My Poem- have a read?


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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This is dedicated to the people affected by the shootings...

When People Go Wrong in the Head

The tears we cry

Blood was shed

Some people just go wrong in the head


Let us not loathe

The one who pulled the trigger

But learn to forgive, help and most importantly love no matter what’s the matter


Some people just go wrong in the head


We get these mixed emotions

On how to act, how to think, and how to feel

Do we know exactly what to do and how to react in reply to these atrocious actions?


Some people just go wrong in the head


Let us not just stand around

And wait for the world to change around us

For it starts with you, not him, not her, but YOU- make the stand for if you won’t, who will?


Some people just go wrong in the head


We need to make a point to love every person in that when all boils down it doesn’t matter your gender, your race or who you think will win the super bowl

The entity above all necessities is the most powerful word in the world when said sincerely- love


Some people just go wrong in the head


Life is too short to hold onto bitterness and kindle the flames of hate

Life is too short to ignore these cries of help

Life is too short to heckle these individuals the Great God Almighty created with a reason and a purpose

Life is too short not to reach out, not to care for, not to bolster


The tears we cry

Blood was shed

Let us never to forget to reach out to the people going wrong in the head

... Yeah, so that's my poem.

If you would like to make comments, please make them respectful.

I know it's not that great but it came from my heart- one that doesn't spit our poems that I enjoy writing very often. xP

I don't mind a little concrit, but if you are going to be rude or just totaly diss it, don't even bother. That's not the point of this poem.

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I love it :]

I'm not (forgot that not D: xD)very good at writing poems; If I do they're normally short and kind of silly, so I don't know how much my judgement is worth xD But I think it's very good!

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I really didn't mean it as a deal, it just kinda spit out. ^^;;;

It's been a weird week for me- and with another shooting today I didn't know what to do.

I was just... inspired out of an eternal writers block. xD

My life revolves around poetry, LOL. It doesn't have to ryhme it just has to have a topic good or bad. It was one of the best I have read in a long time. It kinda says to me (So I may not be right) That we have to not shun people w/ deppression, saddness, or problems, Even this one gunman. We need to help thoes people not let them go till they do a tragic thing. Am I Right???


BTW That poem made me cry I t was ummm... BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

What bugged me was the gunman saying that he was going to die like Jesus Christ. It was in all our newspaper's yesterday.

My life revolves around poetry, LOL. It doesn't have to ryhme it just has to have a topic good or bad. It was one of the best I have read in a long time. It kinda says to me (So I may not be right) That we have to not shun people w/ deppression, saddness, or problems, Even this one gunman. We need to help thoes people not let them go till they do a tragic thing. Am I Right???tt101

BTW That poem made me cry I t was ummm... BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Yes, you got it right.

My point was that we do need to help these people because we never know what's going through their head. You could help save lifes by just giving a person a kind word and being their friend.

You hit the bullseye. ;]

*Thank you! It means alot.*

What bugged me was the gunman saying that he was going to die like Jesus Christ. It was in all our newspaper's yesterday.

I didn't hear 'bout that.

How sad- his mind was so twisted...

Jesus did not commit suicide.

I love writing poems. They are a great way to express creativity and strong feelings and skill. Yours had a nice meaning, but the poem itself was just alright to me. Sorry.

Really?I didn't hear 'bout that.

How sad- his mind was so twisted...

Jesus did not commit suicide.
Yup, he made a video and in it he said he was going to die like Jesus Christ. He said he was going to die and inspire future generations.

It's sick.

Thats great! I cryed a little-it's so sad those things. I absolutly love it!

Great Job!


I love writing poems. They are a great way to express creativity and strong feelings and skill. Yours had a nice meaning, but the poem itself was just alright to me. Sorry.
No need to be sorry.

[For future poems] what didn't you like about it? Was it weak in areas, poor word choice or just something that didn't catch your likings?

As long as I get the meaning out I'm happy.

[SIZE=10pt]Actually your poem sounds really good :] I could never make something like that xD. I love how you made the font's, and underlines. Have you shared with anybody else besides tamatalk? You seem like a really good writer =), Have you tried being a Minister, preacher, or poem writer? Because you sound really good[/SIZE] FANTASTIC at it.
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Wow, that was very good... You could become a writer!


[SIZE=10pt]Actually your poem sounds really good :] I could never make something like that xD. I love how you made the font's, and underlines. Have you shared with anybody else besides tamatalk? You seem like a really good writer =), Have you tried being a Minister, preacher, or poem writer? Because you sound really good[/SIZE] FANTASTIC at it.
T'ank you.

I showed my best friend, her mom and my mom. Besides Tamatalk and those few people [and myself which is a given xD] no one knows about it.

I wouldn't become a pastor but I do like talking and presenting. I think I may become an Apolgetics person [i don't know the name for the person]. They talk and write and all that stuff. *nod nod*

I guess I went wrong in the head ^_^ but i love the poem. its good rate from 1-10=9.

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I guess I went wrong in the head :( but i love the poem. its good rate from 1-10=9.
You shot someone? o.0

I'm thinking you didn't part of it.

The part about going wrong in the head isn't about the people who are loving and help other it was about the one who shot the people.

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