My Tama Log-My V4 and V3


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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
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Okay. Forget my other log- forget it ever existed. I forgot I had quit my V3 as well... ^^ Sooo... I'm gonna include my V3, and put it in the same log as my V4.

Here I go!

My V4 is sleeping. Everything is absolutely normal.

I just put a new battery into my V3. I reseted it- I was on the 15th generation, but oh well... I wanna start fresh. I could do the same with my V4... but nah, I'm too lazy. Anyway, there's a new egg on my screen and I'm waiting for it to hatc- OMG! It's hatching!!! It's a.... boy! Sweet!

I named it Pocky, after my fave snack (I'm asian XD)! I fed it meals and played Get Music... here, I'll post some stats....


Name: Pocky

Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Weight: 8 lb.

Hunger: OOOO


Training: None

Generation: 1st

Things are good so far... can't wait for him to evolve into a toddler! I'll post in an hour! :chohimetchi:

Oh oh, Pocky is sleeping! I think when he wakes up, he'll become a toddler... is that how it works? I kinda forgot... I'll just have to wait and see....

Hmm.. maybe I should pause my V4 and let my V3 and V4 mate? Nah, it's too late for that- Stacy (V4) is already 6...

Huh. They're both sleeping. I guess I better wait...

Pocky woke up! When will the transformation begin...?

Success! Pocky evolved into.... a Mizutamatchi! I wonder what Pocky has to say about this!

Pocky: zzzzz...

Ah, it's waaaay past Pocky's bedtime. Well, I guess I'll be back tomorrow morning! I hope these two tamas can manage themselves as I sleep in the morning... :chohimetchi: Bye!

Okay, several things happened. My V4 needed a new battery, so I replaced it. Then I thought, what the heck, and reseted it. Now, I have a baby girl, and her name is Hana! I'm gonna connect my V3 and V4- I wanna mate them. Who needs matchmakers??

Haha, Hana won an eating contest against Pocky(who is a toddler, if you forgot). I'll post some stats:


Age: 0

Weight: 13 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOO (haha probably because he lost the eating contest :furawatchi: )

Training: |


Name: Hana

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Weight: 11 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: None

Okay, I'm gonna connect them again.... oo, Pocky gave Hana a gift! It's a... Jack-in-the-Box?? >.<

There. I punished him. But now he's unhappy... so I'm gonna play a game...

I connected them again... awww cute, this time Pocky gave Hana a giant pencil! Sweet! :furawatchi: I'll post later. Bye!

I just went on Tamatown with my V3 AND V4... and I got lotsa items! ^^ Omg, my V4 just evolved!!! It's.... a Mohitamatchi!! Now both- ooooo, my V4 got mail!! Hold on, lemme see... ahh! The king arrived- he gave me points! Yippee! Anyway, I was saying that both of my tamas are now the same age... I MUST mate them!

Ah no... Pocky gave poop again. Baaaad.

Well, I'll update tomorrow- or maybe this afternoon. :furawatchi: Byeee...


Oi! Hana gave Pocky a gift... it was a snake! Revenge... :furawatchi: Hahah, okay. Bye for now!!

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Hey, hey, hey. I just got a letter... hmm it's an important letter!! Could this mean..... yes! Hana is now enrolled in preschool! A teacher came and took her to school... i forgot what her name is though. She gave her a gift! Ummm what is this peculiar looking gift?? Huh. I have no idea. I'll go to school now!!

Awwww.... Hana and her teacher were doing some sort of music class- but Hana fell a couple of times. Btw, I think that gift is some sort of backpack, maybe?

Oh! Pocky is rolling around on the ground. He must be bored... I'll connect them later. But, they seem to give bad gifts to each other.. tsk, tsk...

Okay! Time to connect! Awwww, Pocky gave a sweet flower to Hana! He's learning... :eek:

Well, I'm gonna go do something that is NOT tama-related! Bye!!


Oh yeah, I should put some stats here.


Age: 0

Weight: 12 lb.

Hunger: OOOO


Training: ||


Age: 0

Weight: 11 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |

Also, I'll post Hana's skill points later... I'm still figuring out how to raise them... :mellow:

Ok, bye!

