My Tama log V5


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Sep 15, 2006
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Welp I just got back from the mall with my BFF, I bought a Tama V5, I've wanted one forever! I bought the Music Tamagotchi. As soon as I opened it I pulled the tag and let my eggs hatch, I had 2 black blobs and one white blob. The first to hatch was the daughter, white blob, Lily, then came my son, black blob, Ryan, and last but NOT least, the other daughter, black blob, Krystal.

So right now they're sleeping, lil' cat nap. Wow! Just as I typed that they woke up lol. I'm not quite sure how to play the games yet, I don't understand how to play that TV one, if you can teach me please PM me.

Quick Stats:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 1

Money: 10GP

Lily: Omututchi

Ryan: Futabatchi


More to come!

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Okay so I know it's been like one minute but they JUST evolved. Here are their stats and evolved forms:

Lily: Belltchi

Ryan: Mattaritchi

Krystal: Sakuramotchi


Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 1

Money: 10GP

Lily: Belltchi

Ryan: Mattaritchi


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Okay so I decided to bring the Music(a) family to school today. There was a wrestling tournament going on and the coach asked me to help out with scoring. Out of stupidity I forgot that I had my tama with me, they'd been sleeping all day, I decided to take a quick look to make sure they were still asleep. I looked down and noticed they were awake, then checked stats, they were perfectly fine! few

Stats Check:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 1

Money: 1010GP

Lily: Belltchi

Ryan: Mattaritchi


So I went to the TV shopping station on TV and noticed that there was 300GP there, I clicked on it and it gave me the 300 GP, is that normal? Is it just a new feature or did my family earn it in some way.

Oh, and BTW, I may not update for a few days because my school is hosting a 30 Hour Famine and I'm participating in it, we get to sleepover at the school and I'm not allowed to bring my laptop so I can't quite update. I'll be sure to take good care of Lily, Ryan and Krystal!

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So I just got back from the famine and I noticed that Lily, Ryan, and Krystal evolved:

Lily: Ichigotchi

Ryan: Bakutchi

Krystal: Chamametchi

So some stats are in order, eh?:

Stats Check:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Bonds: 20%(finally lol)

Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 1

Money: 310GP(gotta work on that!)

Lily: Ichigotchi

Ryan: Bakutchi

Krystal: Chamametchi

So slept in a bit and woke up to my parents cleaning their room, loud music blasting in my ear.

Anyways, first thing I did was check if Lily,Ryan and Krystal were fine. Stats:

Stats Check:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

Bonds: 40%

Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 1

Money: 510GP

Lily: Ichigotchi

Ryan: Bakutchi

Krystal: Chamametchi

They should be evolving today, I'll post if they do;)

My tama's never evolved, hopefully they will soon! BTW, my grandfather passed away this morning so I may not be online for awhile! Excuse me from this leave of absence. I'll quickly do some stats on my tamas:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 1

Money: 570GP

Lily: Ichigotchi

Ryan: Bakutchi


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I'm currently at my grandma's house, everyone's preparing for the funeral on monday. I'm using what WAS my grandpa's computer *sniff*. Anyways, Lily,Ryan and Krystal are now ADULTS! OH and BTW, Bonding is at 100%! YAY!

I'm now an Onputchi! YAY! Oh and Ryan, Krystal and me are getting along just dandy, ha! I like that word, Dandy!

Lily, you're weird!

Am not!

Okay then, lets here from Ryan!

Hey guys, I'm a Mumutchi

That's great! Is there anything else you'd like to add?

YES! am I the one who's gonna get maried tomorrow?

I don't know, we'll see! Krystal, you're being awful quiet over there

Well I'm just a bit shy around people I haven't met before! Hey guys, I'm Krystal, the Violetchi! I'm gonna go talk to the fridge now, okay mommy?

I'm thinking about letting Krystal be the one who gets married, but I don't know yet! I have some stats, if ya want them ^__^:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 1

Money: 210GP

Lily: Onputchi

Ryan: Mumutchi


P.S. Thanks for the 59 views^__^!

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I still can't use the dating show, I expect I'll be able to either later today or tomorrow.

I'm gonna be the on who gets married, right Hannah?

