My tama is an Adult and wont go to work!?!


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Mar 13, 2007
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SO my tama is 6 years old.

Her name is BMBSL.

Ever since she turned like......3 she stopped going to work!

I always get mail and my tama goes to the place and a person never pops up.

So my tama leaves sad.

And she wont go to work

And ive been getting mail with snakes and poop.

Why is this happening?


Please and thankyou!! :huh:

Geezz, just be paitent and wait, we are not like robots. It's only been like 11 minutes. :huh:

Just earn more points, and keep on waiting. But just get more points. This is tottaly normal.


All tamas recieve poo and snakes once in a while... also hearts (don't know for what) and visits from the King, it is normal. My tama didn't get a job inmediately also, maybe it needed more skill points, like Locky said. Hope you get one soon!

well when you get an offer scan through using the A button. then choose one. While you are waiting up skill points.

pencil=intelligiance star=arts/fashion flower=social

and besides if u dont get another job before age of 7, the matchmaker will come anyways!!!!! so u can try again on ur next generation!!!

All tamas recieve poo and snakes once in a while... also hearts (don't know for what) and visits from the King, it is normal. My tama didn't get a job inmediately also, maybe it needed more skill points, like Locky said. Hope you get one soon!
hope im not off-topic but those hearts are chocolate. It gets sent to your snacks section. Then your tama can eat it :)

oh i know if you pause ur tama grows less in age and therfor unable to get a job but the job people dont know that so they fire you and u recieve bad things in ur mail

hope that helped

pm me for any questions

mad huh? :angry: Just's a period of time with your Tama..........Just Wait and stay patient.

You just need more skill points, you will get offered another job. And like it was already said, you can always catch the matchmaker and get a job on your new generation

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