~my tama log! a log for my tama!


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Dec 9, 2006
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Hi i'm tama_gotchi_devil and this is my first log on TamaTalk! i hope you enjoy my log and leave a comment often! My[SIZE=14pt] sis #mimitchi# gave me a tamagotchi connection v3Tropical flowers/ it was currently on gen1 a pynkontchi named Kaz he had a shiro teletchi/baby girl, When he went back to tamatown i named her Sorrl she soon turned into a tamatchi from good care not the best a day later she turned into a hikotchi! i let her weight get up to 56lbs! lazy me! so i got her wieght down to 31lbs. Today she evolved into a chomametchi! she is so cute! she likes my sis'stama Snowy a Pipotchi 4harts! they will have babies tomarrow! see you all later![/SIZE]

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(DEC 14th Thursday) My sis is tabbing up Snowy but i will continue to raise Sorrl and her future generations. She mated whith Snowy today they both got baby girls! Sorrl will leave and make way for Holly! Sorrl is very happy right now i will make her leave tomarrow :( beacuase i want to get to the highest gen possible! thats it for now! i'm going to tama town to visit Kaz (Sorrl's parent) bye! :blink: h34r: ~see you all later! TGD~ :ph34r:

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sorry for not posting for ever but my tama ran out of batterys :( so i can't post for a long time........ [SIZE=14pt]But[/SIZE][SIZE=8pt] luckily my sis #mimitchi# let me Tama_Gotchi_Devil borrow two of her tamagotchi V3s and i can post abut them here oh btw before my tama's battery died Sorrl's baby girl was currently a teen patapatachi named Holly... but my sis's v3s are in my hands. So i better take good care of them... They are both boys and both children I named one Chip and the other Dale Dale and Chip are both 0yrs old Chip weighs 13lbs while Dale weighs in at 62! i want Dale to become a tarakotchi and Chip a( memetchi [/SIZE] :( ) or a (mametchi :) ) thats it for now more later i THINK they will evolve into teens sometime today, see you guys later... ~*TGD*~

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sorry about the trouble TGD! :) note: tama_gotchi_devil asked me to post a update for her so i will..... her tamas evolved! Chip is a hinotamatchi 1yr and Dale is a p i'm only posting in her log because she lost a pice of paper that had her tamatalk user code onit i told her to be more careful! good luck TGD!

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hi its mimitchi i have to post for TGD again :furawatchi: her 2 tamas are still doing fine still 1yr olds i think and hope they evolve at the age of 3yrs old......


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