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Yeah, I know. It's my fourth post. Maybe I should just combine all of my posts into one? Nah... it never hurt to use a little log space! :D Well, nothing much has happened, but I connected them alot. I'm determined to make them mates! They're the perfect match (at least, thats what I think...). Here's what they both look like (note: I didn't take these pics):

<- Hana

<- Pocky

(Visit, it has alot of pictures of tamas!! XD)

Hmm... just for fun, I'll include something new: dialogue! Let's see what Pocky and Hana have to say:

Pocky: Why do you have to lump Hana and I together??

Hana: Yeah- all he ever gives is poop and snakes!! :D

Pocky: And she gives me flowers and ice cream... FATTENING ice cream!!

Uhh, yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to mate them without any problems. :D

Hehehe, I'll post later!!


Ehh.. links didn't work. Erm... copy & paste?? ;)


Ooo, new stuff in the store!!! -buys stuff- Heh, I spent alot of my points... ahhh now I have a stereo and a cap! Yay!! I used the stereo- Hana's rocking out! :huh: I'll post more later.

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Okay. Not much has happened. Both of my tamas are sleeping right now... I connected my tamas ALOT during the day... now they're best buddies!! Well... sorta? I got a stereo from the shop, and played the CD. I was pretty surprised when I heard Fur Elise... I like that song :p . Well, I feel lazy... so I'm not gonna post stats. I'll be back tomorrow! Byeee!!

Hehe interesting... Pocky woke up at 8:00 AM... but I was still sleeping. I was awoken by the sound of tamagotchi music/beeping. I picked up my tama, and sure enough- he had evolved! He's a.... patapatatchi!!! Woooo! Hehehe, when Pocky evolved, he fell back asleep. Niiice... Hana is STILL a toddler... and she's sleeping too. I hope she evolves today.. she probably will!! :)

Hmmm both of my tamas wake up in... 15 minutes. Okay then, bye!

That was weird... my V4 had a low battery, so I opened it up, and poked some stuff around... now it's okay? Wow. Now they're just moving... I'll post later. :)

Both of my tamas are teens! Hana is now... a young dorotchi!! lol, ghosty... now both of my tamas can umm... fly? Here's some dialogue!!

Hana: OMG I'm a ghost!!

Pocky: OMG no, my beloved!!

Hana: What?! -slap- Geez, check our relationship status... we're only "good friends".

Pocky: Yeah, but in a few days, we can have babies!!

Hana: See this is what happens when you lump me with him.

Pocky: I'm a happy lump.

Hana: You're a fat lump.

Pocky: Only because I ate all of your yogurt... :eek:

Errrr... yeah. I wonder if I can really make them a couple... o_O

Here are some stats:


Age: 1 (yaaaaay!!)

Weight: 25 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||

Type: Patopatatchi (sp? :mametchi: )


Age: 0

Weight: 20 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: ||||

Type: Young Dorotchi

-sigh- The battery for my V4 kept on failing, which stunted my tama's growth. :blink: But, I replaced it with a new, fresh battery, so things should be better now!!

Awww, my tamas are sooo hygenic. Since they're teens, they can now brush their teeth, and take a bath. It's cute. :D Oh, and I forgot to say- Hana graduated from preschool, and is now going to elementary school! Hooray!! She has Mr. Turtle as her teacher. Hmmm... I'll post some stats.


Age: 2

Weight: 25 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: ||||||||


Age: 0 (awwww... still?!)

Weight: 22 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOO

Training: |||||

Pencil Skill Points: 42

Star Skill Points: 13

Flower Skill Points: 38

Heh, I forgot the actual names of the skill points. Oh well. It's interesting. Whenever my V4 visits my V3 or vise versa, they show up as Nazotchi. :furawatchi: I know it's because the young dorotchi isn't availiable on the V3, and the patapatatchi doesn't exist on the V4. Wow..... k, I'll be back later...

Okay, not much has happened. Buuut... Hana finally turned 1!! Let's see what she has to say about it!!

Hana: YES! I'm 1!! Haha, I rock!! I'm not 0... w00t!!

Pocky: Psssh, well I'm 2! Hah, beat that.

Hana: Well I'm a V4!

Pocky: I'm a boy!

Hana: Oh noo... don't go sexist on me!

Pocky: :S... well fine, I'm a delectable japanese snack! Whaddya think of THAT??

