What do you mean by every two seconds? Like, literally, evolve-evolve-evolve-evolve without stopping, or every hour or so?
I'd say there could be a glitch. What is it evolving into - the same character every time, or different ones?
Is it making the "evolving" sound, or doing the flashing "evolution" thing a lot without actually changing? If so, it sounds like a glitch, like a broken record playing the same thing over and over again. This is especially likely if you've dropped it recently onto a hard floor or down stairs.
It is actually possible for resetting not to work - this happened to my V3 once. If it absolutely will NOT reset, and you haven't dropped it or in any way caused it to be jolted, contact BanDai.
woa, then never mind... oh oh dont do a thing!: take out the batterie and put it on again, if it turns off that means its dead( not the tam the batterie) put a new battery.