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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
I Have 4 tamagotchis




Bowie is a v4 Puchitchi he should be a teenager tomarrow he wants to be Gourmetchi his favorite game is jumping rope he is on gen. 2



Bella is also a v4 she is on gen. 2 she is an itchigotchi she wants to be a Furawatchi she likes to play flag.



Aliza is a v3 she is a Y. Mametchi she loves to play heading she dosent care what she is when she is an adult she loves to play heading she is gen. 1



Avery is a v2 UFOtchi he wants to be a kuchipatchi he loves to play heading he is on







Here they are


Bowie - I wanna be a Gourmetchi now !!!

Aliza - Be quiet you might not even be a Gourmetchi.

Avery - Stop I am trying to convince mummy to let me go to the shop

Bella - I wanna go to the shop

Bowie - Me too

Aliza - Yeah me too


Me - okay okay go to the shop but dont buy any thing



I love them but sometimes they are such a pain.

Oh and I also have another v3 but its still in the pakage I am gonna start it up this weekend.Oh there back



Avery - Mummy Bowie bought an RC UFO!!!!!

Me - Bowie I told you not to buy any thing.

Bowie - I am so sorry but it looked sssooooo awsome

Me - OK but dont do it ever again

Bowie - I won't

[SIZE=14pt]Wow I just realized my pets are extremely over weight I should really be playing games with them but I am so busy. I guess I am a Bad tama mum [/SIZE] ;)

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