My Tama Log-My V4 and V3


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Wow, look at all of that snow!

Hmm. I haven't been on here for... 2 weeks?? Yikes. Okay, well Lily and Rose gave birth to two healthy babies (and that was a loooong time ago). Lily gave birth to a girl named Anne, and Rose gave birth to a boy named Jack. Right now, they're both Mimitchis. -glimpses at screens- Oh wait... Anne left already. She gave birth to a baby boy.... I think I'm going to name him... Tofu!!! XD Ehhh, I'll post later....

Okay, so it has been 2 months since I've posted. You've probably guessed by now... I quit my tamagotchis. Again. Will I play with them ever again? It's not that likely, to tell you the truth. My V3 stopped working (well, actually I just need a new battery) and my V4 is on pause... it's been like that since March, haha. Soo... I guess, I'll just say, goodbye Tamatalk. I really enjoyed posting in this forum.. ^___^ I hope other people continue to Tamatalk! Yay!! Well, byeeee...
