My P1 Log


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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
This is continued from the stuff I wrote about my P1 in my V3 log. I decided to keep the two logs separate.

If you read my V3 log, you will know that Milton, my P1, is currently a 4-year-old Tamatchi. I am trying to raise a Ginjirotchi. Someone said that you can do it by disciplining 50 or 75% and letting the hearts empty twice to two empty. I disciplined 75%; Milton called for the last discipline I'm giving him today, and I let the hearts empty as they should. Now I have to just ignore the last discipline and take perfect care the rest of the time.

I really want a Ginjirotchi. It's by far my favorite character on the P1.

I ignored Milton's final call for discipline this afternoon. Shortly after, he got sick. It took two inocculations to get him well again. So I took care of him well the rest of the day. Playing games, feeding, cleaning up poop. Tomorrow he becomes an adult: the moment of truth. I'm a little worried that maybe I took too good of care of him and will end up with a Mametchi :angry:

Oh glorious day! At 2:08 PM, Milton became a Ginjirotchi! It's so cute, he twirls around the screen like a little ballerina. He's so adorable. He pooped shortly after he evolved. Then he went down a happy heart, so I played with him. I should probably check on him now, but he's probably not as needy now that he's an adult.

Milton is starting to go. His hearts are dropping more rapidly now. That's a bad sign. I don't want him to leave so soon. He's too cute to go that soon :furawatchi: I have a hard time letting go of my first ones. But it has to happen. I'm just going to have to be strong. I'll get through this, I'm sure.

*Yes* it's been a long time. I've been too busy playing Diddy Kong Racing DS. So busy that all of Milton's hungry hearts emptied and 3 of his happy hearts. I fed him, then did something I never do: fed him snacks. He is, if you will. I have a funny feeling he's going to go back to his home planet tomorrow. He's just really descending from where he was when he first became an adult. And I believe the average lifespan of a Ginjirotchi is 13 years. I'll see for myself.

Today was a very sad day. I was taking a spinning class at the gym, and the music was too loud for me to hear Milton's beeping for attention. When I got off the bike, I heard: Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep...BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! Then the angel display showed up. Milton has returned to his home planet. He was 17 years old.

My next Tama I'm raising, Frobert, is a bouncing happy Marutchi. I don't know what I'm trying to turn him into. I think I'll just take care of him without giving too much thought into the character.

Frobert is feisty as ever. He's a Tamatchi, just like Milton was. Tomorrow, he's going to change. I missed two calls for discipline, so I don't know how good of a character I'll get. And I've been a bit lazy and letting him beep at me for attention. He was sick about 15 minutes ago, and he was cured by 2 innoculations. He almost got attacked by a spill of pork-flavored Ramen, but I saved him. I live in a rainy climate so I have to protect him from moisture. But there's just as many hazards indoors as outdoors :eek:

Well, today, I was hanging around, minding my own business, out and about. I didn't remember that I had left Frobert on silent. So I didn't hear it when he changed. I looked down and I saw: a Masktchi. Wow. That's my average character. I'm going to try and turn it into the secret character. That should be an interesting experience :furawatchi:

I think you have to take perfect care of a Masktchi to get the secret character. That means I'll have to stay up a little later than usual; it sleeps from 11 PM-11 AM, which is pretty tedious, but I'll deal with it. And if I get tired, my mom will deal with it :unsure:

Frobert's hanging on there. Still no change yet. I don't know if it will happen; I let his hearts accidentally empty to two empty on hunger a few times. Other than that everything's been perfect. Hopefully I can still get the secret character.

I now have a Masktchi on both my P1 and my V3. They look different, however. I like the old one better.

No sign of a change in Frobert yet, except getting sick last night. But I think that may be because his time on Earth might almost be up. It's sad, too, because it feels like I've had him for such a short time. I've been neglecting him a bit today, letting his hearts drop down to two empty each a couple times, so I'm not sure if he will change. I'll just have to wait and see.

Frobert has passed on. He was 14. I haven't hatched another one yet; I'm going to start regular school soon and I don't know if Tama's are allowed there. I wear my P1 around my neck. That's why it's so concerning. I need to change the battery anyway. The LCD is messed up. But I can fix it; just change the battery. I will miss Frobert and I will remember him always.

Just in case you're wondering, he stayed a Masktchi. I guess you really do have to take PERFECT care to get the secret character.

I apologize for the lack of updates. My P1 is on a bit of a hiatus because I have discontinued homeschooling. I plan to start it up again over spring break, then will be running my Tama's over the summer, so pretty soon, I'll have another Tama running on this unit. Just be patient :huh:

haha i messed u up but i love your writing it is one of the most descriptive ive ever seen ;) :gozarutchi: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

*dusts this log* I haven't touched this is how long? I don't know. But I'm touching it now.

Last week I was on vacation from school. After I got out of school the last day before break, I hatched Manny. Manny went from a Babytchi to a Marutchi to a Kuchitamatchi, and was not much trouble at all. I was a little negligent in the beginning, but I improved once I saw the sign of my carelessness (a Kuchitamatchi). Nevertheless, I ended up with a Nyorotchi. Manny was sick 3 times as an adult, then passed away at age 8.

I'm going to start taking care of my P1 regularly now. But I'm going to make it sleep while I'm in school. Don't worry; this log's not going to die anytime soon :huh:


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