My Tama Log-My V4 and V3


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My mom got off the phone. She smiled, got her purse , and said she'd be back in a few. When she returned, she was holding a bag. A KB-Toys bag. I looked at it suspiciously, and asked what was in there. She pulled it out- and my eyes widened. The Tamagotchi V3!!! I pulled out the tab, and began. When I got to the 5th generation, or something, I decided that I needed to get a playmate for my V3. So, I went down to Target, cradling my V3 in my hand. There were only two tamagotchis on the shelf. V4's. I pulled one off. It was clear, with a blue antenna. "It's glow-in-the-dark!" I grinned, and threw it into the basket. When I got home, I went into a very dark room, holding my V4. It didn't glow. Darn. I pulled out the tab. And the rest is... umm, history?

That was 2 years ago. It was lame, at school I would connect with other friends, calling it the "Tama Chat Room." Yes, very lame indeed. Of course, all fads wear off, and all of my friends stopped playing. It wasn't really fun anymore, so I did too. Until last week happened.

So, I just wanted to tell you how I began playing. Sorta' interesting? No, not really. Well, Pocky, Hana, Puff, and Skype are all happy and healthy. Sooo... ahh, I'll post later then. I gotta piano lesson to run off too.


Wait, I never really said what my tamas look like (the actual tamagotchi), right? Or have I? Doesn't matter. Anyway, you know what my V4 looks like- clear (NOT glow-in-the-dark :mimitchi: ) with a blue antenna, and blue buttons. My V3 is sky blue, with a flower & butterfly design, and white buttons. Yay!! Now you know. Ahh... I'm gonna leave now, for reals. Bye! :lol:

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Okay. Pocky left Puff last night... but Hana didn't leave Skype yet! Weird...

Puff: Wah! Wah! I'm alone!!

Skype: Hah. Sucker. I've got mommy!

Hana: -is emotionally attached- Neber leabe me!! -cries-

Skype: Okay, maybe I'M the sucker here.

Mailman: MAAIL!!!!!!!!!

Skype: It's a letter from DADDY!!!

(this part is fake. you don't actually get letters from parents)

Dear Family,

TamaTown is SWEET! So much food, fun, and girl- I mean. Um. Hurry up Hana. Seriously, before I go with- I mean. Err... just come. Say hi to the babies for me. :)

Pocky :D

Hana: THAT'S IT! I'm gonna start packing again! Stay away from my suitcases. I mean it.

Puff: I'm STILL alone. Why didn't daddy send ME a letter???

Skype: Hah, because you don't have a letter icon.

Puff: :D

Here are some stats:


Name: Puff

Age: 0

Weight: 10 lb.

Hunger: OOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: ||

Generation: 2 (woot!!)

Type: Mizutamatchi ( :lol: same as Pocky...)


Name: Hana

Age: 4

Weight: 24 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||| (I'll never get full training...)

Yeah. I don't feel like posting the skill points. I HOPE Hana leaves tonight. I like her, but she can't stay forever. I'll post later..! >.<

You know what? I'm going to force Hana to leave. Like now. School starts tomorrow, and I don't have the time to take care of a baby tama, even if it's just for an hour. It's TIME-CHANGING TIME! Aww... but Hana is taking a bath... >.< Should I interrupt her? Sure, why not. Might as well do it now!!!

Hana: You're... sending me away... into the future??

Erm. I guess. But you'll be with Pocky!

Hana: Hah. He's probably dating some other girls. I better stop him... but Skype! Ohhh, my poor baby... and Puff too!

I'll take good care of 'em. Don't worry.

Hana: -grabs suitcase- SEND ME AWAY!!

Okay. Lemme set the clock...I set it to 11:59 P.M. She SHOULD leave at "midnight". If not... I'M CHANGING THE DAY TOO!! :) Okay, 15 more seconds. Let's see..... okay. Hana is sadly staring at Skype...

Hana: Wow. That felt weird. -stares at Skype- I'm gonna miss you... visit me in TamaTown!!

Hana: That goes for you too, Puff. -looks onto other screen-

Puff: Why is Skype sleeping? o_O

Huh. She's not... leaving... It'll probably take a few minutes. I'll post later then!!


