*my super special tama log*


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Aug 15, 2009
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hello! my name is jazzy fay but u can call me jazzy or juice(people call me that). there is this girl named november tama. she is very cool and she inspired me to do this. i have been reading her log since the beggining and yesterday i decided to make my own acount. i have alreadystarted my tamas and im not choosing to restart them.



v4#1 is yellow her name is shye, she has a baby boy on board rite now

v4#2 is gray her name is ashly

v3#1 is blue is named kirk

and v4.5 is green

his name is dirk. he has a baby


shye here! i am a hanatchi and have a bavy boy that i had with dirk. i decided to name him chuck. i am 4 years old. i am leaving tonight! im gonna mis every one. ttfn



hey its dirk! i have a beautiful baby boy named kevin. i sure am gonna miss him. his mother and i are gona be reunited in tama space tonight.i am 5 years old and am a ura togetchi. why dont you meet my neighbors...


hi! im ashly and i am generation 2. i am a puchitchi rite now and got accepted into preschool this morning! ahhh i just pooped. i am 0 years old.and i dont have that many skill pionts. i only have 4 in artistic... PLAY WITH ME JAZZY!!


hello...my name is kirk. i think that jazzys mom named me. i am 1 year old and i just evolved into a young mametchi!!i wish to be a mametchi some day.what happened with me was the people that live on the top floor of jazzys apartment didnt want me any moreso they gave me to jazzy!


kirk that isnt what happened they have jobs now and dont have time for any tamagotchis so they gave you tom me... some one who is un employed!


ohhhhh ok then!


[ i am also getting another v3 online and it is going to be ORANGE! yay ok i need to go ill talk to you in my next post!


*jazzyfay* (juice)

umm sorry this is kinda close to my last post but i looked at my tamas and dirk was spinning on the floorwith a bck pack on... its was super special to see! well my sisster wants to have a turn so ttfn

*jazzyfay* (juice)

hey i got super bored so i typed to yoo...i conected kirk and ashly and they played the ballon game. then they both bleeped for attention even though they didnt need it.now ashly has 1 training and kirk has 3. then i tryed making my adult tamas leave by changing the time. it didnt work.

check out this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnYm0EmyDVU

if its not a link then copy and paste it. hey if you no how to put pics on her then please pm me how to do it. same with the text color i am having problemas with that

ashly just got mail lets let her check it

hey its ashly!i just got a regular letter...its a heart wow i wonder who sent me that! well whoever it was i will send them a heart back using...RETURN ADRESS METHOD... ok thats done ttyl

*jazzyfay* (sweaters)

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YAY! i got bored and checked my tamas and they all pooped at the same time!!!hooray for group poops!

oh no shye and chuck got sick. weird that happened for no reason.


woah sorry for that sudden out burst. i will tell ya more later

*jazzyfay* (choking)

welll im at my dads hous and he doesnt like tamagotchis so i coulndt bring them. i didnt nothat i was spending the night here cuz my mom didnt tell me i was going to. and i also didnt pause them sooo i hope they dont die. i am going shoe shopping tday wooooooop i am gonna get more converse. well any way i am not going to be posting til tomorrow wen i get back home. o yea um u people should pm me about any thing cuz im very bored and miss my tamas and still dont no how topost pics.

check this out... its one of my fave songs by one of my fave bandshttp ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZb6_7RGTwM >.<

well ta ta for now

*jazzyfay* (chai tea latte time!)

eeeh i sent a pm to november tama and she wrote me back and wrote about me in her log!!!!! yay

sorry that wasnt about tamas but it was very exciting!!

*jazzyfay* (nighty nite)


i just got back from my dads house and... none of them died!! they were all about to but then i fixed them. and the two adults left but i missed it and i named the v4 chuck and i was planning on naming the v4.5 kevin but i messed up and named it keevi. but that name is pretty cute any ways.

the 2 babys turned into puchitci (again)

and the other one turned into hitodetchi!

today i drew a picture of my family at my dads. i will upload it and post it some day soon. well lets let the tamas talk...

hi its kirk...jazzy still doesnt know how to do colors for us.o well. i turned two today and i got supper sick and hungry and unhappy and i pooped alot. butmrs. fay fixed me and i feel better. i have had my eyes on this girl named ashly. she is my neighbor. she is a hawaikotchi and i am a young mametchi. she is 1 and i am 2 but since we are the closest togther i think i will marry her. pm jazzy for the baby names please!!!

