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tama star

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
[SIZE=14pt]Hi! This log is going to be just about my pochitchi but I have a log about my mametchi [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]and my tarakotchi [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]too![/SIZE] :D [SIZE=14pt]<--This is my log!!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]My tamagotchi is a clear purple version 2! My pochitchi is a girl called Globe. My old pochitchi was called Angel! I will reply again later when Globe does anything like sing, or come up close to the screen or brush her teeth! Bye for now! From tama star and [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Globe.[/SIZE] :D [SIZE=14pt]Pluto my mametchi wanted to say good-bye too! ----> Bye! :mametchi: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Oh yeah and I forgot to say. I might put my mametchi in this log too! I'm off to make a topic about it in "What's on your mind?". [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]P.S. I am going to put the typing about my [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]mametchi in red [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]and the typing about my [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]pochitchi in purple.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]I have decided that this log is going to be about my mametchi too!!!!!!! [/SIZE] :D

[SIZE=14pt]Globe my pochitchi has brushed her teeth twice, watched the easter bunny push an egg accross the screen twice, started singing to me once and come up close to the screen once![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Just 5 seconds after I posted my last post in this log Globe started to brush her teeth which was sooooooo cute! I will hopefully reply again later. Bye for now, from tama star and Globe! :D [/SIZE]

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[SIZE=14pt]Yesterday Globe came up close to the screen again and it was soooooo cute! She also watched the easter bunny again for some reason. It was probably because I haven't been putting my tama to the right time. There is nothing to say about my mametchi because it has run out of batterys. I am getting another battery for it tomorrow! :marumimitchi: ;) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]My mametchi has not got anouther battery yet. Globe the pochitchi is singing at this very moment! :furawatchi: :rolleyes: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Globe my pochitchi is now 5 years old and I am not going to let her grow anymore! ^_^ [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Today my pochitchi connected with a oniontchi called Sky. Do you like my new avatar by the way?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]My mametchi still hasen't got new batterys yet but I am hoping to get some next week.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Globe the pochitchi is doing fine. She has just been playing with all of her items. Pochitchis look really cute when they are:[/SIZE]


Playing jump ( their ears flap about! )


Playing bump,


jumping for joy,


using the cape,


using the skateboard,


Using roller blades.


I could go on forever telling you the things that make pochitchis look cute but I have to go offline soon. Bye! ]


from tama star and Globe. :wacko:

[SIZE=14pt]Awwww! Globe just came up close to the screen and it was so cute when she opened her mouth! :wacko: [/SIZE]

This is what my tamas look like: <_< :D


Guess what!!!!


I have just won a competition for the best avatar!!!!!!!!


Globe hasen't done anything intresting yet. :pochitchi:

[SIZE=14pt]Theese are some pictures of what all my tamagotchis look like at the moment.[/SIZE]