WAIT! Hana left! Hmm, strangely... I feel a little sad??? :angry: Oh well, there's always TamaTown! Okay, time to wake this munchkin up. -changes time- AWWW!! Skype's crying! Yah, I'd be sad if my mom left me... time to get down to business!! I fed Skype four sushi rolls, and played jump rope. Phew. I think I'll go to TamaTown next, see if Hana settled in okay! Next post!!! XD This one is getting to be quite long.

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Don't expect me to be updating this log that often anymore. School... I'm busy... and yeah. Anyway, Skype evolved into a Mohitamatchi... just like Hana. Great, these two are just like Pocky and Hana... except Skype isn't a girl. o_O Idk. I didn't visit Hana on tamatown yet, I'll be back in a few!!


Well, it's Skype's bedtime, so I can't continue. Anyway, I did visit Hana (I visited Pocky before this). Pocky was his old self... but Hana was a talking couch?? Let's just pretend they live together, and nobody is talking furniture. :lol:

When Hana first arrived in TamaTown...

Hana: POCKY!

Pocky: -sleeps-


Pocky: Huhzwa?? Oh noes, she's here!!

Hana: Look at this place- it's a pig sty!! TamaJuice cans littered all over the place... clothes piled up everywhere... and is that make-up over there? OMG has a girl been visiting you?!

Pocky: Nooo.. that's mine.

Hana: Well, there's a nice vi- OMG! WHY IS THERE AN ONIONCHI HIDING BEHIND THE COUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pocky: Uhm. This is Morris. I got lonely. :lol: -Morris and Pocky giggle, punching each other in the shoulder-

Hana: Riiiiight. Well, Skype and Puff are coming here, so I should tidy this place up... care to help me?

Pocky: -rummages through fridge- I'd rather not. Oooo! -munches on hamburger-

Hana: Well I oughta-

Puff: MOM? DAD? I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!

Skype: Me too!!

-the hugging commences, even though they just saw each hours ago-

Hana: Well, isn't this pleasent!! Here, lemme get you guys gifts.

Skype: Yesh. This is exactly why I came here... I mean... um. Hooray? >.<

Hana: Here's a cell phone for you, Puff. Call me often!

Puff: Okai! Lemme get the password for this...

Pocky: Wait a minute! That's MY cellphone!!

Hana: Sucker. And for you, Skype... 200 gotchi points!!

Skype: What?! A cell phone is worth much more than that! He could sell it on eBay (or t-Bay.. lol XD) and get tons of points!

Hana: You already have one. Anyway... OH LOOK HOW MUCH YOU'VE GROWN!!!

Puff: You just noticed?

Hana: You look like your father and I... when we were toddlers!

Pocky: I hated you when you were a toddler...


Puff & Skype: Err... we're gonna leave now. Byee! Bye Morris. :lol:

And there we go! I'll... try to post tomorrow. I can't guarantee it though. And I was just starting to have fun with this log. :lol: Oh well. School's part-a life! See you... umm, sometime this week! Bye... XD

Okay, I didn't expect my tamas to be alive when I got home from school. Why? Well...

I'm was very hectic this morning... I overslept a little. Heh... I was GONNA pause my tamas right before I left for school (I don't wanna pause their growth TOO much), but I got flustered and ran to catch the bus instead. And so my tamas sat, abandoned and unpaused on the kitchen table. At school, I realized I had forgotten, and panicked. I ran home at the end of the day, and looked at my tamas. I expected to see little ghosts/angels on the screen... but no! Puff and Skype were still alive... but barely. There was a stack of poo on the screen (I heard that if you're tama has empty hunger hearts, it will eat the poo. true? idk.), my tamas were sick, and all of their hearts were empty. So quickly, I took care of everything... and things are good now! Anddd... Puff evolved into a HINOTAMATCHI!!! I think it's an average tama. Makes sense, considering I abandoned it for the whole day. :D But I don't care. He's a cute fire head!! Skype... is still a toddler. Oh well. Oi! Let's see how they felt about this whole ordeal!

In the morning....

Puff: -stretch- Woo, that was a good sleep.

Skype: -yawn- Mmm hmm. I'm hungry.

