My Tama Log!


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Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there, :p


I'm 116022, and this is my tama log!


Okay, I have an V3, 4, and 4.5.


Here are their names!






And, Lee!!


(Yes, I know I'm a bit of an Naruto fan as well..Hehe...)


Well, Here's what happened today with them!


(Neji's in Red, Tenten: Purple, and Lee: Green, just to let you know... :p )


Well, today I snuck them into my school, again...I did yesterday as well. And, since I am pretty good at hiding things:D, I got them past every class and was playing with them and feeding them at the same time! My teachers are dumb. Lol. Well, it's also because a lot of the kids in my school and stuff do not know what the heck tamagotchis are....So, technically, they wouldn't care if I had one, or if it smacked them in the back of the head.. (Well...Maybe they would on that one... :eek: ) So, right now, my tamas are teens. Tenten is a Ojyochi, Neji is a kometchi, and Lee's a pirorirorichi (I think that's how you spell it..Hehe...) And, they are very nice to have around. XD


Well, here's what they have to say about today...




I'm pretty..... :D ;)


......Today was boring. Exept for the part when my mommy dropped Lee....*snicker snicker* I hope she does it again.... :p :D :p


Well, I guess they didn't have much to say today...Hehe...Well, I'll update in a bit when we get back from Tamatown!!





Hey, were back!!

I went to Tamatown with Neji, and got this stuff!!

Passport, picture book, organ, drill, ladder, hammer, treadmill, dumbbells, chocolate bar, and a poster. XD Neji's so happy. We also have got 600 Gpoints! Yay tamas!!

Well, that's all I'm gonna write for today. XD Bye!!

Hey there! It's Neji, Tenten, Lee, and me! (Haha, that rhymed!) Well, today was fun. I played games with them in Study hall without the teachers even noticing! I don't think anybody noticed because I kept it underneath the table, letting a little light so that I could see it.


I'm so sneaky when it comes to my tamas at school. B) They're lucky to have a mommy like me. XD

Anyways, I just fed Tenten a cupcake, and played a game with Neji because his happiness was down to 2 stars....I was too busy to check on him at the moment....Darn me and my neglective-ness!! (If that's even a word..) Lol.

Well, I dropped Lee....Again.....But, it wasn't on purpose....I would never do that!

I'm a super duper klutz, and it's all thanks to my mother and my father which are BOTH klutz......The weird thing is that my sister isn't...But, she can't dance Like I can...Lol!

Anywho...(I keep getting off topic.... :p ) All of my tamas have full health....Umm..Here's their stats!


Age: 2yr


Weight:94lbs (I know...Bad...But, I'm working on it!!) :(


Age: 2yr


Weight: 97lbs (Bad, too...I know.....)




Weight: 97lbs (...bleh...)

So, yeah! I'll keep you updated!!

Here's good byes from my tamas!!

Lee: BYE BYE!! *touches bruise where I dropped him* Ow...It hurts to talk.....*emo tear*


Neji:......Bye......*walks away*


Me: Oh, Neji...Don't be that way....


Neji:.....*ignores me*


Me:.....*sigh* :( Okay Tenten...Say goodbye...


Tenten: Okay!! :D :D Bye!! See you tomorrow, humans!!!

Hi! Well, it's 6 in the morning, and I'm getting ready for school. XD My tamas are sleeping. Neji went to bed earlier than the others last night, he's been doing that lately...He's also been waking up earlier, maybe around 9, while the others wake up at 10 or later. He's quite the tama! Well, today, I'm smuggling my babies into school again...Hehe....And, I'm gonna play with them in study hall again. Hope I don't get caught! (Most likely won't...) Well, I'll write more later on in the day!!

Oh, and today Neji, Tenten, and Lee are gonna be 3!!! Yay!!!


Guess what?? My tamas are all ADULTS NOW!! WEOOO!!

Well, I recently have remembered that V3s don't have an Teenage stage...So, Lee was an adult when the others were teens....So, hes the same as always.

But, Tenten and Neji are now:

Tenten: Pyontitchi (Kinda looks like Pikachu)

Neji: Tenpatchi (Really weird looking...Has many legs, and "x's" for eyes. Lol!

So, yeah. They evolved during school and I was so happy. Oh, and I had to dance in chorus with them in my pockets today. It was interesting....Lol.

Well, I'm tired....So, I'm not gonna update much. ^_^ Sorry....

Well, bye!!


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