my tama life


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Nov 10, 2008
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hi i'm hamp i'm 13 and i love now that you know me lets get started.

my tamas are a v2 a digimon v1 a hongkong p1 and a tiger p2.and there i don't really naem the p1 and p2 but my v2s name is alexa and my digimons name is roxas i was gona hatch on my birthday hatch at another site i did hatch it's a botomon and my p1 is a tamatchi and my p2 is the beaked one (umm name please) they are five and four years old but they were paused a lot so really there about 4 and three years old my v2 is about 3 years old and my digimon was hathced about 15 minutes ago.see you next time.

well nothin much is new just my v2 changed to a ginji yay!!!!!!!!!!! i love him.and my digimon the toddler koromon.

well been a while i'm now 13 so i'm happy my p2 reset and my p1 turned into nyrotchi if thats his name hes a cutie so i'm gona pause him alot so i can keep him a while longer my two v4.5s are named tim and jill.jill is a kuchitamtchi and tim is an acorn can someone give me his name oh its okay with me if you post coments i like coments so i'll be happy and not request for them to be deleted acepet for the spammy i'm all out of things to talk about oh yeah my digimon reset so i'm gona hatch him at my birthday hatch this sunday on a diff website so now i'm out mof things to talk about. see you next log this has been dylan thats my real name.

wow been awhile digimon died and i rehatched it sunday at my birthday hatch some where else i won't say the name.but his names riku and my p1 died he was my sweetie i'm going to get him back so my p2 is a 4 year old tongartchi changed recently as in a couple of hours ago my v2 alexa is still hanging around 6 years old i'm trying to i'm go for 99 genrations.sound hard huh is going to be very hard.curently at 1 genration 6 years.well my v4.5s tim and jill are a turkey asnd a ura young memetchi name on the turkey thing i've really got nothin else to talk about so bye.

hmm its been a long time sinc my last post lots has happened(well not lots) most of my tamas were on pause so not much to talk about i took tims battrie out and put it in my digimon mini v2 and a new battrie in my digimon mini v3. so my digimon is a ten year old numemon the worst charcter he's so needy he drops all his hungry hearts in 15 minutes and 1 strength heart in 30 minutes so hes needy i expect him to die soon my v2 alexa is 7 years old and has a baby on the screen should be leaveing soo to go to tama i'm out of things to talk about so see you later.

good lord it's been to long. i can explain my internet died and when it got fixed i forgot my password then my e-mail broke so i didn't get my lost password form'till a couple of days ago.but i have a big update all my old tamas are dead includeing my v2 that stinks well my v2 is now a 1 yearold ringotchi named becca i have a v3 named jack thats going to be here mate and another v3 (my first tama ever)daph who is a young mamethchi my p1 is a 5 year old(really 4 but i aged him a year i woke him up last night too watch some tv and then put him back to sleep).my tiger p2 is a tonmarutchi that just asked for his first discpline and i've got a morino on its way.and oh i've got a v5 two v6's and a digimon pendulum v4.0 and zero. my snake skin v3 (i had one but it broke it was my second tama ever so i got a replacement)is a mizu tamatchi and those are my tamas again sorry i was gone so long

i just stopped bye to say good grief its been way to long*head's desk* either way my morino is a babymochi and my v5 it just hatched its a mixed family so see you later(hopefully withing the month)