Skype: -waits- Ummm... where'd our owner go..??

Puff: Yoo-hoo! You out there?

A few hours later...

Skype: Someone please clean up my poop. I'm only a toddler! It smells revolting...

Puff: Yeah, me too! -evolves- Oh! I'm a teen now! I feel rebellious...

Skype: I wouldn't be surprised if I evolved into a teen like that too... WAHH!! I FEEL SICK!! -skull appears over head-

Puff: Meh too! -skull appears-

Skype: Ahhh... I'm STARVING! And miserable! -cries- Oh lord, just let me die!

Puff: No, we gotta hold on. LET'S DO IT!

15 minutes ago....

Skype: That's it. I'm just gonna...

Puff: NO! Lookie! OUR OWNER!!!

Skype: WE'RE SAVED!!!


Puff: Ah, all of my health is restored.

Skype: Same. But you know, I'm not going to be a good teen...

Yes. I know.

Puff: You better not do this to us again. It feels really bad. :)

I hope I'll remember tomorrow. If I don't... then I hope they survive? Heh?

This is so sad! I can't connect my tamas... it keeps on failing for some reason. :S Ahh, well... I can't mate them anyway. It's kinda sad that they were only able to meet at birth though...

Puff: It's okay. I can see my bro from my screen. Besides, my reputation will be ruined if they see me hanging out with a little toddler.

Skype: Hey, I was born first!

Puff: Yeah, but I'm the teen. So HAH!

Skype: *mumbles* Rebellious firehead.

Puff: Y'know what...?!

Skype: SHUSH! I'm visiting the shop! Hello there shopkeeper!

Storekeeper: Why, hello, my #1 customer!

Skype: Didja hear that Puff?? I'M #1!!

Puff: He probably said that to mom when she lived here.

Skype: Shuddup, will ya?!

Storekeeper: Erm... well we have a great selection of items tonight. A cupcake... eggs...

Puff: Cupcake?! Oo, I need one for my baby, when I have one.

Skype: Shuddup, you'll probably grow into a mate-less oldie.

Storekeeper: ....shovel... bui-

Skype: OMG gimme the shovel! -hands over bag of points-

Storekeeper: ^^

Skype: -uses shovel- AHH A SNAAAAKE!

Well, that was a total waste a points. -sigh- I better go. 'Till next time...!

Skype evolved. Um. He looks. Um. Bald. Um. Hawainotchi? No offense to anyone who likes this character, buuut... he looks kinda weird. :D Is he a good character? Ermmm...

Puff: Omagah! Skype! W-w-what happened to you?!

Skype: I... I... uhhh. Evolved?! Into a... ahhhh!!!

Puff: Yep.


I KNEW it would happen. You probably knew too. I forgot to pause my tamas again!! >.< Now, I won't be surprised if my tamas evolve into gozarutchi. :D I'm SUCH a pathetic owner. :/ Well, at least they were able to age normally? Heh? They're all fixed up now... their wake time is 10:00 AM, so it wasn't as drastic as yesterday... um, sleep is healthy? Heheh....

In the morning...

Puff: She did it again.

Skype: Great, now who's gonna pour me a bowl of Cheerios?!

Puff: :ichigotchi:


Puff: You know what??? This is the last straw! I'm gonna evolve into a ninja! And THEN you'll be sorry.

I know. I'm really sorry!! >.>

Skype: Well, I don't really care. Can you puh-weeze just pour me a bowl of fricken O's???

-pours cereal-

Skype: Mm! You're forgiven!!

On other news... I accidently pressed C... and Skype came up to the screen! He's actually pretty cute!! He looks kinda like a tooth... XD. Well, better do school-related stuff. Bleh.

Gah. This school stuff is wearing me out. ANYWAY... here's what happened. Yesterday, Skype evolved into a Debatchi! Haha, he has cute front teeth!! I shoulda guessed... he looked like a tooth when he was a teen! Y'know, people say I have big front teeth. Heh? Andddd... 10 minutes ago... Puff evolved into a Pipotchi!! I'm going to assume that these characters are bad (because I took bad care of them...). But, one way I can tell is to look at the sleeping charts. I think a character is really bad if they go to sleep at 10:15 or 10:00 PM... it's umm... late, I guess? Let's see... uh-oh. Ermmm, Puff goes to sleep at 10:00 PM... and Skype does too! Oh noes... well, I already expected this...

