My roxilicious V4 log


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
At the end of the rainbow!!
Well , I guess I'm starting this sort of late(3rd generation)but I started my 3rd generation today around 2:08 pm. and named my baby girl Nikki :furawatchi:

She is now a harutchi and I just love her :furawatchi:

I'm hoping that she will become a young Dorotchi but I doubt she will since I take such good care of her :)

If you need a friend EMAIL ME NOT PM

Nikki turned into a young memetchi today :mellow: . I wanted her but I wanted her to turn into a teenager from the mametchi family :D

Just to let people know , you are a loud to post in this log, actually I would be really happy if you did!!

Last night I had a Volleyball game(I'm on the school team)and I had to leave my tama's in by bag for over an hour and a half,I never leave them for more than 1 and a half hours so it was ok ,but I don't like to leave!!! :lol: :D :(

Please post,I hate talking to myself!! :p :) :(

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I am still hating the Firefighter job but it fits her personality. :wub: :lol:

She is not a girly girl like her mother, she is a hard core punk!!! ^_^ ^_^ :D :D

So I'll have to get used to it!!! :lol: ^_^ :ph34r: :blink: :rolleyes: :angry:

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I accidentally made Nikki get a job as a Hair washer!!! Nikki got matchmaker and had a baby girl!!!

She left and I named her Robin!!!! :p B)

I named her that because the creator of the Pussycat Dolls is Robin Antin!! -_- -_-

She turned into the toddler that has no arms and has antennas!! :marumimitchi: :angry:

Thank you so much Mimitchi_Lover_75239!!!!

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Well,Robin turned into a Ringotchi yesterday and she is now 1!!

Her points




I am hoping that she will become a Maidtchi!!!!!

I already planned her "marriage" with my friends V2!!!

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I haven't been able to write, but a lot of stuff has happened , so here it goes!

Well...Robin turned into a Maidtchi and had baby boys with my sister's V4!!! The planned 'marriage' didn't go so well so we decided not to go along with it!! Robin also got a job as a singer!!YAY!

Robin is leaving tomorrow so I have to name a baby boy!!

Pm me if you have any suggestions, I'm clueless!!

Sorry I couldn't post for a while!!**

I was grounded off the computer!!** :p

Well,Joe turned into a Hinotamatchi and my Artsy points are up so that means that he will turn into a Togetchi!!** I'm so happy , he is such a cute character!!** :lol: :p

I'll update when he changes!!**

Not much happening but..........MY PLAN!!** MUAHHAHA!!

My plan is to put my V4 on pause and the show the guy that I like my tamas name because he knows that I named it the gut I like!!**

I can't show him till next Thursday because that is a day when we are always talking together!!** :eek: :eek: :furawatchi: :wub: :lol: :) :( :wacko: :) :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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