No way, 'cause it's gonna be me!



GUYS! what if I told you NEITHER of you are getting married?

*dead silence*

There we go.


I'm very sorry about your grandpa! D:.

About the TV game, you see the picture in the right top corner? You have to match the picture on the TV screen to that when it appears. ^___^

I don't know about the 300 GP thing, however. o___0 strange!

Moreover, to improve your log, maybe you could 'name' your tamagotchi characters and let them 'talk' about how they feel about whatever, y'know?

See Squid's V5 Log or mine to see what I'm talking about. ;D
So I've allowed Lily, Ryan and Krystal to 'speak' and I've read both Squiddie's and Sato's logs and have found each a unique taste of things.

NOTE: This color will be NOTES.


orange/red=Me Speaking




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um... please do not post in logs, it's against the rules, can someone please delete these posts.

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OMG!My dumb sister STOLE my tamagotchi while I was sleeping and married my Violetchi to a Nemutchi! I REALLY wanted a Violetchi family, but maybe next time. Anyways I woke up to my sister next to my bed and then the tama beeped and I had 2 Futabatchis and 1 Mimifuwatchi. Then they evolved into Tororotchi, Mattaritchi and Sakuramotchi. Krystal is now a Mamametchi(?) and the dad is now a Papapatchi. Names:

Mamametchi(Mom): Krystal

Papapatchi(dad): Johnny

Tororotchi(first born, female): Milly

Mattaritchi(second born, male): Matt

Sakuramotchi(third born, female): Martha

Notice anything? They all start with M! lol.


Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 2

Money: 1260GP

Milly: Tororotchi

Matt: Mattaritchi

Martha: Sakuramotchi

Krystal: Mamametchi

Johnny: Papapatchi










Hey guys, wanna go to Tamatown?!


Okay, lets go!

Hey guys. Milly, Matt and Martha never evolved yet. They should today though. I'm kinda thinking about getting either another V5 or a V4.5(PM me with what you think I should get). Anyways, Stats:


Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 2

Money: 1260GP

Milly: Tororotchi

Matt: Mattaritchi

Martha: Sakuramotchi

Krystal: Mamametchi

Johnny: Papapatchi

Hey guys, it's Martha! Guess what, I'm gonna get married when I'm old enough, Mamma told me last night!

I said no such thing! We'll ALL have to wait to see what you all evolve into, eh? I want to get a pure family next time.

Okay well I gotta go. Don't forget to send me feed back!

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Guess what, guess what, guess what?! We evolved! I'm the prettiest! I'm an Ichigotchi! So it doesn't seem like I'm mean I'll tell you that Milly is a Chamametchi and that Matt is a Mamekatchi!

Just ignore Martha, she's full of it. She doesn't know how to be sensitive!

HEY!!! What are you guys doing?

-*clicks add reply, shuts down computer and runs away*-

No-no-nothing!!!-*runs away*-

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Yesterday Milly, Matt and Martha evolved, they look SO cute now. I can't wait to marry one of them.



Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 2

Money: 1260GP

Milly: Chamametchi

Matt: Mamekatchi

Martha: Itchigotchi

Krystal: Mamametchi

Johnny: Papapatchi

NOTE: I may not be able to come online tomorrow and Tuesday due to my grandfather's funeral and wake.

2NOTE: thanks for the +100 views!

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Hey people! Sorry I haven't been online. Milly, Matt and Martha evolved. They're sleeping right now so they can't talk but here are the stats:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 2

Money: 1260GP

Milly: Violetchi(yay, fura family!)

Matt: Furikotchi

Martha: Yoneputchi

Krystal: Mamametchi

Johnny: Papapatchi

Sorry I haven't been online too much lately. I got Milly married, but I got to bored after about a 30 of trying to find the tama that would make the Fura family, I married her to a Sunnytchi who then became a Planetchi and they had a lil' baby boy who evolved right away into a Hoshitchi I named him Yoshi(YAY). QUICK STATS:

Family Name: Music(a)

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full


Family Type: Blended Family

Gen: 3

Money: 1660GP

Yoshi: Hoshitchi

Milly: Mamametchi

Joshua: Planetchi


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