Skype: It ain't my fault, you know! You're the one that abandoned us twice!!!

Puff: Yeah! What kinda owner are you?!

Skype: -continues to ramble on about himself- I mean, COME ON! Don't you know that V4's need constant attention, care, and love???

Puff: *cough* Or you're dependent... *cough*

Skype: Listen, I have these big teeth... and I CAN rip those idiotic wings off!

Puff: -rolls eyes- You can't even come over. Our connection keeps on failing. Loser....

It's true, I STILL can't connect. I don't know whats wrong... :/ Ah well. Anyway, although these two may not be the BEST characters... they still look pretty cute!! <3 Heh. Stats....


Age: 4

Weight: 30 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||||

Type: Pipotchi


Age: 3

Weight: 37 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: ||||||| (errrr...)

Type: Debatchi

I'm too ashamed to put up the skill points... let's just say, he's sooo not getting a job at this point. Sad.... :(

So ahhh... I might visit tamatown, see how the ol' hana and pocky are doing. Oh, btw... I had Pocky sticks for lunch today! Chocolate-flavored. Yum.

Okay, so yesterday, I visited Hana and Pocky. They were.... ummm....


Pocky: Wait, wait. The lead mametchi is getting ready to-


Puff: What's happening here?

Skype: Wassup rents?

Hana: MY BABIES! Oh, look how much you've grown!

Puff: You said that last time...

Skype: We're adults....

Hana: Gifts! Gifts! Here's some money, Skype! And Puff-

Pocky: I can handle this. Puff, have this CD! It's an old classic!

Puff: The Mama Mama Mametchis?

Skype: Pftt...

When I put that CD into Puff's boombox, it played some gibberish stuff, and the boombox melted. o_O

Puff: Shoulda known dad has no taste in music. It's so bad, my boombox exploded. ^_^

Anyway, now Puff and Skype are 5 years old. Tomorrow, I'm gonna have Skype visit the matchmaker!!! Ok, I'll post later.

This is slightly random, but... Puff is doing one of those close-up things!!! He looks SOOOO cute up close!! Awwwww!

Puff: Ah hah, that's right.

Skype: Geez. You're just doing that to get better treatment.

Puff: Am not. Heheh.......

Oh man, school work is becoming reallllly tedious these days... anyway. Things happened. Time to put them in chronological order!! Har, har, har.

Well, first, Skype got a job. Bus driver. Yay! Actually, it's a really boring job. Ah well.

Then... the matchmaker visited him!! Skype mated with a maskatchi. I got a baby boy! I think I'll name him... Burst. Don't ask.

And then... the matchmaker visited Puff! He also got a baby boy! I'll name him... ummm... Spark? Sure, why not.

Puff: My little bundle of joy...

Skype: Burst, look! It's your cousin Spark!

Burst: Gooo glahhhh...

Spark: Dude, where are the cupcakes? >.<

Puff: Spark?! You can talk?

Spark: Yes, I'm smart. -falls down- WaHH!!! WAH WAH WAH!

Skype: Oh suuuuure, he's sooooo smart.

Puff: Look at your baby! He's no einstein... in fact, he's eating his own feces....

Okay, now that I'm advancing onto the third generation, I've realized... this log is getting to be repetitive. Sooo... OH! I know!


Puff's Diary:

This is a red, leather-covered book. It's looks so official- in fact, the words "Tama Diary" are printed on the outside. Oh great, how am I supposed to hide it now?! Anyway, Spark is such a sweet little boy. He's rather intelligent. Yesterday, he was playing with my RC Car! And he stole my cupcake too. Baaad. ;)

Skype's Diary:

What the heck? How is THIS a diary? It has a cheap paper cover from Staples, and it's pratically falling apart! Anyway, Burst is such an idiot. What should I do?? Put him up for adoption?? Well, I GUESS it's too late for that now... leaving for Tamatown TOMORROW.


