My Tama Jinsei plus log!


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New member
Nov 3, 2007
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:D Hiya

Hello everyone and welcome to my Jinsei plus+ log. As you can probably tell my log is very much like Tamastar01's. That is because we are related and do our logs together. Anyway i bought my new tama jinsei plus+ (v4.5) today. It is pink and has green pretty leaves on. When i take a picture of it i will make it my display picture so you can all see what it looks like. I reset it straight away, the egg hatched into a lovely baby girl, which i named LILLY. She is so cute. She has not yet evolved into a child, but i am hoping she will soon because i want to play Tug Of War. I have been playing loads of games already so she already has lots of Gotchi points. Now this is the part of my log where LILLY will talk to you all. When LILLY talks the writing will be in PURPLE...

"Hello everybody. I'm quite shy but i am quite good with people. My mummy has been playing loads of games with me and now i have about 1250 Gotchi points. I have also connected with my mummy's sister's tamagotchi, so now me and WIZZ! are friends.

( <- WIZZ!'s log! Speak to you later. Bye x"

I will reply later or tomorrow.

Good Bye


:p YAY!

Hello everybody. LILLY will hopefully evolve into a teenager. I want her to evolve into a UFOtchi because they are so sweet. LILLY has played loads of games especially Tug Of War. LILLY likes that one the best. I can't wait until LILLY evolves into a teenager because I get to play Apple. I would like LILLY to get Mr Turtlepedia as her teacher so that they can study Humour (Funny) points. LILLY would like to talk to you all now. Take it away LILLY!

"Hello everybody. I can't wait till i evolve into a teenager because i can play Apple and i like apples. I would like to evolve into a UFOtchi. I am going to give you all back to my mummy now. Speak to you later. Goodbye x "

I will reply when LILLY evolves into a teenager.



;) Wahoo

Yay. LILLY has finally evolved into a teenager. She is a Ura Memetchi. I think. I am going to play Apple a lot now she is a teenager. I am really glad that i now have all the games to play with her. I had mail, it was an exclamation mark and Miss Frill came up. There was three other teachers and i picked the flower teacher. LILLY would like to speak to you all now. Take it away LILLY!

"Hello everyone. I have finally evolved into a teenager. I look really cool but my hair looks weird. I want to play Apple in a minute so i won't be talking to you all for very long now. I had better go now because my mummy wants to play a game with me. Goodbye"

I am going to play a game with LILLY now so goodbye


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