My Second Log.


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li'l tama lover#1!!!

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
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I have 2 tamagotchis. A boy and a girl. They are both babies. Their names are Ralph And Trix. Trix is Generation 1, and Ralph is Generation 11.

Oh No! Ralph's bat. went dead! Whenever i reset and hit 'DownLoad', the bat. goes dead again. Oh wel, i'll have to buy a new bat. 4 ralph.

Yeah! I fixed Ralph's bat. I got a bat. 4 him. I'm happy again! Lol. Anywho, Ralph and trix r fine. Alltho Ralph almose died! Before i started my Second Log, My friend and i where downstairs, and we went UpStairs to check up on Ralph and Trix, and Trix was dead! :( But i got a new Trix. I'm okay with Trix#1's deth. Really. At least I got a new Trix.

Sorry i haven't writtenin my log 4 a while. I'm too busy with how my life goes. Anywho, I forgot to mension one thing! Trix2 was a boy and Trix1 was a girl! Well, now a have Trix1 back. I reset Trix2 and now Trix3 is a girl! Yeah 4 me! Well, Ralph and trix are still the same from when i posted last. Still a baby boy and girl! Tamagotchi Goal: generation 100. Trying to figure if generation 100 egzists! I hope it does! Wouldn't it be cool if tamagotchis would have jobs when they were an adult!? I think it would! When i get my V4 next year, i'll be writing about it in THIS topic. It's my second log and i don't want to be bothered writing a 3rd. Well, i quit on my 1st log. Everybody was replying. It was about theese tamas grandparents. Nothing much went on in my first log. You may comment on my log, but to comment, you must PM with your comment. I'll write again later. Well, that's all!

Okay. Nothing yet. Ralph is asleep now and Trix just cried. Okay. Never Mind. Ralph just woke up. Trix and Ralph are almost about to envolve!!!I'm gonna make them connect now.

I connected. Nothing happened. Viset: Dance with music. Presn't: Cake. Game: Flag. Neigher Trix OR Ralph envolved yet. HURRY IT UP!!!

When will they envolve!!?? I'm getting tired of waiting! Well, while i'm writing, Ralph is on pause and Trix is off pause. My arms are tired of playing get!!!

Trix is still a Todlar. And Ralph is now a todlar. He envolved into a Toldar. The one that loox like a Tooth. I like that guy! He's good on Bump! Trix's training is still 1/10. I got Ralph a training point when he was crying. I'm almost to Generation 12 and 2!!!

Well, trix's and Ralph's batery is COMPLEATLY dead. the X isn't even on the screen anymore! Well... I might be getting a V4 soon. I'm gonna put batteries in trix and ralph now...(I HOPE!)


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