No, I don't actually have tama diarys for my tamagotchis... although... maybe I should consider it. Haha, nahhh...

Well, a lot of things happened. Skype and Puff left, so Burst and Spark were left to fend for themselves. They evolved into teens today... they're pretty cute! Burst is a young kutchipatchi (Sweet!) and Spark is an Obotchi! They're both pretty cute.

Spark's Diary:

I am beyond horrified. I look like Elvis!!

Burst's Diary:

Wee! Wee! Wee! -bounce- Hi! HIIIII!!


Haha, well it's true. Burst is jumping all over the place. Cuuute. To tell you the truth, these tamagotchis are getting a little... boring. Well, sorta repetitive, if you know what I mean. But, I'll continue to play with them. I don't want to pause them just yet. Well, until next time...!

Ah hah, yes! Inauguration day! Woo-hoo! Anyway...

Spark and Burst evolved into adults! Burst evolved into... a Kutchipatchi! I should have guessed... before he was a young kutchipatchi. Derr...

Spark, is a... Mametchi!!! Oh yayyy!! He's doing that close-up thing... really cute!!

Spark: Ahah, I'm the most popular character...

Burst: Meh, so what. I'm related to the duck.

Spark: I'm... related to... the mouse?

Awww, I love how Burst's lips move. They curl up- it's sooo adorable. B) Okay, I'm off to do other random things... bye! -_-

Ahhh... school is so tough. Stinkin' midterms...

ANYWAY... nothing significant has really happened. Oh, but I recently connected them! It's working again! Yippee... now at least these two cousins know each other... sorta'...

Spark: I'm the intelligent Mametchi. I didn't know my cousin was so stupid...

Burst: Are you kidding me? You gave me a piece of poo? What kind of smart tamagotchi would do THAT?

Spark: Sorry... I... uhh... had just made a poo, and I THOUGHT I had wrapped the yogurt... but I accidently wrapped the poo.

Burst: Oh sure. You're SUCH a genius.

Bleh, I won't be posting so much... well, not this weekend, at least. Sunday is the Chinese New Year... and I gotta go to two parties on Saturday, and Sunday. I'll probably be pausing my tamas... unless there's an animation that happens on the Chinese New Year... huh... I wanna see it then! Heh... Time to go... see you soon, TamaTalk!

Ack. I'm so busy these days... Happy Chinese New Year! It's kinda late, but whatever. Anyway, Spark and Burst both had two baby boys! I was kinda hoping for a girl, but... oh well. They left their babies last night... and these babies have evolved into toddlers! I named my V3 Sushi (my favorite food!! XD) and my V4 Clay. Sushi is a Mohitamatchi, and Clay is a Mizutamatchi (probably spelled these wrong... ah well.).

Yes, I know it's kinda late, buuttt....

Sushi: Happy Chinese New Year!

Clay: Back at 'cha.

Sushi: -hands over red envelope- Here!

Clay: -snatches away greedily- $20?! Cheapskate.

Sushi: Heyy, at least I'm generous. You didn't even...

Clay: Oh yeah. -pulls out crumpled, wrinkled red envelope- Here.

Sushi: 50 cents? Who are you calling cheapskate??

Clay: Hey, I gave up my laundry coins for you, so quit talking.

Sushi: You don't even wear clothes!

Clay: Fine, fine. I use them to tip my hairdresser.

Sushi: I can't believe I'm actually related to you.

Heh, isn't it interesting that I always portray my V4 as the bad character? Then again, that wasn't really the case in my first generation... (haha, remember Pocky, my V3?!). Well, I suppose I should go... study for my upcoming midterms!! :D

Ahh! I barely ever have any free time! In fact, I should be starting my homework right now... ah well.... hmm, let's see what my last post was about!

What?! Toddlers?? Wow, well now Sushi and Clay are adults! And they're pretty interesting looking...

Sushi: What's THAT supposed to mean?

Uhh.. you look unique! XD

Clay: Ooooo... :huh:

Sushi is a Decotchi (he reallly looks unique! It's kinda cute, in a way! :wacko: ) and Clay is a Tosaktchi. Woo-hoo. It's always fun to get unique, different-looking tamas (unlike that boring Mametchi...).

