My Pink With Flowers V2's Log


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
Ok, Shang is a 4 year old takotchi.

I really don't expect him to get alot of GP I only have 1275.

I hope to mate him with Mulan.

Lo there!

Shang mated with Mulan at age 4. Defeating the rumor that your tamagotchi has two be at least 5 to mate. Anyways I did not want my Shangy to go! :kuribotchi: x 10000000000

Mimi is a child now so I can take Zira (Shangs baby girl) off pause. I named him after Zira in the lionking 2. Next baby boy will be named Kovu.

Hi! Zira has nothing new exept she was taken to my before/after school program. I might mate her with James. . . I don't know.

I need awhile to think about it. Anyawys that is all with Zira


Hunger: 4/4

Happiness: 4/4

Training: 9/9

Age: 2

weight:35 lbs

Current activity: playing with ball

She is still a butterflytchi. I saw her come up close a few times. Cute! Ya know, if you rwad my old log, My tama log you would have read about david. I still miss him up to this very day! I took her to my before/after school program, drew a picture of my baby and what I think her family would be like. She had flowers for antennas! All I have to say. Bye.

~ Zira and Nad

Nothing new. I am waiting till march to get my V3. In the mean time I have Zira. Nothing happend, she is now 5 years old.

~Nad and Zira

Zira mated with a toratchi from the matchmaker. I hope to get a mametchi this generation. She has a baby boy I am going to name Jappy(X)! Nothing else is really new exept I am going to war with Mimi and James to mate. But that is another story.


Zira is till with her Jappy. She will leave tonight or layer today cause she is 8. I tried to make her go but she won't. But I have my hands full with Tama, her Nefue. (Did I spell that right?) So I don't need another tama baby right now.


I had to pause Roth while I went to sleep cause it was my bedtime. Babytchis/petitchis don't have bedtimes. He is awake now. I will post when he is a toddler.


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