Hana: You suck. I still don't know why I have to mate with YOU.

Pocky: It's better that meeting the matchmaker! She scares me sometimes...

Hana: Why? She's old, thats all! RESPECT YOUR ELDERS!

Pocky: No, she smells like burritos... and she has a faint mimitchi smell. >.<

Hana: Well, I smell NICE! I smell like flowers!

Pocky: Oh yeah?! Well I....

And the bragging contest continues. These two are opposites that... well I hope they'll attract each other. :D Well, see ya tomorrow, I suppose! :p

Hmm, strange. Hana evolved... into a Pukatchi! Funny, thats what I had before I resetted my V4... Anyway, Hana is only 1 years old! She can be an adult at that age? Who knew??

Hana: Yay! I'm an adult!!

Pocky: W-what?? But I'm older than you! By 2 whole years!!

Hana: Hah, thats cuz I'm a V4....

Pocky: Ugh, you look like you have a tutu on...

Hana: Oh yeah?? Well, there's a line under you... ^^

Pocky: Geez, I can't believe I'm going to waste my love potion for YOU.

Hana: You're the one that's afraid of the matchmaker....

Pocky: Right... -_-

Hehe, here are some stats:


Type: Patapatatchi (still... :D )

Age: 3

Weight: 21 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: ||||||||| (w00t, full training!!!)


Type: Pukatchi

Age: 1

Weight: 24 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||| (almost there....)

Pencil Skill Points: 62

Star Skill Points: 23

Flower Skill Points: 54

Well, 2009 is almost here! Too bad there isn't any tamagotchi animation for that... ^^

I'm gonna go now- until next timeee...! :D

Hooray! Pocky evolved into... a Pyonkotchi!! Is that good or bad? Hmm... right now, actually Pocky's a Nyatchi!! He's wearing a costume- hehe... also, y'know how I said there's no animation for New Years? Well, there actually is! I was reading a book when I heard music- coming from both of my tamas. I looked at their screens... and fireworks were glittering on the screen!! Hehehe... anyway...

Hana: The fireworks were sooo romantic...

Pocky: Uh- huh. It was loud.

Hana: OMIGAWSH Pocky... you evolved!! Now I can use the love potion...

Pocky: Hold on sista'. You gotta wait 3 more days. Besides... I'm not ready for that type of commitment.

Hana: Is that a costume?

Pocky: Uhhh... yeah?

Hana: It's SOOO SEXY!!!

Pocky: >.>

Hana: Hey, you didn't kiss me at midnight... when the new year came...

Pocky: We were sleeping!

Hana: I kissed you in my dreams...

Heh, looks like they're falling for each other! Just gotta use that love potion.... here are some stats.

AWWW!!! Before I do stats..... Pocky is going up to the screen and waving at me!! It's so CUTE!! Maybe not too sexy, but... :eek:

*keeps staring* Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Okay. Seriously, time for some stats....


Age: 4

Weight: 32 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||||

Type: Pyonkotchi


Age: 2

Weight: 22 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||| (ugh, just one more!!! >.<)

Pencil Skill Points: 70

Star Skill Points: 28

Flower Skill Points: 54

So, now both of my tamas are adults. I'll mate 'em in 3 days!!! Which means Pocky will be married at age 7... and Hana will be 5 years old. Ahhh... nice. K, gonna go now!! XD HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! A little late, yes.

Woo-hoo! It happened!! What happened, you ask? Let's just say the sexy costume worked. Still don't get it? Well....

Hana: Ah, I still remember the moment.

Pocky: -eats sushi roll- Mhm hmm?

Hana: You were giving me a present- then our eyes connected. And we fell in LOVE!!! <3

That's right, I got Hana and Pocky to fall in love... without using a love potion! Woo!! Let's see...

Hana: It doesn't even matter that the gift was a snake... I'm soooo in love. I'm so glad we're adults... now I can finally experience love! Even though I'm only 2...

Pocky: -watches RC2 car- Yeah, I just like the stuff we're able to use when we're an adult.

Hana: ^_^ I THINK I'm still in love with you...

Pocky: -wears makeup- Do I look hawt?

Something else happened... Hana got a job! She's now... an elementary school teacher! Woo-hoo!!

Pocky: Why don't I get a job?? >.<

Hana: V3's are meant to be hobos.