Spark: Hey! I heard that!

Burst: Didja just insult my cousin?

Sushi & Clay: OMGGGGG!!! DADDDDDDY!!!!

Burst: Uhhh... which one is mine again?

Spark: The one that's using the plane ticket as toliet paper...

Burst: OH. Sooooon!!

Clay: Daddddy!!

Spark: Now, where's my so- OHMIGAWD!!!!!!

Sushi: Um... hello dad.

Spark: What are you?! You look like you just came out of the halloween store (search "decotchi" and you'll see what I mean. again, I think he's kinda cuteee! in a strange way. XD)!!!

Sushi: I'm sorry I disappoint you dad....

And that's the tragic story of an average- Spark: Heyyy!- Mametchi, meeting his exotic-looking son. None of that really happened, of course. I'm just bored. Welll... I'm off to begin my homework. Byeee! -saunters off with tamagotchis in hand- :huh:

Uhm num num... yummy rice crackers!! ^^ So anyway, I just came back from school. Sooo... time to unpause my tamagotchis...! 3... 2... 1... hooray! Y'know, they would grow alot faster if I brought them to school. But, that's simply not possible. They could get lost in the crowded hallways as I move to different periods... and if I kept it in my locker... well, I don't visit my locker often, that's just the way I am. Anywayyy....

Clay: Hehehehe, I'm gonna get a mate soon! Just one more day...

Sushi: Who would marry you?! Cheapskate....

Sushi: Happy Chinese New Year! Clay: Back at 'cha.

Sushi: -hands over red envelope- Here!

Clay: -snatches away greedily- $20?! Cheapskate.

Sushi: Heyy, at least I'm generous. You didn't even...

Clay: Oh yeah. -pulls out crumpled, wrinkled red envelope- Here.

Sushi: 50 cents? Who are you calling cheapskate??

Clay: Hey, I gave up my laundry coins for you, so quit talking.

Sushi: You don't even wear clothes!

Clay: Fine, fine. I use them to tip my hairdresser.

Sushi: I can't believe I'm actually related to you.
Clay: Well, why would anybody marry YOU?

Sushi: Why wouldn't they?? I'm an intelligent gentleman...

Clay: *Ehem*

Spark: Now, where's my so- OHMIGAWD!!!!!!Sushi: Um... hello dad.

Spark: What are you?! You look like you just came out of the halloween store (search "decotchi" and you'll see what I mean. again, I think he's kinda cuteee! in a strange way. XD)!!!

Sushi: I'm sorry I disappoint you dad....
So, now Sushi and Clay sit and think as they contemplate over their possible mate choices. Btw, if the quotes don't work... oh well. At least I tried!! ^^ Anyway, you get the point. Okaay then, bye for now! :D

OMG, I feel like whacking myself in the head. Why? Because I haven't updated in what- a week??? Gahhhh!! Well, I guess I better do that now... well, Sushi and Clay both had girls (finally! a girl!) and I named my V4 Lily, and my V3 Rose. Flowery names! XD Currently, Lily is a Young Memetchi, and Rose is a Young Mametchi. Hurrah! Soooo....

Rose: Ick. I can't believe I come from a long line of messed up BOYS.

Lily: Yes... but MY father was intelligent.

Rose: Yah. But he looks like he came outta a Hallow-

Lily: No, PLEASE don't start this again. >.>

Rose: Why would we? We're....


Lol. Sorry, I just HAD to that. Well, I'm off to do a truckload of homework and useless projects. ;) Byeee... who knows when I'll come back on??

Hmmm... it's been 5 days. Interesting. Well, Lily and Rose evolved! Lily is now a Ponytchi! Woo!! And Rose........ is a Pyonkotchi. Just like Pocky was. -_-

Rose: Wait, wait. Wasn't Pocky a BOY???

Lily: Oo, maybe you're transgendered.

Rose: Omg, omg, what am I going to do?!

Lily: Ahhh... try on some make-up!

Rose: I don't have a mirror! :(

Lily: Oh. Then I will!!

Lily: -smear- OH NO! I LOOK UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose: Heh.

Yeah, the make-up doesn't work for some reason. To the help section!!!
