube is now a Mattaritchi

Mimi is now a Sakuramatchi, and I do admit, she is very pretty :rolleyes:

Taz is now a Ahirkutchi

They seem to be getting along well no arguing or anyth-

Mimi: Lily, Lily, Lily!

What is it Mimi?

Mimi: - Talks Really Fast - Taz was dancing around and JubeJube started to dance around too and then when I tried to join in they just ignored me and said I was to girly to be cool like them!

Its not fair!

-Sigh- -.-' Okay Mimi, I'll talk to them for you.

Taz, JubeJube! Come here please.

Taz: Yeah?

I hear you and JubeJube aren't being very kind to Mimi.

JubeJube: TattleTale!

Mimi: I AM NOT!

JubeJube: Are too!

GUYS! Enough, if you 2 aren't going to let Mimi play with you then you 2 can't play together, got it?

Taz: But Lily! Thats not fair!

Its plently fair. If you want to continue playing, include your sister.

Taz: Fine.

JubeJube: -Sigh-

JubeJube! Don't be rude. Now apologize to Mimi and go play.

Taz and JubeJube: Sorry Mimi.

Mimi: Its okay! Lets go!

-.-' Kids.

Well as I was saying.. They BARLEY fight. And they get along pretty well.

They still don't know Im taking them to Earth Expo yet.

Anyways.. Ill be taking them to Earth Expo in a bit and Ill write all about it later

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Okay so me and my tamas are back from Earth Expo, they had lots of fun and behaved really well.

They knew it was special and they would leave as soon as one of them misbehaved.

So overall it was really fun!

This time, Im going to let them tell you about what they did there.

Mimi: Um, Lily? Are you sure WE should tell them? I mean um.. Theres so many of them and um..

Haha :p Dont be nervous guys. Just tell your fans all about Earth Expo.

JubeJube: Ill start. It was soo fun! We played a bunch of games and won lots of things.

Taz: Ya, it was fun, we went to the celebrity cruise ship first and played 3 games.

Mimi: Oh ya! I was an expert on the Salon game!

Taz: Ya, Mimi was pretty good.

Mimi: I won us 100 points!

Thats right. I told you guys you had to save up your money so we can buy something you ALL want right?

Taz: Yup, and then right after I played Pool Time Fun or whatever it was called.

JubeJube: Oh ya! And then we won 500 points!

Mimi: We added it alltogether and we got um.. 4- No 35.. Um.. Lily?

Haha, we got 600 points in total

Mimi: Oh ya.

Taz: Ya but after that we played another round of Pool Time Fun and won this awesome prize!

JubeJube: We won a dolphin boat!

Thats right, and you really like that dolphin boat don't you?

Together: YAY!

Ahaha.. ^_^

Okay guys, thats enough for today. We can check back soon okay?

Together: Okay.

Alrighty well Im gonna go, Ill write more a bit later.

Bye :D

Morning guys :rolleyes:

Together: Morning!

So for the update this morning..

Last night was a little rough.

I kinda forgot about my tamagotchis and when I remembered them again.. they were very angry with me.

They had 0 hearts and lots of poop to clean up.

Once I got them fed and cleaned up it was time for bed..

Turned out Taz was to scared to sleep because he's afraid of the dark.

I told him it was okay, and after a couple minutes of watching TV with me, he fell asleep.

It was a quiet night and now all 3 of the little ones are up and ready to have some fun with me.

Since they had so much fun at Earth Expo yesterday, I've decided to take them again today!

Anyway, Ill write back later once we get back from Earth Expo.

Theres a been a bit of a problem.

Today while I was at school I thought my tama's were gonna be okay alone.

But when I got back they were gone.


So Im having a little mourning ceremony for them.

If you would like to give your best wishes to JubeJube Mimi and Taz you can PM me.

Thank you.

I will be getting some new tama charecters soon, but for now, it's just to early.