Pocky: Ehhh... good enough, as long as I have this costume with me... <3

I'm gonna go teach some tama-students!! Byeeee!!!

Weeh... the teacher job is okay... XD. Here are some stats:


Age: 4

Weight: 34 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||||


Age: 3

Weight: 20 lb.

Hunger: OOOO

Happy: OOOO

Training: |||||||| (seriously... just ONE more bar!!! geez... ^_^ )

Pencil Skill Points: 82

Star Skill Points: 28

Flower Skill Points: 54

Yay! Ok, ok bye!

Ooooooo!!! The unexpected happened!!! Okay, so you know my tamagotchis are in love, right? Well, I was connecting them, thinking "hm hm hm, they're gonna have babies tomorrow!". When I connected them, they just stood over on their own screens, shaking their heads. But they weren't saying no... they looked like they were shaking their heads to say something like "are you ready? here I come!

So Pocky went over to Hana's screen... and kissed her! And thats when I knew... they were gonna have babies!!! The screens then went dark, fireworks exploded... and now I have 2 twin boys!!! They don't really look like twins though- they're from different versions, hehe!!

Now let's see how the moment was- to Pocky and Hana.

Pocky: Hey, hey are you connecting me with HANA again??


Pocky: You are, aren't you!! Geez, you should buy some more tamas.

Pocky: Oh woah, there's a feeling in me... oh noes, today is the day!!! But I'm not even wearing the sexy costume!!!

-over on the other screen-

Hana: Ahhhh!!! I'm going to have babies today! I KNOW I will! Pocky and I are in love... I think. :S

Both: -shakes head- Gotta prepare... must look ready... OKAY! I'm ready!

Pocky: I'm ready to go. Gah, where's that "Away" sign... hmm if I were you, I'd use a different font for the word "Away"...

JUST GO!! -pushes- Just go over there and give a gift or something.

Pocky: Heh, it's more than that...

Hana: Pocky!!

Pocky: Hana!!

Pocky: Look- it may not seem like it, but I've finally decided that... I LOVE YOU!!!!! :wub:

Hana: Me too... -kisses-

-lights go out-

Pocky: Hey, hey, hey who turned the lights out??

-fireworks explode-

Pocky: AHHH OMG EXPLOSIVES!!! Run, run, RUN!!

Hana: NO! Pocky... I'm gonna give birth!!

Pocky: Right... I'm gonna leave... ahhh...

Hana: Some husband.

Hana: Ooooo!! TWIN BOYS!!

Babies: YEEE!! Guy gee!!! :hitodetchi: :D

Hana: One of you has to go over to daddy... I know, I'll regret this.. ahhh...

Baby 1: Meeeee!! geeeeeeeegoooo...

Yep. You chose the dude with the cupcake.

Baby 1: Hehehehehehe!!

So that's pretty much it! I now have two smiling baby boys... huh, what to name them?? Well, byeee!! :)

Lalalalaa... Pocky and Hana are really thrilled to have baby boys! I've decided to name the first baby (in the V3) Puff, and the other baby Skype. I know, aren't they unique names??

Puff: I is Puff!!

Skype: I is SKYPE!!!

Pocky: What kind of fool would come up if with THOSE names??

I did. I have the power to rip out your battery, y'know.

Pocky: Heh... heh... ummm, SWEET names!!!

Hana: Treat your owner with respect. We're gonna leave to go to TamaTown soon... if I can pack my bags fast enough.

Pocky: As if. Pshh.

Hana: Can too. I mos- HEY!!! SKYPE!! GET OUTTA MY BAGS!! Noooo!! Don't throw out my socks!! Now I have to pack everything up again... where'd I put that passport....

Skype: Heheeheheh!!! -rips-

Puff: Haahahaha!!! -finds Pocky's passport-

Pocky: No, no, no!!! Don't rip it, please. I'll... uhh, leave the cupcake here for you to eat.

Puff: OMG PWNAGE@@@@@!! Ahm.... goo gee ga! YAY!!!!

Pocky and Hana are gonna leave soon... but when? I'm not sure... okay, I'll post later!!!

That was strange. My V4 froze, so I had to take out the battery. I put it back in, and everything's okay now. :lol: Well, the aging process is probably messed up (again). Okay, time to gooo...