hey its ashly!so there is this other tamagotchi that is very cute. his name is kirk and he is a young mametchi. i admire mametchis! i have been conecting with him lately and i think we should go out but i dont have guts to ask him... :furawatchi: . well bye.

well the other two are mad because i dint name them early in the morning and they were crying at me. welll then till next time

*jazzyfay* (with ellie)

<_< oh nos!!! today is the first day oof school and i couldnt go to bed last night and now i am tired... RRRRAAAAWWWWRRRRR!!! ouch now my tummy hurts. i am going into 7th grade and i have no idea where any of my calasses are!! good thing my friend is giving me a ride so we can be lost together!!!

well my tamas are on pause and i will see you next time...

*jazzyfay* (of topic srry)

welll i am horribly exhausted today after school 4 of my 6 teachers suck. grargargaragragragargargaragragargaragaragraragragargagarsagrarargargRRA! thats how i feel well my tamas are hungry. very hungry. and un happy wich is very suprising considering they were on pause all day.well i am going to write back in a couple minutes. i am going to play 2 games with each of my tamas. oo kkk so ill be rite back.

till next time...

*jazzy* (fay)

yayyyyy!!!they are all teens!! lets let them talk and then you can hear their stats..

HeRe ThEy ArE

CHUCK: YYYEEEAAAHHH!!! i turned into exactly what i wanted to be im a ........... (suspension) GoUrMeTcHi!!!i am going to be a...tosakatchi or a shimashimatchi or a togetchi!! yayy well bye bye for now

ASHLY:i am still a teenager...hooray. and i am 3 years old. i am defenitley marrying kirk but i dont think he knows. he is so cute! i cant wait until i am an adult! i want to be masktchi really bad. i dont no why but i do. well bye

KEEVI:i am daiyatchi!i am very in touch with my feminin side and jazzyfay says there is nothing wrong about that and i am special in my own way.i want to turn into any character really. i want to wait until the matchmaker comes for me. i want the i really love. bye

KIRK:i am still a young mametchi. i am 4 years old and i think that the next time i see ashly i will tell her how i feel. i want to be a mametchi soooo bad. he is my faveorite character. i feel honored to be a YOUNG mametchi. welll till next time.

actually i am going to skip the stats(im to lazy)welll im gonna go to homework wit my study buddy so...LATES

*jazzyfay*(mmm salmon)

YAY!!!! and the tamas.... *GO*

ASHLY: whooooo! i am ...a... MASKTCHI! whooo thank the lord! i am so happy i turned into the character i wanted! and i am 3 years old and am defenetly marrying kirk! i hear that he turned an adult too!! well im gonna go nw so bye.

KIRK:yay!!! i am an adult now and i am still 4 years old. i turned into a.... MASKTCHI. i am not veryy excited about that. OOOHHH i just remembered that i have the costume!! i am going to wear that from now on. oh and i heard that ashly is an adult now too! i cant wait to marry her. PLEASE PM JAZZY FAY TO TELL HER WETHER OR NOT I CAN MARRY IN THE COSTUME> cuz im not excatly sure. well bye

WEEEEEEEE!! i cant wait til they have babies!oh ya and pm me telling how to do colorful text. i dont no how. and wether or not i can mate a v4 and a v3

wellp bye!

*jazzy (baked potato) fay*

well hi im back!

i just read shelbysaurous es logg

it is great!

she is so cool!

i no her in real life too

well il be back later

ima gonna find a battery for my v4


hey hey!


im gonna get another tama


and...i cant find any batteries =[

wen i get some im gonna hook up my v6



mhm so ...yea ill talk to ja latez


snazzy jazzy

[super duper short post]

[SIZE=21pt]oh ya![/SIZE]




im cool

but not really



well till tomaro

jay fizzle


i didnt get my tama

now i cant find my v6


i have a v4 to use now!!


oh ya! mmkay!

now to the restarting of my v4!




-jazzy enters the info-


and is back in about an hour!

i have to go


ill post stats wen i get back!



so here is my new tamas stats!!





pounds=33 [ooh the fatty]






lol ok so untill tomorrow

jazzy [now n lata]
